Dr.Mohammed Abdalla
Egypt. Domiat General Hospital
Historical points
• (AFLP) was first identified by Sheehan
in 1940
• The name AFLP has replaced
earlier terminologies, “acute yellow
atrophy of pregnancy”
and “acute obstetric fatty metamorphosis
of liver”
Incidence and Characteristics
once in every
7,000 to 11,000
Incidence and Characteristics
• Acute fatty liver of pregnancy most
frequently complicates the third
trimester and is commonly associated
(or complicated ) with preeclampsia (50
to 100 percent).
Riely CA. Hepatic disease in pregnancy. Am J Med
albumin level
prothrombin time
•Cano RI, Delman MR, Pitchumoni CS, et al: Acute fatty liver of pregnancy.
Complication by disseminated intravascular coagulation
•Killam AP, Dillard SH, Patton RC, et al: Pregnancy-induced hypertension
complicated by acute liver disease and disseminated intravascular
coagulation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 123:823, 1975
is less severe
renal involvement
than with toxemia
(a mild proteinuria ,mild
edema and a mild increase
in blood urea nitrogen and
When renal failure is
aggravated, it usually is
impossible to distinguish
from toxemia.
A severe hypoglycemia often
appears at any stage of
the disease, or even
during clinical recovery.
detected clinically
or by ultrasound, is
transient and rarely
(18%) usually is
Maternal mortality
attributed to one of its
complications (gastrointestinal
hemorrhage, bleeding disorder,
renal failure, acute pancreatitis)
but not to liver failure alone.
It often is impossible to immediately
perform a liver biopsy in pregnant
patients with severe coagulation
Therefore, in many cases, it is
necessary to rely on the clinical
and laboratory data and, in the
physician's and obstetrician's
the emergency therapeutic
decisions usually are made
without waiting for a
histologically proven diagnosis.
Liver biopsy is not
indicated for
Riely CA, Latham PS, Romero R, Duffy TP. Acute
fatty liver of pregnancy. A reassessment based on
observations in nine patients. Ann Intern Med
• Ultrasound is most important in the
exclusion of biliary tract disorders, but its
value and the value of CT and MR imaging,
has been considered limited and not
helpful for the diagnosis and management of
patients with AFLP.
•Castro MA, Ouzounian JG, Colletti PM, et
al: Radiologic studies in acute fatty liver of
pregnancy. A review of the literature and
19 new cases. J Reprod Med 41:839, 1996
The mild jaundice.
and modest increase in serum
aminotransferases are important
importance of interrupting
pregnancy may seem
As it noticed in some patients that the
disease does not immediately
improve after delivery
But also that no patient has
yet been reported with a
recovery before delivery.
•Vanjak D, Moreau R, Roche-Sicot J, et al: Intrahepatic cholestasis
of pregnancy and acute fatty liver of pregnancy. An unusual but
favorable association? Gastroenterology 100: 1123, 1991
• Riely CA: Liver diseases of pregnancy. In Kaplowitz N (ed): Liver
and biliary diseases, ed 2. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1996, p
•Reyes H, Sandoval L, Wainstein A, et al: Acute fatty liver of
pregnancy: A clinical study of 12 episodes in 11 patients. Gut
35:101, 1994
•Hou SH, Levin S, Ahola S, et al: Acute fatty liver of pregnancy.
Survival with early cesarean section. Dig Dis Sci 29:449,1984
AFLP should be suspected
when persistent vomiting,
malaise, encephalopathy or
jaundice appear in the final
weeks of pregnancy or in the
early puerperium.
Diagnosis is mainly based
on clinical and laboratory
Liver biopsy is usually confirmatory,if done..