Major principles involved in meat processing are use of heat, low temperature,
5. NO2 / NO in solution form Nitri acd which bind to myoglobin forming NO-myyoglobin, this
chages meat to Red color. This is a reduction reaction calyzed by reducing agents occuring
naturally in meat like vitamin C and others.
6. When Nitric Oxide-myoglobin
is exposed to heat or cooked, it is
changed to Nitric acid -
( Nitrosylhemochrome) which is
pink red colur,a stable colour of
Cured meat.
Nitrates and Nitrites supress Microbal
growth thus increasing shelf life.
Curing is a meat processing by adding various ingredients such as NaCl, sodium
nitrite or sodium nitrate, sugar, and spices.
Aims of curing are:_
(1) Getting stable colors,
(2) Getting fine aroma, texture and palatability,
(3) Reducing folding during processing,
(4) Rxtending the shelf life of meat products.
Ingredients of Curing
NOTE:- please note the curing ingredients you will use and function for each
Meat Smoking
Smoke for treatment of meat products is produced from raw wood.
Smoke is generated through the thermal destruction of the wood components lignin and cellulose.
The thermal destruction sets free more than 1000 desirable or undesirable firm, liquid or gaseous
components of wood.
These useful components contribute to the development of the following desirable effects on
processed meat products:
1) Meat preservation through aldehydes, phenols and acids (anti-microbial effect/bacteriostatic
2) action)
3) Antioxidant impact through phenols and aldehydes(retarding fat oxidation)
4) Smoke specific flavour through phenols, carbonyls and others (smoking taste)
5) Smoke colour formation through carbonyls and aldehydes (attractive colour /appearance)
6) Surface hardening of sausages/casings through aldehydes (in particular for more rigid
structure of the casing)
7) To prevent oxidation reaction or as antioxidant.
It is meat preservation using wood smoke in the form of natural smoke or liquid of meat or
meat product.
The most known undesirable effect of smoking is the risk of residues of
Meat comminution
Comminution is a process of particle size reduction of meat, either raw or
pre-cooked, by cutting, grinding, shredding, or mincing.
The size particles depend the type of sausage produced, some are coarse
others form smooth emulsion.
It improves uniform particle size and distribution of ingredients.
it also leads to a more tender mix as the meat is subdivided into smallar
Equipment used in emulsion includes:-
Large processing plants dominated by Asians process the remainder. The main
challenges are
These Asians purchase the fish at low prices on a leave or take
basis and thoroughly exploit the fishers.
2. Process control
Check the preparation procedures (grading, cleaning, sorting, size, salting).
Check also smoking and drying temperatures, air circulation and speed and
relative humidity.
3. Product control
Note changes in appearance, colour, flavour, water holding capacity and avoid
any microbial infection. Ensure proper packaging depending on the product.
Chilling-Short periods
This is obtained by covering the fish with layers of ice. Ice is effective for
short term preservation such as is needed to transport landed fish to nearby
markets or to canning factories, etc.
When fish is intended to be stored for a long period, quick freezing is preferred
which inhibits bacterial action.
During quick freezing every part of the product comes within the range of 00 to
-50C. Properly frozen fish at -200C retains its physical properties and nutritive
values for a year or more and is almost as good as fresh fish. There are three
ways effecting quick freezing:
The air blast freezer is in the form of a tunnel and heat transfer is affected
rapidly by the circulation of air.
The temperature used ranges from 0 to -30 0C and air velocity varies from 30 to
1050 meters/min air velocity units
Freeze drying
The product is quite fresh looking in appearance, flavour, colour and quality.
Salting is a process where the common salt, sodium chloride, is used as a
preservative which penetrates the tissues, thus checks the bacterial growth
and inactivates the enzymes.
Then the fish is washed again, and filled with salt for uniform
penetration through flesh.
Large fishes like sharks are cut into convenient sized pieces.
Generally, sardines, mackerels, seer fishes, cat fishes, sharks and
prawns are used for salting.
Dry salting and wet salting and are the methods employed in
salting of fish.
A)Dry salting
In this process the fish is first rubbed in salt and packed in layers in the tubs and
cemented tanks.
