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Date and Venue

Session 5
Workplace Application Plan
Name of Resource Person / Learning Facilitator

Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills Professional Learning
Package (HOTS-PLPs) for English, Science, & Math Teachers
Session 4:
HOTS in Practice

Session 3:
Supporting HOTS in the Classroom Session 5:
through Learning Approaches Workplace Application Plan

Session 6:
Session 2: Facing the Forces
SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom

Session 1: Session 7:
HOTS-PLP Walk-through Professional Learning Community
in Schools

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Session Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able to…
• familiarize with the Workplace Application Plan
(WAP) template for HOTS-PLPs
• develop a WAP employing concepts of SOLO
framework in one’s professional practice

PPST Strand 1.5. (P & HP) Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-
order thinking skills
PPSSH Strand 3.2 – (P)Teaching performance feedback
PPSS Strand 3.1. (P) Support for Instructional Leadership

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Presentation Outline

WAP Rationale

WAP Application Objectives

Parts of WAP Template

Accomplishment of WAP Template

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WAP Rationale for HOTS-PLPs
• In 2018, the Programme for • The poor assessment results for Filipino
International Student Assessment learners, therefore, necessitate a reform
(PISA) results suggested that most initiative directed at supporting the
Filipino students need more time to be strengthening of teachers’ subject
ready for life after school. knowledge and pedagogy to improve
learner performance.

• These areas of learners’ poor

performance were interestingly
identified in an analysis of teachers’
performance in the Teacher
Development Needs Study (TDNS,

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WAP Rationale
To assist in this reform initiative, the
National Educators Academy of the
Philippines (NEAP) and the Research
Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ)
collaborate to develop Professional
Learning Packages (PLPs) in
Mathematics, Science, and
English/Reading for teachers in
grades 7 and 8, and grades 9 and 10.

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WAP Application Objectives
*For teacher: **For mentor:

Incorporate the Basic SOLO framework Provide technical assistance and instructional
in enhancing the learners’ cognitive leadership support in implementing the
level and in providing learning teacher’s workplace application plan that
opportunities for them to develop higher incorporates effective SOLO-based pedagogy.
order thinking skills (HOTS).
**WAP for Mentor is intended for school heads and supervisors

*WAP for Teacher is intended for job groups employing PPST

[refer to the WAP template]

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Parts of WAP Template
I. Profile
II. Background and Rationale of WAP
III. Expected Indicators
IV. Implementation Plan

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Parts of WAP Template
I. Profile

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Parts of WAP Template
II. Background and Rationale of WAP

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Parts of WAP Template
III. Expected Indicators

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Parts of WAP Template
IV. Implementation Plan

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Parts of WAP Template
IV. Implementation Plan

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Accomplishment of WAP Template (15 minutes)

1. Begin by clearly articulating the WAP application objectives identified
for a teacher or a mentor.
2. Determine what specific outcomes you want to achieve through the
implementation of the application objectives based on the specific
tasks identified on the implementation plan.
3. Create a detailed implementation plan that outlines the steps, timeline,
and resources required for a successful rollout of the workplace
application in your specific roles as a teacher or a mentor.
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Think-Pair-Share (10 minutes)

• Think: Begin by accomplishing the individual WAP template.

• Pair: After accomplishing the WAP template, the participants should

pair up with a partner nearby. Discuss the individual implementation
plan judiciously.

• Share: After the pairs have had an opportunity to discuss their

thoughts, select participants will present their plans during the plenary.

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● The WAP must be implemented within 6 months
after the training.

● Accomplished and approved WAP template after

implementation must be submitted to the
immediate supervisor or mentor for
consolidation and analysis purposes.

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Thank you.

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Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills - Professional Learning Package

Program Management Team Session Guide Writers and Presentation Deck Editors

Field Personnel
Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) 1. Alson Rae Luna 13. Mae Laarni M. Saporna
2. Angelica B. Buaron 14. Marie Vic C. Velasco
National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) 3. Angelo D. Uy 15. Maripaz T. Mendoza
Professional Development Division 4. Analou O. Hermocilla 16. Mark Anthony A. Durana
Quality Assurance Division 5. Arnel Jr. M. Camba 17. Melvin Willy II B. Roque
6. Eldefonso Jr. B. Natividad 18. Milaner R. Oyo-a
7. Elsie Jane M. Mantilla 19. Rejulios M. Villenes
NEAP in the Regions 8. Fluellen L. Cos 20. Renante Juanillo
9. Hera Paz B. Yamson 21. Renato N. Pacpakin
10. Jelly L. Sore 22. Rosalyn C. Gadiano
11. Jojiemar M. Obligar 23. Sally A. Palomo
12. Josephine P. Balasan 24. Wilma S. Carrera

NEAP Central Office

1. Dir. Leah B. Apao

2. Abdul Haiy A. Sali
3. Guillermo Nikus A. Telan
4. Jerson R. Capuyan
5. Richie Carla A. Vesagas

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