Higher Order Thinking Skills and 21st Century Skills
Higher Order Thinking Skills and 21st Century Skills
Higher Order Thinking Skills and 21st Century Skills
Introduction of Higher-
II. Bloom’s (H.O.T.) and
III. Why Do We Want to Teach
Higher-Order Thinking?
IV. How Do We Teach Higher-
V. The High Investment of
Order Thinking
For decades, public schools prepared children to
be good citizens—and good factory workers.
Students were expected to sit, listen, and do
exactly as they were told.
completing a task with specific steps
(such as being able to solve a two-
variable equation), that study ultimately
describes higher-order thinking as
thinking that is (or involves), that study
ultimately describes
Why Higher-Order Thinking
As economic and technological changes shape
the occupational outlook of today’s students,
schools have begun to embrace the need to instill
“higher-order thinking” to prepare the 21st century
rowth in feelings or
emotional areas (Attitude or
self )
manual or physical skills
While Bloom’s Taxonomy is
Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy
While all three domains are important for a ‘rounded’
it is the first domain , Cognitive that is the subject of
It is thinking that
happens in the analysis,
synthesis, and
evaluation rungs of
Bloom’s ladder.
By contrast, “lower-order
thinking” is simple,
reflex-like, transparent,
and certain.
Higher-Order Thinking Skills
Higher order thinking skills are grounded in lower
order skills such as discriminations, simple
application and analysis, and cognitive strategies
and are linked to prior knowledge of subject matter
Why Higher-Order Thinking
Although most teachers learned about Bloom's
Taxonomy, many seldom challenge students beyond
the first two levels of cognition: knowledge and
of a parallelogram.
Memorizing a formula
Group A
lxh =
l l
lxh =
The students
were led to understand that the method is actually
a simple variation on the “(length) x (width)” =
(area)” formula that they already knew for
Application of the deep conceptual
understanding in problem solving
The students were led to understand that the
method is
actually a simple variation on the “(length) x
(width)” = (area)” formula that they already knew for
Involving problem solving where multiple
are possible
Involving considerable mental energy
toward problem solving
Involving subtle, less-than-obvious
decisions about
Application of
criteria Involving transferal of some (sometimes
Teaching Higher-Order
Uncertainty Involving problems that do
about not provide a clear
starting point
what is Involving some degree of
meta- cognition and self-
known Self- awareness about
strategies being employed
Involving development
and application of new
Imposition of theories onto sets of facts
Teaching Higher-Order Thinking?
If our students can write a persuasive essay, can
they write a letter to their banks requesting a
loan, their senators arguing policy points, or,
someday, their children’s teachers calling for
high expectations for their children?
Teaching Higher-Order Thinking?
fosters student
through self-
monitoring and
(Walqui, 1992).
Meta-cognitive Development
An example is teaching what a "good" reader does
as he or she reads. The actual steps could be
outlined to the students.
allocate time and
energy (“How do I
prioritize my tasks
in order to most
efficiently solve
this problem?”)
Teaching Higher-Order Thinking
Specifically, for a teacher, this means delineating and
teaching specific problem-attack strategies, giving
students time to ponder difficult answers for
themselves, and modeling those strategies by
thinking aloud to solve problems during guided
Teaching Higher-Order Thinking
New Jersey, Susan Asiyanbi realized that many of her
fourth grade math students lacked proficiency in open-
ended questions because of their lack of reading
She then had them break down any higher-order problem
into five steps:
Q. Question,
F. Facts,
S. Strategy,
S. Solve, and
C. Check.
This developmental
progression implies that
students need to have a
certain amount of education,
experience, or practice
before they can become
capable of the highest forms
of thought. . . .
As victims of the
achievement gap, our
students need to make
significant academic
gains just to catch up
with many other
students and to have an
even chance at life’s
Apply a Rule:
The student could be asked to explain why a
shotgun "kicks" when fired. His response would
include a statement to the effect that for every
action there is an equal and opposite reaction
(Newton's Law of Motion), and that the "kick" of the
shotgun is equal to the force propelling the shot
toward its target. The
faster the shot travels and the greater the weight of
the shot, the greater the "kick" of the gun.
Examples of Activities that Promote
Higher Order Thinking
Given several examples of each, the student could be
asked to classify materials according to their physical
properties as gas, liquid, or solid.
The student could be asked to construct a model of a
carbon atom.
Examples of Activities that Promote
Higher Order Thinking
Given several types of plant leaves, the student could
be asked to define at least three categories for
classifying them. NOTE: Defining is not memorizing
and writing definitions created by someone else -- it is
creating definitions.
Given a model of the earth, sun, and moon so devised
that it may be manipulated to show the orbits of the
earth and moon, the student could be asked to
demonstrate the cause of various phases of the moon
as viewed from earth.
Examples of Activities that
Promote Higher Order Thinking
The student could be asked to describe the
conditions essential for a balanced aquarium that
includes four goldfish.
The student could be asked to diagram the life
cycle of a grasshopper.
Examples of Activities that Promote
Higher Order Thinking
Given a list of paired element names, the student
could be asked to distinguish between the metallic and
non-metallic element in each pair.
The student could be asked to estimate the amount of
heat given
off by one liter of air compressed to one-half its
original volume.
Examples of Activities that
Promote Higher Order Thinking
Given several types of materials, the student could
be asked to evaluate them to determine which is
the best conductor of electricity.
Given several types of materials, the student could
be asked to identify those which would be attracted
to a magnet.
Examples of Activities that Promote
Higher Order Thinking
The student could be asked to interpret a weather map
taken from a newspaper.
The student could be asked to locate the position of
chlorine on the periodic table. NOTE: To locate is to
describe location. It is not identification of location.
Examples of Activities that Promote
Higher Order Thinking
Given a container graduated in cubic centimeters, the
could be asked to measure a specific amount of liquid.
The student could be asked to name the parts of an
electromagnet. Order: The student could be asked to
order a number of animal life forms according to their
normal length of life.
Examples of Activities that
Promote Higher Order Thinking
From a description of the climate and soils of an area,
the student could be asked to predict the plant
ecology of the area
The student could be asked to solve the following:
How many grams of H2O will be formed by the
complete combustion of one liter of hydrogen at 70
degrees C?
Examples of Activities that
Promote Higher Order Thinking
State a Rule:
The student could be asked to state a rule that tell
what form the offspring of mammals will be, i.e. they
will be very similar to their parent organisms.
The student could be asked to translate 93,000,000
into standard scientific notation.