01- Introducing DBMS _Week 01

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Unit # 1

Introduction to
Introduction to DBMS
Data :
Data refers to any collection of facts, figures, or statistics that can be used
for analysis, decision-making, or other purposes. It can be in various forms
such as numbers, text, images, or videos.
Database : “ A database is a structured collection of related data stored
and accessed electronically.” Few examples ??

• Banking systems (e.g., keeping track of account balances).

• Social media platforms (e.g., storing user information, posts, and
• University systems (e.g., managing student information, courses,
grades). Postgress SQL Oracle

SQL Server

A database management system (DBMS) is a collection

of programs that enables users to create and maintain a
Database + SW Programs = DBMS
Introduction to DBMS
• (contd)
A fundamental characteristic of the database approach is that the
database system contains not only the database itself but also a
complete definition or description of the database structure and
• This definition is stored in the system catalog, which contains
information such as the structure of each file, the type and storage
format of each data item, and various constraints on the data.
• The information stored in the catalog is called meta-data and it
 describes the structure of the primary database
 Information concerning
students, courses, and grades
in a university environment

 Data records
Structure (contd)
Specify structure of records by specifying data type for each data element:
• String of alphabetic characters
• Integer
• Alphanumeric
• Etc.

Construct UNIVERSITY database

• Store data to represent each student, course, section, grade report, and
prerequisite as a record in appropriate file
• Relationships among the records
• Manipulation involves querying and updating.
• Examples of queries:
o Retrieve the transcript
o List the names of students who took the section of the
‘Database’ course offered in fall 2008 and their grades in that
o List the prerequisites of the ‘Database’ course
• Examples of updates:
o Change the class of ‘Smith’ to sophomore
o Create a new section for the ‘Database’ course for this semester
o Enter a grade of ‘A’ for ‘Smith’ in the ‘Database’ section of last
Relationships : (contd)
• SECTIONs are of specific COURSEs
• COURSEs have prerequisite COURSEs
• COURSEs are offered by DEPARTMENTs
Characteristics of DBMS
Management?System (DBMS) provides a range of features to
manage and control data effectively. These features make DBMS an
essential tool for modern applications, helping ensure data integrity,
security, performance, and accessibility. The key features of a DBMS
1. Data Manipulation
DBMS enables users to perform operations such as
• Insertion of new data.
• Updating existing data.
• Deleting data.
• Retrieving data using queries (typically SQL queries).

2. Data Security
A DBMS provides security mechanisms to ensure that only authorized
users can access or modify the data. This includes:
• Authentication: Ensuring that users are who they claim to be (e.g., via
• Authorization: Granting specific permissions to users or roles to access
or modify certain parts of the database (e.g., restricting certain users
from deleting records).
• Encryption: Protecting sensitive data by storing it in encrypted formats.
Characteristics of DBMS system
(contd) ?
3. Data Integrity
DBMS ensures the accuracy and consistency of data through rules.
• Primary Key Constraint: Ensures each record in a table is unique.
• Foreign Key Constraint: Enforces referential integrity between tables.
• Unique Constraints: Ensure that certain fields or sets of fields contain
unique values.
• Not Null Constraints: Ensure that specific fields cannot be left empty.

4. Concurrency Control
DBMS supports simultaneous access to data by multiple users without
conflicts. Concurrency control mechanisms ensure that transactions
executed concurrently produce the same result as if they were executed
• Locking mechanisms (e.g., shared and exclusive locks) are used to
ensure that two users cannot update the same data simultaneously.
• Transaction isolation levels (like read committed, repeatable read, and
serializable) ensure data consistency while allowing multiple
transactions to proceed concurrently.
Characteristics of DBMS system
5. Transaction ?
A DBMS ensures that all database operations are executed in a transactional
way, following the ACID properties:
• Atomicity: A transaction is all-or-nothing; either all its operations are
performed, or none of them are.
• Consistency: A transaction brings the database from one valid state to
another, preserving the integrity of the data.
• Isolation: Transactions are executed independently, and intermediate
steps are hidden from other transactions.
• Durability: Once a transaction is completed, its effects persist even in
case of system failures.

6. Back Up & Recovery

DBMS provides tools to create backups of the database and ensure that data
can be recovered after a failure (e.g., hardware or software failure, crash)
• Automatic backups and incremental backups help in restoring data to a
previous state.
• Recovery mechanisms ensure that the database can recover to a
consistent state after unexpected failures, using techniques such as logs,
journaling, and check pointing.
Characteristics of DBMS system
7. Data ?
Data Independence refers to the separation of data from the applications
that use it. DBMS provides two types:
• Logical data independence: The ability to change the logical schema
(e.g., adding new fields to a table) without altering application programs.
• Physical data independence: The ability to change the physical
storage (e.g., moving data from one server to another) without affecting
the logical structure of the database or the applications.

