Matetials, substances, and particles (1)
Matetials, substances, and particles (1)
Matetials, substances, and particles (1)
What is a material?
1. material is a certain type
of matter that can be used to
make something.
2. There are 3 types of
matter :
solid, liquid, and gas
3. Ex. A book is made from paper .
Paper is material to make book.
What is substances?
4. A substance is a pure type
of solid, liquid or gas. It is not
a mixture.
5. Ex. of substance : salt is a solid.
Pure water is a liquid.
Oxygen is a gas.
6. Relation between materials and substance : paper is a
material, to make paper we mix wood pulp, glue, water
and etc. When it mix, It form a very large paper. We can
What is particles?
7. A particle is a very small part or bit of
All matter is made up of particle.
8. Some particles of a thing are big
enough to see,
Such as a chalk when write it on a floor,
we can see the dust of a chalk.
9. Particles of a matter are very small.
We only can use a model to explain how
the particles
form a substance.
10. Particles have spaces between them.
When the spaces are small the particles
are held strongly.
8. The Characteristics
- The particles are packed tightly
of- They
have regular pattern.
- The spaces between particles
are very small.
- the particles can’t move around very
much and are in a fixed position.
Ex. Clay, pencil, cup, etc.
Heating process
( makes solid particles get energy)
Solid particles Liquid particles
6. During the heating process solid particles get more energy to move
faster and further apart.
7. When a liquid change to solid that caused by cooling process.
8. During the cooling process liquid particles loses heat energy and
cools, the particles move slower and closer and becomes solid.
9. The changing of state from solid to liquid but it can change back
from liquid to solid it’s called as physical change of state.
cooling process
(the liquid particles lose energy)
Liquid particles Solid particles
Lesson 3.3
Yes, by cool it