SCIENCE as a term?
Refer to:
Range of disciplines that involves process of discovery
How seasons change, parts of a flower, life cycle of a
frog, matter and energy, and so forth
A. Unit Opener
B. Chapter Opener
C. Lesson Proper
D Lesson Synthesis
E. Assessment
Pictures are
A. Unit not
Opener applications of
Rather, either
they are
remnants of a
culture tackled
in the unit or
depictions of
historical or
social events
The first paragraph of
the unit description
provides the period of
history to be tackled in
the unit. Note how it
The unit number sets the expectations
and the title are of the readers and
also indicated to provides the scope
and limitations of the
situate the unit.
discussion in the
unit in its proper
context and
The succeeding two
paragraphs, on the
other hand tell of
the specific topics
covered in the unit.
They also contain
some details as to
how topics will be
Oftentimes, the lesson
objectives are also
indicated in the lesson
opener. These are the
skills that students are
expected to manifest
after going through the
B. Chapter
The picture in the
chapter opener tells of
an important historical
icon in the civilization
being discussed. In
the case of this
sample lesson, it is
the Trojan Horse, the
Greeks’ key to victory
during the legendary
Reading Tip
The pieces of information in social science
textbooks especially history textbooks presented
either chronologically or thematically. If the
arrangement is chronological, events are
narrated in sequential order. If it is thematic,
issues are tackled according to the categories
they fall under. Knowing the way ideas are
organized in the textbook will help you track the
flow of information more easily and pinpoint the
specific details you need to note.
Maps are commonly found in the history
textbook and other materials in social
sciences. They can help locate specific
places where historical events transpired.
They can also provide information on the
kind of life the people being studied have
or had since geographical location and
topographical features influence a
community’s behavior. Moreover, they can
also help you visualize the discussion in the
1-2: Differences
3: Similarities
• Examine the connection between the discussion
questions and the lesson objectives at the beginning
of a chapter.
• These two portions direct you to the significant parts
of the lesson.
• Assessment tasks in social sciences are comprised of
essay and/or oral examinations. Why don’t you test
your conceptual understanding of the topic by
attempting to write an essay or deliver an oral
presentation based on the lesson’s objectives?
Further, we also uphold the
principle of academic honesty
whenever we cite sources.