Unemployment, Self-
Employment and
Employment refers to the
state of having a paid job. It
also refers to work done as an
occupation to earn a living.
What is Unemployment?
refers to the situation
where a person
actively seeks work,
but cannot or is
unable to find a job.
Unemployed persons are
* laid off for one reason or * are temporarily ill
another * are awaiting results of job
* are not interested and are not applications
looking for a job * resident but do not have
* are awaiting results from employment status
examination * retired people
* are full-time students
Reasons for Unemployment
Lack of skills
Not educated enough/lack
Cuts in government spending
Loss of markets
Reasons for Unemployment
Introduction of technology in
the workplace
Seasonal jobs
Problems Associated with Unemployment
Increase in crime e.g. burglary or
sale of illegal substances
Financial problems- individuals may
not be able to buy their basic needs
Loss of wealth, savings and property
because of the inability to pay loans.
Problems Associated with Unemployment
Fall in productivity
* Farmers
* Florists
* Fishermen
* Taxi-drivers
* Street Vendors
* Shop Keepers
* Entertainers
* Tradesmen etc.
Benefits of Self-Employment
Self-employment allows you to:
* Set your own rules
* Be independent * Get the help of family
* Set your own goals and pace;
members who are willing to be
you can work in the business with you
* Design strategies to achieve * Be always employed as long as
your goals you want to and as long as the
* Fashion your own career
venture remains viable.
Self-employment allows you to:
* Work whenever you want to and choose your own work place and
conditions of work.