1 7 Referencing

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• Referencing is about acknowledging the sources of

information used in either written or oral scholarly work
or text.
• References are therefore, a list of texts used in an
academic work.
• Bibliography however, is a list of recommended readings
on a given topic which may or may not have been used or
cited in a scholarly text (document).
Justification for Referencing
• Helps the reader to find the original source if they wish
to verify or read more on the topic.
• Standardising the way scholars write.
• Protecting the intellectual property rights of writers
from plagiarism.
• Continuity of research and intellectual development
because it shows what is already done by others.
• Plagiarism involves deliberately or inadvertently presenting
someone else's ideas as your own. It is academic theft. It is
• It applies to direct quotations, summarised and
paraphrased arguments.
• Plagiarism is treated very seriously and usually results in
suspension of student, withdrawal of academic title, legal
repercussions, or a fail in assignment or research project.
In-text citation

• Citing within the text of an assignment; include the author(s)

surname(s), year of publication and page number (for direct
Examples: In-text Citation (Single
• As Mwale (1993: 47) points out “it is a peculiarity of
academic learning that its focus is not the world itself but
others views of that world.” (direct quotation) (at the
beginning of sentence, or in between).
• Roberts (2008) suggests the chief cause of plagiarism is
uncertainty about how to cite sources and misconceptions
about referencing terminology. (paraphrased, at the
beginning of sentence).
• “It is a peculiarity of academic learning that its focus is not
the world itself but others views of that world” (Laurillard,
1993: 47). (at the end of sentence).
TWO - Multiple Authors

• A recent study found a possible genetic cause

of alcoholism (Pauling & Liu, 2005).
• Pauling, Liu, and Guo (2005) conducted a study
that discovered a possible genetic cause of
alcoholism……. Pauling et al. (2005) discovered
a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.
• A recent study found a possible genetic cause
of alcoholism (Pauling et al., 2005).
• The advantages of having effective referencing skills are well-
recognised in terms of students having greater control over
their written work, Walker (2009), achieving and sustaining
higher grades, Bruce (2010) and in developing competence as
a writer (Adam, 2009). But, students need to "... be mindful of
the importance of referencing and be consistent in their use at
all times ..." (Palmer, 2010: 11). However, it can be hard for
some students to distinguish between Western surnames and
Western given names, and Palmer (2011) states that "...
students need to read more widely to understand the
differences between Western and British names". The findings
of some researchers show that reading in the target language
is essential for sustained academic progress (Adam, 2012;
Bruce, 2017; Walker, 2010).
More examples
• Drawing on the work of Sayer (2000), Benton and Craib (2001), Nunez, (2014)
and Bhaskar (2016), CR argues for a multi-stratified world, which comprises the
domains of the real, the actual, and the empirical.

• Mukute (2010) and Lindley (2014) have both shown in their studies that giving
attention to underlying generative mechanisms provides for more robust
explanations of the contradictions, which Engeström (2001) suggested must be
analysed as manifestations of deep seated structural tensions.
• Adaptive management as an approach to natural resource management was
first documented by Beverton and Holt (1957) and subsequently Hilling (1978)
and Walters and Hilborn (1978) developed it with the name ‘adaptive
resources management’ (William, 2011). Later Walters (1986) elaborated it
with adaptive decision-making (ibid).
Longer quotations of more than thirty words
• Longer quotations of more than thirty words should be presented
without quotation marks and indented at the left margin.
According to Obama (2006: 219), America:
…should be more modest in our belief that we can impose democracy on a
country through military force. In the past, it has been movements for
freedom from within tyrannical regimes that have led to flourishing
democracies; movements that continue today. This does not mean abandoning our
values and ideals; wherever we can, it’s in our interest to help foster democracy
through the diplomatic and economic resources at our disposal.

• Ellipsis (…) shows that some part of quotation is left out.