The salt is applied in between the layers of fishes in the proportion of 1:3 to 1:8
salt to fish.
The proportion of salt to fish varies with the fish since the oily fish require more
salt. At the end of 10 - 24 hours the fishes are removed from the tubs and washed
in salt brine and dried in the sun for 2 or 3 days or smoked
b) Wet salting
The cleaned fish are put in the previously prepared concentrated salt solution. It
is stirred daily till it is properly picked.
With large sized fishes, longitudinal slits are made in the flesh to allow
penetration of salt. After pickling for 7-10days, the salty water that oozes out
from the fish is allowed to drain off. This can be stored upto 3-4months.
Landed fish is cleaned and brined. It is then exposed to cold or hot smoke treatment.
In cold smoking, first a temperature of 38 0C is raised from a smokeless fire.
After this heating, cold smoke at a temperature below 28 0C is allowed to
circulate past and around the fish. (take note of the smoke chamber in the
In case of hot smoking, first a strong fire produces a temperature around
1300C.This is followed by smoking at a temperature of 40 0C. The smoke has to
be wet and dense.
Good controls are necessary over density, temperature, humidity, speed of
circulation, pattern of circulation and time of contact with fish of the smoke.
The phenol content of the smoke acts as an antiseptic and it also imparts a
characteristic colour and flavour. For making fire and smoke, only hard wood
(Conifer wood, Saw dust etc.) are used, Why???
Canning is done by putting cleaned dressed and cut fish into a saline solution.
The cans holding the fish and the saline are then double seamed under vacuum.
Thereafter, sterilization of cans takes place at 1210C for 90min under steam
pressure; followed by cooling of the cans under room temperature by running
Oily fish are the most suitable for canning. Salmon, tuna, sardine, herring,
lobster, shrimp, etc. are canned.
The raw material should be processed properly since it contains most dangerous
Clostridium botulinum which should be destroyed.
Clostridium sporogenes species are heat resistant bacteria and can be
eliminated at a temperature of 5 - 6 times more than Clostridium botulinum. It
needs a temperature of 1200C for 4 minutes or at 1150C for 10 minutes to kill
them in large numbers.
Drying involves dehydration i.e. the removal of moisture contents of fish, so
that the bacterial decomposition or enzymic autolysis does not occur.
When moisture contents reduce upto 10%, the fishes are not spoiled provided
they are stored in dry conditions.
In artificial drying the killed fishes are cleaned, gutted and have their heads
They are then cut lengthwise to remove large parts of their spinal column,
Value Added Fisheries Products
Value addition is one of the most practical ways to increase the profitability
in fish processing and sale in domestic as well as international markets.
It is also becoming a market requirement as the wholesale traders, retail
outlets and finally the consumers are on the lookout for fish products that
require minimum preparation.
Some of the value added fish products include and not limited to
1) Fish sausages,
2) Fish fillets,
3) Fish cutlets,
4) dehydrated fish products,
5) Fish pickles,
6) Fish flakes/wafers,
7) Fish noodles.
Fish sausage ?
Fish sausage is the ground fish meat with various ingredients (additives) like salt,
sugar, starch, spices, fat, chemicals, etc., packed in a synthetic casing, properly
sealed, boiled and cooled product.
In other words fish sausage is a ready to eat proteinacious food which is heat
Ingredients Percentage
1. Minced fish meat 70.0%
2. Salt 2.0%
3. Sugar 1.5%
4. Polyphosphate 2.0%
5. Spices 1.0%
a) Coriander 0.3%
b) Chilli powder 0.3%
c) Pepper 0.2%
d) Garlic 0.1%
e) Ginger 0.1%
6. Mono Sodium Glutamate 0.2%
7. Preservatives 0.2%
8. 5% colour solution 0.13%
a) 2 % of carmosine
b) 3% of ponceau 4R
9. Starch 9.0%
10. Cold water 10.0%
11. Fat / Vegetable Oil 5.0%
Two of the most common types of microbes that can contaminate raw fish
include Salmonella and Vibrio vulnificus.
A recent study found that around 10% of the raw seafood is imported into the
US, and roughly 3% of the domestic raw seafood contains Salmonella which
can cause food poisoning.