8. Views of Data
DBMS allows the creation of views, which are virtual tables that provide
specific users or applications with a customized subset of the database.
These views can:
Automatic backups and incremental backups help in restoring data to a
previous state.
• Processed outputs such as , aggregated data, totals, averages, or counts,
without exposing the detailed records.
• Provide security by restricting access to sensitive data. ( Read only access
• Show only the relevant portions of the data based on user roles.

9. Indexing
DBMS Players , Users , Actors
In a Database Management System (DBMS), various actors (or roles) are
involved in designing, maintaining, managing, and using the database
system. Each of these actors plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth
operation and efficient use of the database. The key actors in a DBMS
environment include:
Analyst DB
DBMS Administrat
d end user

Naïve user
DBMS Players , Users , Actors
1. System Analyst
System analysts bridge the gap between business users and technical
teams. They analyze business requirements and ensure that the database
and application development meet these requirements:
• Understanding and documenting business processes.
• Translating business needs into technical requirements that the database
designers and developers can use.
• Designing user interfaces that interact with the DBMS.
• Working closely with developers and end users to ensure that the system
meets both functional and performance goals.

2. Database Designers/Architect
Database designers or architects are responsible for creating the database
schema and determining how the data should be structured. Their work
occurs during the design phase of the database.
• Designing the conceptual, logical, and physical structure of the database.
• Defining schemas, tables, relationships, and constraints.
• Working closely with developers, DBAs, and end users to understand data
and application requirements.
• Developing ER diagrams and normalization strategies to organize data
DBMS Players , Users , Actors
3. Database Administrator
The DBA is responsible for the overall management, control, and
maintenance of the DBMS. This is one of the most critical roles as the DBA
ensures that the database is functioning correctly, efficiently, and securely.
• Database design and implementation.
• User access control, including creating user roles and granting/restricting
• Backup and recovery planning to prevent data loss.
• Monitoring performance tuning to ensure the system is running optimally.
• Enforcing data integrity and security policies.
• Ensuring compliance with organizational and legal data requirements.

4. Application Programmer
Application programmers are responsible for developing the software
applications that interact with the DBMS to carry out various tasks such as
data entry, updating, querying, and reporting.
• Writing SQL queries or using an API to interact with the database.
• Developing the front-end applications that interface with the DBMS (e.g.,
web applications, mobile apps).
• Writing stored procedures, triggers, and functions in the DBMS to
automate tasks.
• Testing and debugging applications to ensure they work correctly with the
DBMS Players , Users , Actors
5. Casual/ Naïve users
There are different types of end users based on how frequently and in what
way they use the system. They can be Casual users or Naïve users.
• Casual users are the individuals who directly interact with the DBMS to
perform operations such as querying, updating, and reporting on data.
They access the database occasionally , often use ad-hoc queries to
retrieve information and do not typically perform updates. Examples:
Managers, analysts.
• Naïve users use predefined queries and queries that have been
programmed by developers. They are users who typically perform
repetitive tasks, such as data entry, processing orders, or managing
transactions. Examples: Bank tellers, airline reservation clerks.

6. Sophisticated users
Users who write complex queries and may interact with the DBMS using
advanced tools (e.g., SQL or reporting tools).Typically, these users have a
good understanding of the database and may create complex reports or
analytics. Examples: Data scientists, business analysts.
NoSQL Processor
y Control
( Oracle , MySQL.. )

Database Models
DBMS Ecosystem … Modern Day
RESTful Business
Pig , Hive APIs Intelligence
(BI) Tools
( Tableau)


( Oracle , MySQL.. ) Fault
Big Data …

d Data
The architecture of a Architecture
Database Management System (DBMS) defines how
data is managed, stored, and retrieved in an efficient and organized
manner. A DBMS typically follows a Centralized Architecture or Client-
Server architecture.

1. Centralized Architecture for DBMS

In a centralized architecture, the entire database system (the DBMS
software, storage, and processing) is located on a single server or a set of
tightly coupled servers. All data processing and storage are done centrally,
and users access the database remotely through terminals or thin clients.
This architecture was commonly used in earlier mainframe-based systems
• and
still relevant in certain
uses environments today.
computers to provide the main processing
for all system functions, including user
application programs and user interface
programs, as well as all the DBMS
• The Terminals did not have processing
power and only provided display capabilities
and connected to the central computer via
various types of communications networks.
DBMS Architecture
2. Basic Client/Server Architectures
The client/server architecture was developed to deal with computing
in which a large number of PCs, workstations, file servers, printers, data base
servers, Web servers, e-mail servers, and other software and equipment are
connected via a network. The idea is to define specialized servers with
File server : Connect a number of PCs or small workstations as clients to a
file server
server that: maintains
Another machine
the filescan be client machines.
of the
designated as a printer server by being
connected to various printers; all print
requests by the clients are forwarded to
this machine.
Similarly , Web servers or e-mail
servers also fall into the specialized
server category. The resources provided
by specialized servers can be accessed
by many client machines. The client
machines provide the user with the
appropriate interfaces to utilize these
servers, as well as with local processing
power to run local applications. This
DBMS Architecture
3. Three-Tier and n-Tier Architectures
Three-tier and N-tier architectures are used in modern distributed systems,
particularly for enterprise applications, including Database Management
Systems (DBMS). These architectures provide a way to separate different
concerns (such as user interface, application logic, and data storage) into
distinct layers or tiers. This separation allows for scalability, flexibility, and
better management of the application. The three-tier architecture separates
an application into three distinct layers or tiers:

