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Dear Respondent,

This is a questionnaire for

a study to gather information
about leisure. Leisure is the
time when a person is free
from all his work and duties.
Directions: Answer the following questions as honestly as you

Name __________________ Age ____Gender _________Course


Main Occupation (employment)


1. What is your favorite activity?

Are you an active participant or an interested spectator of this
activity? Yes ______
No ______

2. How many hours each day do you spend in this activity?

3. What particular game or sports do you spend during your leisure

4. What kind of reading material do you often read for leisure?


5. What social activities do you join for leisure?


6. What musical activity do you love to do for leisure?


7. _____________________________________________________

8. What type of movies do you often watch?


9. What type of radio or television programs do you often listen to or

watch? Radio_______ Television ________
10. What is your favorite hobby?

11. What community service do you do

during your leisure?

The interview is one of the data-
gathering techniques in research. It is
defined as a face-to-face interaction
between two persons. The one who
asks questions is called the interviewer
and the one who supplies the
information asked for is called the
interviewee or respondent. Aside from
interview and the interviewee, the third
element of an interview is called the
There are three basic types of
interviews (Berg, 1995). These
are: scheduled-structured
interview, nonscheduled-
structured interview and the
nonscheduled interview.
1. Scheduled-structured
interview uses an instrument in
which the questions, their
wording, and their sequence are
fixed and are identical for every
2. Nonscheduled-
structured interview
uses only guide
questions for the
3. Nonscheduled interview
does not use pre-specified set
of questions. The interviewee
does most of the talking, with
little or no direction from the
The following are some
guidelines in order to
have a more productive
1.It is important that the interviewer
first establish rapport with the
respondent. The interviewer
introduces himself herself, explains
the purpose of the study and ensures
the respondent of the confidentiality
of whatever information is given. It is
essential in an interview that the
interviewer gains the trust of the
2. If a scheduled-structured
interview schedule is being
used, ask the question precisely
as specified in the schedule.
Rewording of the questions may
elicit different responses.
3. The interview should be
conducted in an informal and
relaxed atmosphere. The
interviewer should avoid
creating the impression that
what is going on is a cross
examination or a quiz.
4. Questions that are
misinterpreted or
misunderstood should be
repeated and clarified. Never
show the respondent that
what he/she is saying is
5. Responses should be recorded
exactly as stated.

6. The interviewer should

remember to thank the
respondent and make an
appointment for a possible call
The Opinionnaire

This is an instrument which is very

often used in questioning.

An opinionnaire is an instrument
that attempts to obtain the
measured attitude or belief of an
In asking an individual
directly how one feels
about the subject, we
may use either the
semantic differential
scale or the Likert
Semantic Differential Scale

The Semantic Differential technique

attempts to find the meanings that
objects and people possess. The device
consists of any number of paired
adjectives, opposite in meaning, with
seven blanks between them. A concept
or name is placed at the top of the page.
The concept could be an object, a
Likert Scale
Another measure of attitudes,
feelings and behaviors of the
students is the Likert Scale. This
is the mass commonly used
attitude scale in educational
research named after the man
The new teaching method
has improved my understanding of the
Likert Scale:
1 Strongly agree
2 Agree
3 Nuetral
4 Disagree
5 Strongly disagree
The Observation

Another method of direct collection

of data is observation.

Observation is a process whereby

the researcher situation.

1. Natural vs. Contrived

2. Disguised vs. Undisguised
3. Structured vs.
4. Direct vs. Indirect
Guidelines to
Good Observation
1.The observation
scheme must be
carefully planned. The
observer is usually
equipped with either a
structure or
Structure Observation refers to
the present of guide or tools to
delimit the subject for observation.

Unstructured Observation refers

to the use of an observation guide
where the observer watches events
pertinent to his purpose.
2. The observer must be
objective (not biased)
3. The observer must be able to
separate facts from
interpretation of the facts.
4. Observations must be
carefully and expertly recorded.
Observations may be recorded
Advantages and
Limitations of
Observation is the most
direct means of
studying a wide variety
recording of data
simultaneously with its
Objective Methods
of Observation

Among the most often used

methods of observation are tests
and scales.
A test is a systematic
procedure in which the
individual tested is
presented with a set of
constructed stimuli to
which he responds (Antes
A scale is a set of symbols or
numerals so constructed that
the symbols or numerals can
be assigned by rule to the
individuals (or their
behaviors) to whom the scale
is applied.

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