Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy Logic was introduced in 1965 by Lofti A. Zadeh in his
research paper “Fuzzy Sets”. He is considered as the father of
Fuzzy Logic.
In other words, we can say that fuzzy logic is not logic that is
fuzzy, but logic that is used to describe fuzziness.
Fuzzy Logic
Take a look at the following diagram. It shows that in fuzzy systems, the
values are indicated by a number in the range from 0 to 1. Here 1.0
represents absolute truth and 0.0 represents absolute falseness.
Classical Set Theory
A set is an unordered collection of different
elements. It can be written explicitly by listing its
elements using the set bracket.
A set of all positive integers.
A set of all the planets in the solar system.
A set of all the states in India.
A set of all the lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Mathematical Representation of a Set
Sets can be represented in two ways −
Roster or Tabular Form
Following are the examples of set in Roster or Tabular Form
Set of vowels in English alphabet, A = {a,e,i,o,u}
Set of odd numbers less than 10, B = {1,3,5,7,9}
Mathematical Representation of a Set(Contd..)
Example − |{1,4,3,5}| = 4,
|{1,2,3,4,5,…}| = ∞
Fuzzy Logic - Set Theory
Fuzzy sets can be considered as an extension and
gross oversimplification of classical sets.
Mathematical Concept
Representation of fuzzy set
Let us now consider two cases of universe of
information and understand how a fuzzy set
can be represented.
Operations on Fuzzy Sets
Having two fuzzy sets A˜ and B˜, the universe of information U 𝑈 and
an element 𝑦 of the universe, the following relations express the union,
intersection and complement operation on fuzzy sets.
Union/Fuzzy ‘OR’
Let us consider the following representation to understand how
the Union/Fuzzy ‘OR’ relation works −
Intersection/Fuzzy ‘AND’
Let us consider the following representation to
understand how the Intersection/Fuzzy
‘AND’ relation works −
Rules Evaluation
Rules Evaluation
Fuzzy Logic
Flexible machine learning technique
Mimicking the logic of human thought
Logic may have two values and represents two
possible solutions
Fuzzy logic is a multi valued logic and
allows intermediate values to be defined
Provides an inference mechanism which can
interpret and execute commands
Fuzzy systems are suitable for uncertain
or approximate reasoning
Fuzzy Logic Vs Bivalued Logic
Bivalued logic can have only two possible
values as 0/1, yes/no, right/wrong etc
Fuzzy logic can be multi valued. It can have
relative values like yes, not, not so much, a
little bit etc.
Characteristics of Fuzzy Logic
Exact reasoning is viewed as a limiting case
of approximate reasoning
Everything is a matter of degree
Knowledge is interpreted as a collection of
elastic or equivalently fuzzy constraints on a
collection of variables
Inference is viewed as a process of
propagating elastic constraints
Any logical system can be fuzzified
Fuzzy Set
Let X be a non empty set, A fuzzy set A in X is
characterized by its membership function μA:
X -> [0,1], where μA(x) is the degree of
membership of element x in fuzzy set A for
each x ∈ X
Membership Function
Maps elements of a fuzzy set to real numbered
values in the interval 0 to 1.
The curve representing the mathematical
function is a membership function that
determines the degree of belonging of
member x to the fuzzy set T.
The process of transforming crisp(bivalued)
input values into linguistic values is called
Steps of Fuzzification:
Step 1: Inputvalues are translated
into linguistic concepts, which are
represented by fuzzy set.
Operations on Fuzzy set
Union of Fuzzy Set
The union of A and B is defined as (A ∪ B)(x) =
max{A(x), B(x)} = A(x)∪B(x), ∀ x ∈ X, as
demonstrated in figure
Operations on Fuzzy set
Complement of Fuzzy Set
The complement of a fuzzy set A is defined as
(~ A)(x) = 1 - A(x) as demonstrated in figure
Operations on Fuzzy set
Equality of Fuzzy Sets
Let A and B are fuzzy sets on classical set X. A
and B are said to be equal, denoted as A = B if
A ⊂ B and B ⊂ A. That is A = B, if and only if
A(x) = B(x) ∀ x ∈ X
Types of Fuzzy Function
Quasi-Fuzzy Membership Functions:
The membership function follows a quasi
curve. A quasi curve is a real line with a
normal fuzzy convex and a continuous
membership function satisfying the limit
conditions as below:
Types of Fuzzy Function
Triangular Fuzzy Membership Functions:
The membership curve follows a triangular
shape then it is triangular membership
function. Fuzzy function A is called
triangular fuzzy function(A=a,α,β) with
peak a, left width α>0 and right width β>0
Types of Fuzzy Function
Trapezoidal Fuzzy Membership Functions:
The membership curve follows a trapezoidal
shape. Fuzzy function A is called
triangular fuzzy function(A=a,α,β) with
tolerance interval [a, b], left width α and
right width β
Linguistic Variable
A variable whose values are words or sentences
in natural language. Example: Temperature is
linguistic variable if it takes values hot, cool,
warm, comfortable etc.
The framework of linguistic variable is given as
(X, Lx, χ, µx) where
X denotes the symbolic name of linguistic
Lx is a set of linguistic values that X can take
χ is the physical domain that defines crisp
µx is a fuzzy function that maps
linguistic terms of variables to the equivalent
crisp values.
Fuzzy Propositions
A fuzzy proposition is a statement that drives a
fuzzy truth value.
Fuzzy Connectives: Fuzzy connectives are used
to join simple fuzzy propositions to make
compound propositions. Examples of fuzzy
connectives are:
Fuzzy Rules
The power and flexibility of simple
If-Then-Else logic rules is enhanced
by adding linguistic parameter.
Fuzzy rules are expressed in the form:
IF variable IS set THEN action
IF temperature is very cold THEN stop air
IF temperature is normal THEN adjust air
IF temperature
. is hot THEN start air conditioner
Limitations of Fuzzy Systems
Fuzzy systems lack the capability of machine
learning as-well-as neural network type
pattern recognition
Verification and validation of a fuzzy
knowledge-based system require extensive
testing with hardware
Determining exact fuzzy rules and
membership functions is a hard task
Stability is an important concern for fuzzy
Applications of Fuzzy Logic
Automatic control system
Prediction, diagnostic and advisory systems
User interface and neural language processing
Domestic appliances and embedded systems
Soft computing and hybrid systems
with artificial neural networks
Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI)
circuits controller micro
Fuzzy expert system and fuzzy
Thank You