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Top Achievers Private School

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Top Achievers Private School
Top Achievers Private School

Food Service
Top Achievers Private School

Food Service
is the art and science of planning, preparing, cooking, and serving of
quality meals in large quantities.
Top Achievers Private School

Food Service as a System

System is an umbrella of interdependent parts of working together for a common goal. Subsystem
is the interdependent part of a system. There are three major subsystems: operation, management,
and information subsystem.

1. Operation Subsystem- people with primary functions and the activities of the operation.

2. Management Subsystem- people and the activities involved in planning, controlling, and making

3. Information Subsystem- collection of people, machines, ideas, and activities that gather and
process data to provide the necessary information.
Top Achievers Private School

Food Service as a System

Subsystems operate within the organization supported by available resources called input,
output, throughput, feedback.

1. Input – includes the raw material and energy from the environment that are transformed by the

2. Throughput – processes used by the system to transform raw materials and/or energy from the
environment into usable products or services.

3. Output – product or service that came from the system’s throughput.

4. Feedback – information on the success and or/failure of aspects of data or energy processing.
Top Achievers Private School

Food Service Processes

1. Administration – it is the management and supervision 6. Food Preparation and Cooking- performed by the
of the food service operation. chief cook, assistant cook, and baker.

2. Purchasing – it is the process of buying food supplies 7. Serving of Food- food should be well-prepared, safe,
need for the food service operation transported, and delivered to customers.

3. Receiving – it is part of food service operation 8. Food Safety- it includes the cleaning of the dishes,
involving the inspection of the materials delivered or utensils, equipment, and premises.
items ordered.
9. Maintenance and Repair- involves the maintenance
4. Storing – it involves the proper storage of food and repair of equipment.
immediately after it has been received.
10. Accounting – it includes operating statements, budget,
5. Menu Planning- is to plan and implement menus for and reports filling such accurately.
each business.
Top Achievers Private School

Food Service System Types

1. Conventional – food is prepared “in a kitchen in the same facility where the meals are served
and held a short time, either hot or cold, until serving time”, schools, hospitals, independent

2. Commissary – “central production kitchen”, this system type used by the franchised or chain
restaurant organizations providing food for their various outlets.

3. Ready-prepared – food is “prepared on the premises, then chilled or frozen and stored for use at
some later time”.
Top Achievers Private School

Food Service Management Tools

1. Organizational Chart- graphically present the lines of authority in the organization. Functions
and positions are graphically presented using blocks or circles.

2. Job Description- organized list of duties reflecting required skills and responsibilities in a
specific position.

3. Job Specification- it is a “written statement of the minimum standards that must be met by the
applicant for a particular job.

4. Work schedule- it is an outline of work to be accomplish by an employee with stated procedures

and time requirements for his or her duties.
Top Achievers Private School

Direction: Write on the line the word being referred to in the following sentences.

1._______ the art and science of planning, preparing, cooking, and serving of quality meals in large quantities.

2._______ an umbrella of interdependent parts of working together for a common goal.

3._______ the interdependent part of a system.

4-6.______ What are three major of subsystems?

7. _______includes the raw material and energy from the environment that are transformed by the system.

8._______ product or service that came from the system’s throughput.

9._______ it is the management and supervision of the food service operation.

10.______ it includes operating statements, budget, and reports filling such accurately.
Top Achievers Private School

Practical Activities
1. Create a sample job specification for a position in a food establishment.

2. Visit a food establishment that uses the conventional type of food service. Observe how the
establishment operates. Write a brief report and share this in class.

3. Research on the advantages and disadvantages of the types of food service systems. Report in

4. What factors must a food service manager consider when attempting to decide on one food
service system over another? Research on the answers to this and share in class.

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