s.gokul Vasanthan 12-07-24

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National & state Urban Development Policies

Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) 2015 (FY 21-25):

• The Government of India has launched the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and
Urban Transformation (AMRUT) with the aim of providing basic civic amenities
like water supply, sewerage, urban transport, parks as to improve the quality
of life for all especially the poor and the disadvantaged.

• The focus of the Mission is on infrastructure creation that has a direct link to
provision of better services to the citizens

• Ensure that every household has access to a tap with assured supply of water and a sewerage connection

• Increase the amenity value of cities by developing greenery and well maintained open spaces e.g. parks

• Reduce pollution by switching to public transport or constructing facilities for non-motorized transport e.g. walking
and cycling.
National & state Urban Development Policies
Swachh Bharat Mission - Urban (SBM-U) 2014 (2021-2026):

• Aims at making urban India free from open defecation and achieving 100%
scientific management of municipal solid waste in 4,041 statutory towns in the
• The vision for SBM-U 2.0 is to achieve “Garbage Free” status for all cities by
• All households and premises segregate their waste into “wet waste” (from kitchen and gardens) and “dry waste”
(including paper, glass, plastic, and domestic hazardous waste and sanitary waste wrapped separately).

• 100% door to door collection of segregated waste from each household/ premise.

• 100% scientific management of all fractions of waste, including safe disposal in scientific landfills.

• All legacy dumpsites remediated and converted into green zone.

• All used water including fecal sludge, especially in smaller cities are safely contained, transported, processed and
disposed so that no untreated fecal sludge and used water pollutes the ground or water bodies.
National & state Urban Development Policies
National Mission on Sustainable Habitat (2021-2030):

• Promote low-carbon urban growth towardsreducing GHG emissions intensity for achieving India’s NDC.

• Build resilience of cities to climate changeimpacts and strengthen their capacities to ‘bounce back better’ from
climate-related extreme events and disaster risks.

• An approach towards a balanced and sustainable development of the ecosystem of habitat which offers adequate
shelter with basic services, infrastructure, livelihood opportunities along with environmental and socio-economic
safety including equality, inclusiveness, and disaster resilience.
National & state Urban Development Policies
Andhra Pradesh State Housing Corporation (APSHC):

• APSHCL Acts as Techno Financial Company in providing permanent houses in Rural and Urban areas by encouraging
self help and mutual help with community participation in the construction.

• APSHCL is the Nodal agency for taking up all Centrally Assisted Housing Schemes being sanctioned for various
groups for the State.

Indiramma Urban Permanent Housing (UPH) in Andhara Pradesh:


• Providing pucca houses to all Below Poverty Line (BPL) households.

National & state Urban Development Policies
PM SVANidhi 2020- 2024:
• The scheme is a Central Sector Scheme i.e. fully funded by Ministry of Housing and Urban
Affairs with the following objectives:

(i) To facilitate working capital loan up to 10,000

(ii) To incentivize regular repayment and
(iii) To reward digital transactionsAuto Fuel Vision and Policy

• The scheme will help formalize the street vendors with above objectives and will open up
new opportunities to this sector to move up the economic ladder.
Auto Fuel Vision and Policy 2025:
• The Auto Fuel Vision and Policy-2025 had recommended the implementation of BS-VI emission norms from

• This has facilitated the development of upgraded / improved engine technologies such as introduction of
advanced emission control system, installation of catalytic convertor or diesel particulate filters to reduce
particulate matter and selective catalyst reduction systems for reduction in Nitrogen Oxides emissions in BS-VI
compatible vehicles.
National & state Urban Development Policies
National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM) 2024
• The NULM will focus on organizing urban poor in their strong grassroots level institutions, creating opportunities
for skill development leading to market-based employment and helping them to set up self-employment venture
by ensuring easy access to credit.

• The Mission is aimed at providing shelter equipped with essential services to the urban homeless in a phased
manner. In addition, the Mission would also address livelihood concerns of the urban street vendors.

• The primary target of NULM is the urban poor, including the urban homeless.
National & state Urban Development Policies
Urban Transport 2006:
• Urban Transport Wing of Ministry of Urban Development is the nodal division
for coordination, appraisal and approval of Urban Transport matters including
Metro Rail Projects at the central level

• All the interventions in the urban transport by the Ministry of Urban

Development such as Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS), urban transit
infrastructure or financing of metro rail projects etc, are carried out as per the
provisions of National Urban Transport Policy, 2006.

• The UT division also deals in proposals that encourages innovative financing mechanisms in transport sector,
capacity building at institutional and individual levels under Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP), financing
of various traffic/transportation studies and surveys under the Scheme for Urban Transport Planning to encourage
cities to better plan and manage their urban transport systems etc.