Citation of two or more
sources at the same time
• List the items alphabetically according to their authors'
surnames when referencing two or more authors at the same
time. For example:
• Social networking has had a major impact on young people
(Chan & Erickson, 2012; Lam & Bora, 2008).
• The findings of some researchers show that reading in the
target language is essential for sustained academic progress
(Adam, 2012; Bruce, 2017; Walker, 2010).
• If referencing multiple sources by the same author, present
the items in chronological order (oldest to most recent)
E.g. Burns (2006, 2009, 2012) argues that there should be more
Footnote and Endnote
• There are times when you may have to include a footnote or an
endnote to supplement what you have written in the main text.
• A footnote is similar to an endnote in that the content is the same.
• The only difference is that a footnote is placed at the bottom of the
page while an endnote appears at the end of a text like a chapter.
• MS Word, references, is employed to insert footnotes.
Types of footnote and endnotes
a. Copyright permission footnote/endnote is used to give
credit to the source for long quotations, tables or
graphs, and other lengthy information within a text.
b. Content footnote/endnote provides additional
information (notes) to the issues discussed in the text.
They are used to provide long explanatory notes that
could be distracting to readers.
Example of footnote in APA style
The difference between Content and
Copyright footnote in APA style
• Content footnote: 1See Andrews (2014), especially chapter 12, for
more information about citations.

• Copyright footnote: 1From the chapter “Theories of Systems” W.

Jones and R. Smith, 2010, System Exploration, 24, p. 122. Copyright
2007 by Copyright Holder. Reprinted with permission.
Practice: In-text citations
Text 1:
Dommen 1988 characterised African rural communities as
having the ability to work with the environment rather than
attempting to override it. To maintain soil fertility, they use
micro-environments deliberately, make a considered selection
of crop varieties, develop appropriate cultivation practices and
integrate livestock in the cropping system Smalling 1993.
Text 2:

Brogg 2012 observed that training enhances farmers

selection of drought resistant crops. In addition,
experience shows that farmers are adept at choosing
crop combinations appropriate to different sites Adam
2016, capable of withstanding variable rainfall
conditions and which are the most productive during
periods with labour shortages, Norman et al 1987,
Agreya 2003, Otsuka, 2013 .
Text 3:
In Chichewa, thangata has the ironic meaning ‘to assist’.
Thangata was a kind of labour tribute given by the natives to
their chiefs, but the settlers interpreted this self-interestedly to
mean that as new owners they were also entitled to this labour
tribute Drs Peters and Kambewa, 2007, page 5.
Using ibid
• Sometimes you may find (ibid) at the end of a statement. Do not mistake this for
the name of the author(s).
• This shows acknowledgement of the source. However, other referencing styles do
not recommend the use of ibid., for example, other versions of APA referencing
style. Always check if this is acceptable before applying it.
• The word ibid is short for the Latin word ibidem, meaning “in the same place.”
• Modern writers use it in reference notes on a larger written work, giving details
about the origin of information used in the larger text.
• When two consecutive notes come from the same place, the word ibid. is used for
the second note. This saves writing the whole note out again and directs the
reader to the same place that was just referred to in order to find the information.
• Ibid. is an abbreviation of a longer word, so it always has a period (full stop) after
• Phiri (2012:5) observed that training enhances farmers selection of
drought resistant crops. In addition, experience shows that farmers
are adept at choosing crop combinations appropriate to different sites
(Phiri, 2012:5).
• Instead of repeating (Phiri, 2012:5) use ibid. E.g.
• Phiri (2012:5) observed that training enhances farmers selection of
drought resistant crops. In addition, experience shows that farmers
are adept at choosing crop combinations appropriate to different sites
• If the page number is different, use ibid and the page E.g. (ibid. : 10).
The format should conform with the in-text citation for the
referencing style.
Referencing Styles
Referencing Styles
• There are different modes of referencing that can be used in pieces of writing such as
in essays, reports, etc. For example,
• The American Psychologist Association (APA) (1994).
• The Turabian Style (1996).
• The Modern Language of America (MLA) (1999). And many more
• Each manual specifies how books, journals, newspapers, dissertations, etc. are
• Remember to crosscheck with the requirements of the institution, or journal or book,
which referencing style they use.
• Here at LUANAR we use the APA style.
• Remember that there are several versions of these styles. For example, the initial APA
edition went through two revisions: one in 1957, and one in 1967. Subsequent editions
were released in 1974, 1983, 1994, 2001, 2009, and 2019.
• To date, the APA has an 8th edition.
References – (appear at the end of the paper)
1. Books by Single Author
Sheril, R. D. (1956). The Terrifying Future: Contemplating color television. San Diego:
Author surname, Initial. (Year). Title of book (edition). City: Publisher.

