computer architechture lect4 - Copy (1)

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Today Discuss topic

1. Control Design
2. Information representation.
3. Instruction Sequencing
4. Hardwired Control
5. Micro programmed control
The Control Unit is the part of the computer’s central processing unit (CPU), which directs
the operation of the processor. It was included as part of the Von Neumann Architecture by
John von Neumann. It is the responsibility of the control unit to tell the computer’s memory,
arithmetic/logic unit, and input and output devices how to respond to the instructions that
have been sent to the processor. It fetches internal instructions of the programs from the main
memory to the processor instruction register, and based on this register contents, the control
unit generates a control signal that supervises the execution of these instructions. A control
unit works by receiving input information which it converts into control signals, which are
then sent to the central processor. The computer’s processor then tells the attached hardware
what operations to perform. The functions that a control unit performs are dependent on the
type of CPU because the architecture of the CPU varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Examples of devices that require a CU are:

•Control Processing Units(CPUs)
•Graphics Processing Units(GPUs)
Functions of the Control Unit
•It coordinates the sequence of data movements into, out of, and
between a processor’s many sub-units.
•It interprets instructions.
•It controls data flow inside the processor.
•It receives external instructions or commands to which it converts to
sequence of control signals.
•It controls many execution units(i.e. ALU, data buffers and registers)
contained within a CPU.
•It also handles multiple tasks, such as fetching, decoding, execution
handling and storing results.
Types of Control Unit
There are two types of control units:
•Micro programmable control unit.
Hardwired Control Unit
In the Hardwired control unit, the control signals that are important for instruction
execution control are generated by specially designed hardware logical circuits, in
which we can not modify the signal generation method without physical change of
the circuit structure. The operation code of an instruction contains the basic data for
control signal generation. In the instruction decoder, the operation code is decoded.
The instruction decoder constitutes a set of many decoders that decode different
fields of the instruction opcode.
As a result, few output lines going out from the instruction decoder obtains active
signal values. These output lines are connected to the inputs of the matrix that
generates control signals for execution units of the computer. This matrix implements
logical combinations of the decoded signals from the instruction opcode with the
outputs from the matrix that generates signals representing consecutive control unit
states and with signals coming from the outside of the processor, e.g. interrupt
Control signals for an instruction execution have to be generated not in a single time point
but during the entire time interval that corresponds to the instruction execution cycle.
Following the structure of this cycle, the suitable sequence of internal states is organized
in the control unit. A number of signals generated by the control signal generator matrix
are sent back to inputs of the next control state generator matrix.
Information Representation:-Data in a computer system is represented in binary format, as a sequence of 0s
and 1s, denoting 'off' and 'on' states respectively. The smallest component of this binary representation is
known as a bit, which stands for 'binary digit'. A byte, on the other hand, generally encompasses 8 bits.

Instruction Sequencing:-The tasks carried out by a computer program consist of a sequence of small steps,
such as adding two numbers, testing for a particular condition, reading a character from the keyboard, or
sending a character to be displayed on a display screen.

A computer must have instructions capable of performing 4 types of operations:

1) Data transfers between the memory and the registers (MOV, PUSH, POP, XCHG).
2) Arithmetic and logic operations on data (ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, AND, OR, NOT).
3) Program sequencing and control(CALL.RET, LOOP, INT).
4) I/0 transfers (IN, OUT).

Here we describe the transfer of information from one location in a computer to another. Possible locations that may be
involved in such transfers are memory locations, processor registers, or registers in the I/O subsystem. Most of the time, we
identify such locations symbolically with convenient names.
• The possible locations in which transfer of information occurs are:
1) Memory-location
2) Processor register &
3) Registers in I/O device.
Hardwired Control:
• The control logic is implemented by gates, flip flops, decoder, and other
digital circuit
• It requires changes in the wiring among the various component if the design
has to be modified or changed.

• Micro programmed Control:

• Control information in stored in a control memory. The control memory is
programmed to initiate the required sequence of microoperation.
• Any modification or changes can be done by updating the microprogram in
control memory.

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