• It also organizes annual conference and exhibition on urban transport for knowledge sharing amongst experts and
National & state Urban Development Policies
PM-eBus Sewa 2023:
• The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) is launching ‘PM-eBus Sewa’ with a view to increase the modal
share of electric bus (ebus) based public transport in Indian cities.
Segment-A: Augmentation of City Bus Services and Associated Infrastructure:

• Under this segment, the scheme will augment city electric bus operations by extending Central Assistance (CA) for
10,000 electric bus operation on Public Private Partnership (PPP) model, bus depot and behind-the-meter power

Segment-B: : Green Urban Mobility Initiatives (GUMI):

• Under this segment, the scheme will support implementation of GUMI projects for complementing bus services and
demonstrating reduction in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in urban areas.
• The segment will include support for implementing National Common Mobility Card (NCMC) based Automatic Fare
Collection System (AFCS), bus priority infrastructure, etc.
National & state Urban Development Policies
PM GatiShakti National Master Plan (PMGS-NMP) 2021:

• For providing multimodal connectivity infrastructure to various economic zones. Essentially a digital platform to
bring 16 Ministries including Railways and Roadways together for integrated planning and coordinated
implementation of infrastructure connectivity projects.

• The multi-modal connectivity will provide integrated and seamless connectivity for movement of people, goods and
services from one mode of transport to another. It will facilitate the last mile connectivity of infrastructure and also
reduce travel time for people.

• PM GatiShakti aims to create Next Generation Infrastructure by learning from the past. PM GatiShakti National
Master Plan is as an integrated plan which will address the missing gaps to ensure seamless movement of people,
goods & services. It aims to enhance ease of living, ease of doing business, minimize disruptions and expedite
completion of works with cost efficiencies.
National & state Urban Development Policies
National Logistics Policy 2020- 2024:

• The policy aims to lower the cost of logistics from the existing 13-14% and lead it to par with other developed

• The Gati Shakti Programme's goal is to implement infrastructure connectivity, including roadways and railways
projects across the nation, in a coordinated manner.

• The Sagarmala - envisions using the potential of the coastline and waterways to reduce the amount of
infrastructure needed to reach their targets.

• The Bharatmala - focuses on reducing critical infrastructure gaps to increase the effectiveness of road traffic
circulation across the nation
National & state Urban Development Policies
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Housing for All (Urban) 2015-2022:


• Mission which intends to provide housing for all in urban areas by year 2022.

• The Mission provides Central Assistance to the implementing agencies through

States/Union Territories (UTs) and Central Nodal Agencies (CNAs) for providing
houses to all eligible families/ beneficiaries against the validated demand for
houses for about 1.12 cr.

• As per PMAY(U) guidelines, the size of a house for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) could be upto 30 sq.
mt. carpet area, however States/UTs have the flexibility to enhance the size of houses in consultation and
approval of the Ministry.

• The scheme is being implemented through four verticals: Beneficiary Led Construction/ Enhancement (BLC),
Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP), In-situ Slum Redevelopment (ISSR) and Credit Linked Subsidy
Scheme (CLSS).
National & state Urban Development Policies
Affordable Housing in Partnership (Urban) 2015-2022:


• Mission which intends to provide housing for all in urban areas by year 2022.

• The Mission provides Central Assistance to the implementing agencies through

States/Union Territories (UTs) and Central Nodal Agencies (CNAs) for providing
houses to all eligible families/ beneficiaries against the validated demand for
houses for about 1.12 cr.

• Institutionalizing mechanisms for prevention of slums including creation of affordable housing stock.

• Address the Housing shortage through Public Private Partnership (PPP)

• . Provide necessary fillip to the activities of the Housing Boards and Development Authorities

• Encourage State Governments/ Union Territories to provide incentives to facilitate accelerated creation of
affordable housing stock.
National & state Urban Development Policies
Rajiv Awas Yojana (JnNURM) 2013-2022:
• Improving and provisioning of housing, basic civic infrastructure and social amenities
in intervened slums.
• Enabling reforms to address some of the causes leading to creation of slums.
• Facilitating a supportive environment for expanding institutional credit linkages for the
urban poor.
• Institutionalizing mechanisms for prevention of slums including creation of affordable
housing stock.
• Strengthening institutional and human resource capacities at the Municipal, City and State levels through
comprehensive capacity building and strengthening of resource networks.
• Empowering community by ensuring their participation at every stage of decision making through strengthening and
nurturing Slum Dwellers’ Association/Federations.
• The scheme is applicable to all slums within a city, whether notified or non-notified, whether on lands belonging to
Central Government or its Undertakings, Autonomous bodies created under the Act of Parliament, State
Government or its Undertakings, Urban Local Bodies or any other public agency and private sector.
• It is also applicable to “urbanized villages” inside the planning area of the city, urban homeless and pavement
National & state Urban Development Policies
Affordable Housing in Partnership:
• The Government has also approved the scheme of Affordable Housing in Partnership
(AHP) as part of Rajiv AwasYojana (RAY) on 03.9.2013 to increase affordable housing
stock, as part of the preventive strategy.