2. Book by two or multiple authors

Smith, J. and Peter, Q. (1992). Hairball: An intensive peek behind the surface of an
enigma. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University Press.
Smith, J., Peter, Q. and Andrew, J. (1992). Hairball: An intensive peek behind the surface of
an enigma. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University Press.

Author Surname, Initial(s)., Author Surname, Initial(s). and Author Surname, Initial(s).
(Year). Book title: Subtitle. City: Publisher.
3. Article in an edited book
Mcdonalds, A. (1993). Practical Methods for the Apprehension and
Sustained Containment of Supernatural Entities. In G. L.
Yeager (Ed), Paranormal and Occult Studies: Case studies in
application (42–64). London: OtherWorld Books.

Chapter author surname, Initials. and Chapter author surname,
Initials. (Year). Title of chapter. In Initial. Book author surname and
Initial. Surname (Eds), Title of book (page numbers). City: Publisher.
4. Journal Articles
Benjaminsen, T., Thom, Z. and Sjaastad, E. (2002). Race for the Prize: Land
Transactions and Rent Appropriation in the Malian Cotton Zone. European
Journal of Development Research. 14 (2): 129 –152.

Single author:
Author Surname, Initial(s). (Year). Article title: Subtitle. Journal Title, Volume(Issue):
page numbers. https://doi.org/xx.xxxxxxxxxx

Multiple authors:
Author Surname, Initial(s)., Author Surname, Initial(s)., and Author Surname,
Initial(s). (Year). Article title: Subtitle. Journal Title, Volume(Issue): page numbers
(without page abbreviations). https://doi.org/xxxx
5. Conference Proceedings Publication
Edriss, A., Saka, V. and Mbewe, S. (1992). Effects of Cultural
Practices Diseases of Beans. In P.C. Phiri and C. Chonde (Eds).
Proceedings of the Fifth Regional Bean Workshop for Southern
Africa (97-103). Patancheru, India.

• Sometimes, the paper may be published in a book format with

editors such as the one above. However, sometimes it may be
published in a journal. In that case you will need to use the details
which you include in referencing a journal.
6. Newspaper Article
Muwamba, E. (2013). Malawi Literacy Levels at 62.7%. The Nation, 4-5.
[15 October 2014].

7. Thesis or Dissertation
Mwale, S.T. (2014). The Impact of the Farm Input Subsidy
Programme. Unpublished MSc Thesis, Lilongwe University of
Agriculture and Natural Resources.
8. On line Articles

Kendall, G. (2003). From Liberalism to Neo-liberalism.

vin_Kendall.pdf [Accessed on 23 May, 2017].
Mtika, C. (2012). Malawi Rural Finance Company Going Bust.
Nyasatimes: Malawi’s breaking online news source.
http://www.nyasatimes.com/2012 /05/10/ malawi-
rural-finance-company-going- bust/[Accessed on 12
May, 2017].
Example of a Reference List
Boserup, E. (1965). The Conditions of Agricultural Growth-
The Economics of Agrarian Change under Population
Pressure. London: Allen & Unwin.
Friedmann, H. and Wyne, J. (1977). Dependency Theory: A
Critique. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 2 (4): 399- 416.
Migot-Adholla, S., Hazell, P., Blarell, B. and Place, F.
(1991). Indigenous Land Rights Systems in Sub Saharan
Africa. A Constraint on Productivity? World Bank Economic
Review, 5(1):155-75.

(List should be in alphabetical order)

Practice: Reference
• Book title: A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Essays, Theses,
and Dissertations
• Publisher: University of Chicago Press.
• City: Chicago
• Year: 2013
• Authors: Mary Govat, Stephen Rupert and John Creeves.
Practice: Reference
• Book Chapter: Descriptive essay writing
• Chapter author: James Phiri
• Book title: A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Essays, Theses,
and Dissertations
• Publisher: University of Chicago Press.
• City: Chicago
• Year: 2013
• Authors: Mary Govat, Stephen Rupert and John Creeves.

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