Introduction To DBMS, DB Application, Purpose of DB

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nt System
Course Outcomes (COs)

CO1: Construct ER Model for a given database application. [K3,

CO2: Design relational schema using database design principles.
[K3, S2]
CO3: Identify the Key Constraints for relations and devise queries
using SQL. [K4, S3]
CO4: Apply indexing techniques to access and generate user
reports for a database. [K3, S2]
CO5: Building Web Applications using PHP & MySQL. [K5, S3]
CO6: Illustrate the concepts for transaction processing and
concurrency control for RDBMS. [K3, S2]

Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, and S. Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”, Sixth
Edition, McGraw-Hill.2011.

R. Elmasri and S. Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Sixth Edition, Pearson

Education, 2011.

Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, 3nd Edition,

McGraw Hill, 2003.

Thomas M. Connolly and Carolyn E. Begg, “Database Systems - A Practical Approach to

Design, Implementation and Management”, Fifth edition, Pearson Education, 2010.

C.J.Date, A.Kannan and S.Swamynathan, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, Eighth

Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.
 Database:
 Collection of related data
 Information relevant to an enterprise

 Collection of interrelated data
 Set of programs to access those data

 Primary Goal:
 Store and retrieve database information
 Convenient and efficient.

 Database systems:
 Defining structures for storage
 Mechanism for manipulation
 Safety and security
Data, Information and
 Data – Raw facts
 Information – Collection of related data
 Knowledge – Facts or information gained by experience
What is Data?
 Data is an unprocessed set of inputs,
which is not self-explanatory. We need
to comprehend the idea of data. Data
is a collection of facts about the object
of interest.
 For e.g. data about a student would
include information like name,
address, roll no, subjects, marks etc.
 Software Applications need to store
data as it is required to answer
questions like e.g. how many students
have scored above 90? Data is also
required to convey a story e.g. how a
student is categorized as Top
Requirements from data?
Software Applications that utilizes data are relied upon to meet a few necessities of end-users. Let us take
the example of a Facebook application.
Data… Information …
Data Information Knowledge
 8.7  8.7-19BCS125  19BCS125-A+ Grade
 9.7  9.7-19BCS130  19BCS130-O
 7.2  7.2-19BCS129  19BCS129 B
6  6-19BCS200  19BCS200C
 4.4  4.4-19BCS201  19BCS201F
 Enterprise Information
 Sales
 Accounting
 Human resources
 Manufacturing
 Online retailers

 Banking and Finance

 Banking
 Credit card transactions
 Finance

 Universities
 Airlines
 Telecommunication
What is data?
 Manipulate data

Purpose of  Update the data

Database  Update the data format

Systems  Example:
 Adding new course in a University
 File processing system in OS – Conventional
 Information of Instructors, Students,
department and course offering.
 To manipulate the information- need no of
application programs.
 Extra burden - Add new courses, new rules
to organization.
Purpose of  Result- More files and application programs.
 Example: Add new students, instructor,
 Register students for courses

 Assign grade to students, computer CGPA,

Generate Mark sheet.
 A Database is a shared collection
of logically related data and
description of these data, designed
to meet the information needs of
an organization.
 A Database Management
System(DBMS) is a software
system that enables users to
define, create, maintain, and
control access to the database.
Database Systems typically have
high costs and require high-end
hardware configurations.
 An Application
Program communicates with a
database by issuing an appropriate
request (typically a SQL statement)
Advantage of File
Processing System

Cost Ease of
friendly use
Disadvantage of File
Processing System
Unstructured Difficulty in redundancy
data accessing data and

Integrity Security Atomicity

Data isolation
problem problems problems
 Database Management Systems
offers several functions that help
us overcome problems associated
with file-based systems
 . We will focus on Data
Management, Integrity,
Transaction and Concurrency in
this course. Security, Recovery and
Utilities are out of scope for this
introductory-level course.
Need for DBMS over FPS
 Data Redundancy – Unnecessary repetition of data[Record stud. Info. By each
 i.e the same information may be duplicated in several places (files).
 Data Inconsistency- the various copies of the same data may no longer agree.
 The data across different places and not in common.[Changed info of stud. Not
reflected elsewhere in the system]
 Data Isolation - Scatter different geographical location and different places with
different formats.
 writing new application programs to retrieve the appropriate data is difficult.
 Integrity problem – The data values stored in the database must satisfy certain
types of consistency constraints.[bank balance, limit, Password protection with
different mixing]
 Developers append these constraints in the system by adding appropriate code in
the various application programs.
 when new constraints are added, it is difficult to change the programs to enforce
Need for DBMS over FPS
 Atomicity Problem – The funds transfer[inconsistence] must
be atomic—it must happen in its entirety or
 not at all[consistence].
 DBMS ensure the transaction is completely atomic –rollback
the subsystem problem
 Concurrent Access Anomalies - Interaction of concurrent
updates is possible and may result in inconsistent data.
 the system must maintain some form of supervision.
 Security- Not every user of the database system should be
able to access all the data.
 DBMS gives grant different viewing privileges to different

1.A Database Management System is

a.Collection of interrelated data
b.Collection of programs to access data

2. DBMS is an interface between

a.Database and User
b. Database application and Database
c. Database and SQL
d. Data and Database
 3. Which of the following are disadvantages of file system to store data? [Choose
any THREE]
a. Data redundancy and inconsistency
b. Difficulty in fetching data
c. Data isolation is not present
d. High Cost

4. Which of the following features are provided by DBMS? [Choose ALL that apply]
e. Maintain accuracy of data
f. Utilities for performance analysis and logging
g. Ensure modifications are successful or not done at all
h. Recovery mechanism for data
5. Which of the following is an advantage of database management approach?
a. Data is dependent on programs
b. Data redundancy increases
c. Data can be accessed by multiple programs
d. Multiple users cannot access data concurrently

6. Which of the following features are provided by DBMS? [Choose any TWO]
a.Protect data from system crash
b. Low cost and run on commodity hardware
c. Authorized access
d. Application Dependence on storage mechanism

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