Cpen Reviewer
Cpen Reviewer
Cpen Reviewer
1. Fetch – control unit requests instructions from Measured in Hz, MHz, GHz
the main memory that is stored at a memory’s Intel 4040
location as indicated by the program counter Intel 8088
(aka instruction counter). Intel 80186 &80188
2. Decode – received instructions are decoded in Intel 80386
the instruction register – involves breaking the Intel Core i3
operand field into its components based on
the instruction’s operation code(opcode).
3. Execute – involves the instruction’s opcode as SAP – 1 (Simple As Possible)
it specifies the CPU operation required.
1st stage in evolution towards modern
4. Store – CPU stores any results or changes to
memory that were made during the execution
Used to introduced all crucial ideas behind
of the instruction.
computer operations without burying
5. Counter update – Once the machine cycle is
unnecessary details
complete, the program counter is updated to
point to the next instruction to be executed. Architecture of SAP – 1
Instruction Cycle – time taken to execute one A bus organized computer. All register outputs
instruction. to the W bus are three-state; this allows
orderly transfer of data. All other register
The program is implemented on the computer by outputs are two-state; these outputs
going through a cycle for each instruction. continuously drive the boxes they are
connected to.
1. Can fetch instruction from memory
2. Used to decode the instruction
3. Can read the effective address from memory if
the instruction has an indirect address
4. Can execute the instruction
Two types:
To transfer the data, it communicates with Other capacity measurements to know are:
the input and output devices and Larger measures include:
controls all the units of the computer. kilobyte (KB) equal to 1,024 bytes
Design of Control Unit megabyte (MB) equal to 1,024 KB
The design of this can be done using two which gigabyte (GB) equal to 1,024 MB
include types of a control unit the
terabyte (TB) equal to 1,024 GB
petabyte (PB) equal to 1,024 TB
Hardwire based
exabyte (EB) equal to 1,024 PB
Microprogrammed based (single-level and
4. Handshaking
initiated and the destination-initiated transfer
is in their choice of the initial state.