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Presented by
Ms. Hetal
2nd Year
M.Sc. Nursing
Gokul nursing
Statement of the problem

A study to assess the effectiveness of

planned teaching programme on
knowledge regarding prevention and
management of hypertension among
people of selected villages in
Siddhpur taluka.
• Hypertension is the leading cause of
cardiovascular disease. Worldwide prior to,
population data suggest that hypertension
prevalence was decreasing; however, recent
data suggest that it is research. Hypertension
prevalence has also been increasing in other
countries and an estimate 972 million people
in are suffering from this problem. Incidence
rates of hypertension range between 3-18
depending age, gender, ethnicity, body size of
population studied. Despite advances in
hypertension treatment control rates continue
to be suboptimal.
Need of the study
• A Worldwide, approximately 1 billion people have
hypertension, contributing to more than 7.1 million
deaths per year.
• Recent studies from India have shown the
prevalence of HTN to be 25% in urban and 10% in
rural people in India. According to the WHO
estimate, the prevalence of raised BP in Indian's is
32.5% (33.2% in men and 31.7% in women.).
• The prevalence of hypertension in men from Gujarat
urban population was 48.5% and in women 39.39.
%. Overall analyses suggested optimal BMI average
of 25.5 from adult of Gujarat urban population.
Overall, the prevalence dramatically increase in
patients older than 60 years; in many countries, 50%
of individuals in this age group have hypertension.
Objective of the study

• 1) To assess the knowledge regarding

prevention and management of
hypertension among people of selected
villages in Siddhpur taluka.
• 2) To assess the effectiveness of planned
teaching programme on knowledge
regarding prevention and management of
hypertension among people of selected
villages in Siddhpur taluka.
• 3) To find out the association of the
knowledge with their selected
demographic variables.
• H0: there will be no significant relation
between the pre test and post test
knowledge regarding prevention and
management of hypertension among people
of selected villages in Siddhpur taluka.
• H1: there will be significant relation
between the pre test and post test
knowledge regarding prevention and
management of hypertension among people
of selected villages in Siddhpur taluka.
Research Methodology
• Research approach- A quantitative research
• Research design- pre experimental one group
pre test post test design
• Research setting- selected villages in Siddhpur
• Sample size- 100
• Sampling techniques- Non probability
convenient sampling
• Selection of tool for collection- self structured
knowledge questionnaire
• Intervention- Planned teaching programme
• The reliability of tool found to be r= 0.75 which
indicate that tools was reliable
Criteria for the sample selection
Inclusion criteria
• People present at the time of data
• Age group between 20-60 years.
• People who can read and understand
English, Guajarati.
Exclusion criteria:
• The people who are not willing to
participate in the study.
• Person that mentally ill.
• Person that have hypertension.
• Those who are belong to medical
• Analysis and interpretation of knowledge of the
samples regarding prevention and
management of hypertension.

Knowledge score
Level of Pre test Post test
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Poor 42 42% 0 0%

Adequate 48 48% 32 32%

Good 10 10% 68 68%

The conclusions drawn from the finding of the study
are as follows:
• The ’T’ test is done to find the effect of planned
teaching programme. It revealed that there is
highly significant gain of knowledge after the
administration of intervention. The ’T’ value is
19.06 and research hypothesis is accepted and null
hypothesis is rejected. The pre test and post test
mean % is 40.44% and 66.92% and different is
26.48%. So knowledge is increase after
intervention. This indicates that the planned
teaching programme is effective in increasing the
knowledge regarding prevention and management
of hypertension.

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