Function(s) PDF
Function(s) PDF
Function(s) PDF
To determine if a function is onto, you need to know information about both set A and set B.
Function (cont.…)
Geometrically: For a function to be onto, each horizontal line
contains at least one point of g (i.e., the function).
Example) Is g(x) = x² − 2 an onto function where g: ℝ → ℝ?
This function (a parabola) is NOT ONTO.
Values less than −2 on the y-axis are never used. Since only
certain y-values belonging to the set of ALL Real numbers are
used, we see that not ALL possible y-values are used (such as,
− 3, −4, …).
In addition, this parabola also has y-values that are paired
with more than one x-value, such as (3, 7) and (−3, 7) (i.e.,
horizontal line test!).
This function will not be one-to-one.
Function (cont.…)
Example) Is g(x) = x² − 2 an onto function where g: ℝ → [−2, ∞)?
If set B (the range) is redefined to [−2, ∞), ALL the possible y-values are now used, and
function g(x) (under this conditions) is ONTO.
Note: This function is still NOT one-to-one.
To make this function both onto and one-to-one, we would also need to restrict A, the domain.
Question) What change(s) we should make in the domain of above example to make it one-to-one.
What about g: [0, ∞) → [−2, ∞)?
One-to-one correspondence (or both one-to-one and onto functions): A function f from A (the
domain) to B (the range) is BOTH one-to-one and onto when no element of B is the image of more
than one element in A, AND all elements in B are used (i.e., all the elements of B has a pre-image).
to as Bijective. Functions which are both, one-to-one (Injective) and onto (Surjective), are
Function (cont.…)
Question) Determine whether the following function is one-to-one:
f = {(1,2), (3,4), (5,6), (8,6), (10, −1)}
Question) Prove that the function f(n) = n2 is one-to-one.
Proof) Aim: To prove that whenever f(m) = f(n) ⟹ m = n.
Function f: BOTH One-to-one and Onto
Each used element of B is used only once Assume that f(m) = f(n) for two numbers m, n ∈ ℕ. Therefore,
f x1 = f x2 ⇒ x1 = x2
All elements in B are used
m2 = n2 ⟹ m = ±n
∀y ∈ B ∃x ∈ A: f x = y Next, splitting cases on n, we have
For n ≠ 0, −n ∉ ℕ, therefore m = n for this case.
For n = 0, we have m = n = 0. Therefore, it follows that m = n
for both cases.
f1 is not onto because it does not have any element n such that f1 n = 3.
f2 is not onto because there exists no element n such that f2 (n) = 1.
f3 is not one-to-one since f3 (2) = f3 (1) = 1.