 Presentation Tier (Client Layer)

 Application/Logic Tier (Middle Layer)
 Data Tier (Database Layer)

1. Presentation Tier (Client Layer)

This tier is responsible for the user interface (UI). It interacts with the end-
user, displaying the data retrieved from the database and sending user
requests to the application tier. This includes web browsers, mobile apps, or
desktop applications that present data to the users and allow them to
interact with the system.

2. Application Tier (Middle Layer / Business Logic Layer)

This is where the business logic of the application resides. It processes user
DBMS Architecture
The Application plays(contd)
an intermediary role by running application programs
and storing business rules (procedures or constraints) that are used to access
data from the database server. It is also responsible to check client
Authenticity before forwarding request of client to Database. It receives back
the response from DB and re routes back to the client.
1. Data Tier (Database
This tier is responsible for data
storage and management. It
handles all the operations
related to querying, updating,
and storing data in the
database. This includes ,
Relational databases (e.g.,
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle),
NoSQL databases, or any
persistent data storage
system. It is responsible for
creating schemas, tables,
indexes, and relationships.
Promises ACID property
compliance and ensures
In traditional file processing, the structure of data files is embedded in the
application programs, so any changes to the structure of a file may require
changing all programs that access that file.
For example, a file access program may be written in such a way that it
can access only STUDENT records of the structure. If we want to add
another piece of data to each STUDENT record, say the Birth_date, such
a program will no longer work and must be changed.

By contrast, in a DBMS environment, we only need to change the

description of STUDENT records in the catalog to reflect the inclusion of the
new data item Birth_date; no programs are changed.
In DBMS , thus the structure of data files is stored in the DBMS catalog
separately from the access programs. This is called program-data
independence. It is the ability to modify a schema definition at one level
without affecting a schema definition in the next higher level.
Physical data independence
• Ability to modify physical schema without causing the conceptual (or
external) schema or application programs to be re-written.
Logical data independence
• Ability to modify the conceptual schema without having to change the
external schemas or application programs.
Database vs. File
The Database Management System (DBMS) and File System are two
different approaches to data storage and management. While a file
system manages and organizes files on storage devices, a DBMS provides
a higher level of functionality for data management, enabling more
advanced operations, security, and consistency.
Advantages of DBMS
1. Controlling Redundancy
Problem with File Systems: In traditional file systems, data is often
duplicated across multiple files, leading to data redundancy (duplicate
data) and inconsistency (mismatched or outdated data across files).
Advantage of DBMS: A DBMS minimizes redundancy by storing data
centrally, allowing multiple applications and users to access the same
data. This leads to data consistency since all users refer to the same
source of information.
In a university database, instead of each department maintaining its
own copy of student records, a centralized DBMS stores all student
data. If a student changes their address, it needs to be updated in only
2. Transaction
one place, Management
ensuring consistency.
Problem with File Systems: Ensuring that multiple operations are either
fully completed or not executed at all (atomicity) is difficult to implement
in file-based systems.
Advantage of DBMS: A DBMS supports transaction management,
ensuring that all operations within a transaction are completed
successfully before the data is saved. If any operation fails, the system
rolls back to maintain consistency. This guarantees the ACID properties
(Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) of transactions.
Advantages of DBMS
3. Concurrent Access
Problem with File Systems: When multiple users try to access or update
the same file, it can lead to issues like data corruption or loss.
Advantage of DBMS: DBMS systems allow multiple users to access and
modify the data concurrently while maintaining data consistency and
isolation. This is done through concurrency control mechanisms like locking
and transaction isolation levels.
4. Backup and Recovery
Problem with File Systems: Regular backups and reliable recovery
options are difficult to implement.
Advantage of DBMS: A DBMS provides automated backup and recovery
mechanisms. In case of system failure, the DBMS ensures that data can be
recovered to a consistent state using techniques such as logging and
check pointing.

5. Improved Data Integration

Problem with File Systems: Managing and linking data from multiple
sources can be inefficient and difficult.
Advantage of DBMS: A DBMS allows integration of data across multiple
sources by defining relationships between tables and databases, providing
a holistic view of the organization’s data.

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