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Transmission and Control

Lecturer: Liu Yun long

Phone : 13609823938

Wechat ID: sau_lyl

Office: Mechanical Building, room 409

Lab: Mechanical Building, room 302

Course introduction

This course is an important course of mechanical and

electronic engineering. It provides a basic introduction of
the operating principle, characteristics and application of
motors and electrical control (relay control and
Programmable Logic Controller) of electromechanical
transmission control system. The course puts emphasis on
making students grasp the basic principles of electrical
control system, and promoting students’ ability to design,
program and debug a simple electrical control system.

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Study Objective
 Understand electrical drive.
 Understand the construction and working principle
of motor.
 Understand the characteristics of motor.
 Control motor by relay and contactor.
 Control motor by PLC

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Reference books
1. Fundamentals of Electric Drives . Mohamed A.EL-
Sharkawi, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 2000

2. Electric motors and control systems. Frank Petruzella,


3. Industrial Motor Control. 7th Edition. Stephen L.

Herman, Delmar, Cengage Learning.2014

4. Programmable logic controllers .Fifth edition. Frank

D. Petruzella, McGraw-Hill Education.2017
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Mid exam:20%
Final exam:30%
Quiz: 10%
Homework : 20%
Attendance: 20%

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Chapter 1

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Study Objectives

● Understand the concept of electrical

● Describe the basic components of an
electrical drive system.
What is Electrical Drive?
Electrical drives convert electrical energy
into mechanical energy and serve as the
intermediary between the electrical supply
system, the energy source, and the driven
machine, the energy consumer.

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Multi-machine system for speed control
Classification of Electrical Drives
• Group drive
• Individual drive
• Multi-motor drive
Classification of Electrical Drives
• Group drive
Classification of Electrical Drives
• Individual drive
Classification of Electrical Drives
• Multi-motor drive
1.2 Basic components of an electric drive
General elements of electronic drive system

 Mechanical load
 Motor
 Power sources
 Converter
 Controller

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a simplified model

Functional blocks of an electric drive

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 Mechanical load

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 Mechanical load

● Torque independent of speed

● Torque linearly dependent on speed
● Torque proportional to the square of
● Torque inversely proportional to speed

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 Motor

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 Power source

● AC
● DC

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 Converter

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 Converter

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 Converter

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 Converter

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 Controller

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Functional blocks of a modern electrical drive
Electric motor

The heart of every electrical drive is its

electric motor. It acts as an energy
transformer, converting the electrical
energy supplied to mechanical
energy. In generating operation, e.g. when
braking, the energy flow is in the opposite
direction: mechanical energy is then
converted back into electrical energy.
Motor encoder

A motor-mounted encoder (motor encoder)

determines actual quantities such as rotary
speed, speed, and position and makes these
available to the signal electronics.

A brake assists the controller in braking the

motor and prevents the motor from moving
when the controller is switched off. Particularly
when handling suspended loads, e.g. robotic
arms, elevators, and hoists, the brake holds the
mechanical system tight even when the drive is

A gearbox is a mechanical transformer. It

matches the mechanical quantities
supplied by the motor such as speed and
torque to those required by the driven
A further task is to convert the rotary motion
of a motor into a linear movement where
Switchgear and protection equipment

Switchgear and protection equipment

disconnect the electrical drive from the supply
when necessary and protect the drive and
supply cables from overload. Overloading can
be caused by the driven machine itself or be
the result of a fault in the drive.

A controller consists of a power section and

signal electronics:
the power section “portions” the electrical energy
to the motor and therefore influences the
mechanical energy delivered by the motor.
The power section of modern electrical drives is
based on power semiconductors. These act as
electrical switches, switching the flow of
electrical energy to the motor on and off.
Integrated measurement systems measure the
electrical currents and voltages and make these
available to the signal electronics.

the signal electronics is the “brain” of an

electrical drive. It determines the control
signals for the power section so that the
desired power or movement is delivered at the
motor shaft.
A fixed- Example
speed drive
with an
us motor
and soft
starter is to
be used to
control the
level in a
supply tank.
The water level is monitored using three sensors.
The drive is operated as a two-state controller.
When the water level falls beyond a minimum
value, the drive is switched on until the level
reaches a maximum value. The drive is then
switched off.
For gentle starting and stopping a soft starter is
used. If due to a fault the water level should reach
the overflow, then as a precautionary measure the
whole drive is disconnected from the power
主观题 10 分

1.What is electrical drive?

正常使用主观题需 2.0 以上版本雨课堂

主观题 10 分

2.Draw the functional blocks of an electric

drive system and describe the function of
each part.

正常使用主观题需 2.0 以上版本雨课堂


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