Also in a function, there can’t be two pairs with the same first
A function assigns exactly one element of
one set to each element of other sets.
A function is a rule that assigns each input
exactly one output.
A function f from A to B is an assignment of
exactly one element of B to each element of
A (where A and B are non-empty sets).
A function f from set A to set B is represented
as f: A ⇢ B where A is called the domain of f
and B is called as codomain of f.
If b is a unique element of B to element a of
A assigned by function F then, it is written as
f(a) = b.
Function f maps A to B means f is a function
from A to B i.e. f: A ⇢ B
Domain of a function:
∴ Function f is one-one.
Many-One function:
A function f: A ⇢ B is said to be a
many-one function if two or more
elements of set A have the same
image in B.
A function f: A ⇢ B is a many-one
function if it is not a one-one
f: A ⇢ B is many-one
⇒ a ≠ b but f(a) = f(b) for all
a, b ∈ A
For example f : R R given by f(x) = x2 + 1 is
many one.
Onto function( or Surjective Function):
Let X and Y be two sets with m and n elements and a function
is defined as f : X->Y then,
A function f: A ⇢ B is said to be
an into a function if there exists
an element in B with no pre-
image in A.
A function f: A⇢ B is into function
when it is not onto.
Bijective Function or One-One Onto
for all a, b ∈ A
onto i.e. for each b ∈ B, there
exists a ∈ A such that f(a) = b.
One-One Into function:
f(a) = b ↔ g(b) = a
Invertible function