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a. Ask students to bring out a bond paper.
b. Ask them to write their slogan (action) about global
issues of today.
c. After 5 minutes, ask students to paste their output
on the board.
Introduction to Global
Peace and Security
Global peace and security are essential for the well-being of all
nations and their citizens. It involves maintaining a stable and
secure environment on a global scale.
Understanding the Concept of Peace
1 Mutual Respect 2 Conflict Resolution 3 Collaborative
Peace stems from It involves the
mutual respect and constructive Peace is achieved
understanding resolution of through
among individuals conflicts and collaborative efforts
and nations. differences. and empathy.
The Importance of Global Peace
and Security
Human Prosperity Environment Preservation
Global peace fosters economic and It promotes the conservation of
social prosperity around the world. natural resources and protects the

Social Justice
Peace ensures equality and social justice for all individuals.
The Role of Individuals in
Promoting Peace

Unity Compassion Equality

Individuals can promote Compassion leads to Promoting equality
peace through fostering empathy and helps in among all individuals
unity and understanding. resolving conflicts contributes to global
peacefully. peace.
International Organizations
Working Towards Peace

193 75 5
UN Member States UN Peacekeeping Security Council
Missions Members
UN has deployed over 75
peacekeeping missions
since its inception.
Challenges to Global Peace and

Terrorism Political Conflicts Climate Change

Threats from global Political disputes Environmental
terrorism pose among nations can lead degradation contributes
significant challenges to instability. to growing security
to peace. concerns.
Conclusion and Call to Action

Educational Initiatives 1
Educational programs can
promote peace awareness and
conflict resolution. 2 Advocacy and Activism
Advocacy efforts play a vital
role in addressing global peace
Policy Development 3 challenges.
Effective policies are crucial in
establishing sustainable peace
and security.
a. The class will be divided into four groups.
b. Each group will be given specific global issue which
includes slavery, corruption, human trafficking,
territory which they will rally and talk in the class
c. Each group will be given 5 minutes to prepare and
3 minutes for the presentation.
An Oath or A Promise

Individual Activity
• Make an oath or promise to your country
in promoting global peace and security.

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