• Central support is provided at the rate of Rs. 75,000 per Economically Weaker
Sections (EWS)/Low Income Group (LIG) Dwelling Units (DUs) of size of 21 to 40 sqm.
in affordable housing projects taken up under various kinds of partnerships including
private partnership.
• Institutionalizing mechanisms for prevention of slums including creation of affordable housing stock.

• Address the Housing shortage through Public Private Partnership (PPP)

• Provide necessary fillip to the activities of the Housing Boards and Development Authorities

• Encourage State Governments/ Union Territories to provide incentives tofacilitate accelerated creation of
affordable housing stock.
National & state Urban Development Policies
Rajiv Rinn Yojana (RRY)- AP
• To channelize institutional credit flow to the poor people.

• To increase the homeownership and to address the housing shortage in the country.

• To enhance the affordability of the housing loans.

• To prevent the proliferation of the slums and squatter settlements.

• Utilizing the network of the banks and Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) for making the credit available to the
urban poor households.

• To enhance the private investment in the housing sector for that demand-led growth in the housing stock
National & state Urban Development Policies
Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY) 2015-2019:


• The aim of bringing together urban planning, economic growth and heritage
conservation in an inclusive manner & with the objective of preserving the
heritage character of the City.

• Include development of water supply, sanitation, drainage, waste

management, approach roads, footpaths, street lights, tourist conveniences,
electricity wiring, landscaping and such citizen services.

• The Scheme has supported development of core heritage linked civic infrastructure projects which includes
revitalization of urban infrastructure for areas around heritage, religious, cultural and tourism assets of the cities.
National & state Urban Development Policies
Smart Cities Mission 2015:
• To promote sustainable and inclusive cities that provide core infrastructure and
give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable environment
and application of ‘Smart’ Solutions.

• The strategic components of the Smart Cities Mission are city improvement
(retrofitting), city renewal (redevelopment) and city extension (Greenfield
development) plus a Pan-city initiative in which Smart Solutions are applied
covering larger parts of the city

• Some of the core infrastructure elements in a Smart City would include adequate water supply, assured electricity
supply, sanitation, including solid waste management, efficient urban mobility and public transport, affordable
housing, especially for the poor, robust IT connectivity and digitalization, good governance, especially e-
Governance and citizen participation, sustainable environment, safety and security of citizens, particularly women,
children and the elderly and health and education.
National & state Urban Development Policies
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM) 2005-2012:

• JnNURM implemented by MoHUPA has two components e.g. Basic Services for
Urban poor (BSUP) and Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme
(IHSDP) which aimed at integrated development of slums through projects for
providing shelter, basic services and other related civic amenities with a view to
providing utilities to the urban poor.

• The components of JnNURM were

• Earmarking of 25% of municipal budget for the urban poor for provision of basic services including affordable
housing to the urban poor
• Implementation of 7- Point Charter, namely provision of land tenure, affordable housing, water, sanitation,
education, health and social security to the poor in a time-bound manner ensuring convergence with other
• Reservation of 25% of developed land in all housing projects, public or private, critical for slum improvement
National & state Urban Development Policies
National Urban Sanitation Policy 2008:
• The overall goal of this policy is to transform Urban India into community-driven, totally sanitized, healthy and
liveable cities and towns.
• Generating awareness about sanitation and its linkages with public and environmental health amongst communities
and institutions

• Achieving Open Defecation Free Cities

• Proper Operation & Maintenance of all Sanitary Installations

• Sanitary and Safe Disposal

• Re-Orienting Institutions and Mainstreaming Sanitation

National & state Urban Development Policies
• Reduce the housing shortage in the State, especially in EWS/LIG categories by taking up large scale construction of
Resource and Energy Efficient Affordable Housing and ensuring that all dwelling units have access to basic physical
and social infrastructure like sanitation facilities, drinking water electricity, roads, and other livelihood

• Address the shelter needs of destitute, single women households, old and infirm disabled, diseased, street
children migrant workers etc.

• Reduce barriers to appropriate credit flow and shift from subsidy based housing schemes to cost recovery-cum-
incentive based scheme for housing through proactive financial instruments such as micro-finance and related
self-help group programmes.

• Remove legal, financial and administrative barriers in order to facilitate easy access to tenure, land, finance and
technology by various stakeholders, primarily concentrating on citizen and service providers.

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