Edited Assessment Tools for Js Retooling 30.11.2024
Edited Assessment Tools for Js Retooling 30.11.2024
Edited Assessment Tools for Js Retooling 30.11.2024
Develop an observation schedule.
(i) Develop criteria
(ii) Develop the possible observations that would be made during
the activity. (iii) come up with valid comments you are likely to
make. Use the format in the next slide
Sample observation Schedule
Administrative details..........
Teacher’s comment:
Teacher’s signature Date
• A rating scale is a tool used for assessing the
performance of tasks, skill levels, procedures,
processes, qualities, quantities, or end products, such
as reports, drawings, and computer programs etc.
• These are judged at a defined level within a stated
Just like a checklist, it can be used to assess performance or
products, both formally and informally.
The teacher states the criteria and provides three or four
response selections to describe the quality or frequency of
learner’s work.
The teacher then indicates the degree or frequency of
occurrence of competencies displayed by the learner.
Each scale is an incremental level of measurement, meaning,
each scale fulfills the function of the previous scale.
Descriptive words for Rating scale
1 2 3
a) Administrative Information
Learner’s name: Yusuf Balaji Grade: 9
School: Exel Junior School
Learning Area/Subject: Social Studies
Strand: Community Service Learning
Sub strand: Community Service Learning Project
• In groups
Using grade 7, 8 or 9 curriculum
design, develop a task and come
up with a Rating Scale tool that
can be used to assess the learners
as they perform the task.
• A questionnaire is a specific
set of written questions
which aims to extract
specific information from the
chosen respondents.
Assessment through journals should be a joint venture between the learner and the teacher.
Sample Assessment Journal
School: Sina Padua Junior School
Learner’s Name: Chol Awol Babu
Grade 7
Date of Entry: 3/05/2022
Targeted Competency: Speaking Skills
Happenings/Activities: Public Speaking Competition
Learners feelings: Today I felt embarrassed, because I was not able to present
my work well.
Teacher’s comment to the You are a talented learner, do more practice on public
learner speaking.
Teacher’s recommendation Awol should be given more opportunity to make
presentations. This will help him develop courage to be able
to speak before a large group of people.
(Signing & Observing Assessment)
i) Oral/Signed Assessment
Aimed at assessing a learner’s speaking/signing and
listening/observing skills.
Teacher asks questions verbally/signing.
Learner can respond verbally/signing or using other
appropriate modes of communication.
Teacher should give prompts and verbal/signed or non-
verbal cues as they ask oral/signed questions.
Aural/Observing Assessment
• Give a learner time to prepare and respond after the task is stated
• Ask a variety of questions:
open-ended questions;
questions that require more than a right or wrong answer;
questions that promote higher-order thinking.
Administrative Information
Learner’s name: Fatma Hassan Grade: 7
(i) What are some of the goods that you observed in the market?
(ii) State some of the services that you observed during the visit?
(iii) Can you now, distinguish between the terms “goods” and “services”?
(iv)What are some of the goods and services that you did not observe but you
would recommend to be provided in the market.
1 What are some of the goods that you observed in the market?
2 State some of the services that you observed during the visit?
3 Can you now, distinguish between the terms goods and
4 What are some of the goods and services that you did not
observe but you would recommend to be provided in the
observation schedule
learner’s journal
involvement in projects
Sample Learner Profile
Leaner’s Name: Farida Njeri Naliaka
Grade: 8
Teacher: Tr. Irungu Mwashetani
Learning area/Subject:
Sub strand:
Learning outcome:
Students’ area of Students’
Criteria Students’ strengths improvement Preferences/Interests
Anecdotal Records, provide teachers with a collection of
narratives that can be used to showcase a child’s progress over
Describe the child's behavior NOT what you think of the
• . behaviors. Use details of the child's behavior such as actions or
comments. Write down the exact words used in the conversation
Describe the learner's behavior NOT what you think of the behaviors. Use
details of the learner's behavior such as actions or comments. Write down the
exact words used in the conversation where possible.
Learner’s Name:…………………………Grade…………………………………
Observation Date: ……………………. Observation Time: ……………………
Teacher’s Name__________________Signature____________________
Learner’s Name: BWANA BWANA Grade: 7
Observation Date: 14/11/2022 Observation Time: 11.45 AM
Description of the incident/event
Toby walked over to the sandpit and picked up a toy truck. Carrying the truck with both of his hands, Toby
walked over to two of his friends who were also in the sandpit. Toby said “I got a dump truck, there is more
over there, get one too” he said to the others pointing towards where the trucks were. Toby sat in the
sandpit, put the truck in front of him and used his hands to fill the truck with sand. After filling the truck, he
pushed it across the sandpit while kneeling. “Too heavy, hard to push.” He commented. He stopped pushing
and then begun to remove some of the sand from the truck. He then tried to push it across the sandpit again.
“Look I can push it faster now.” Toby said.
Description of location/Setting
Playing in the sandpit with his friends
Teacher Comments:
Toby is able to explore his environment, manipulates objects and experiments. He openly explores feelings
and ideas in his interaction with friends. He can initiate and joins in play. Persists when faced with
challenges and when first attempts are not successful. He has interest in others and can be part of the group.
Teacher’s Name: __________________ Signature: ____________________
10. Written Test
(i) Look at the matchbox placed on the table by your teacher.
(ii) Draw the matchbox, in varied views to depict one-point perspective.
(iii) Display and explain to your classmates how you arrived at the final
Criteria Exceeds Meets Approaches Below
Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
Drawing a Accurately, neatly and Correctly draws the Draws the matchbox Has a challenge
matchbox in correctly draws the matchbox in varied from varied views drawing the matchbox
varied views matchbox from varied views with all lines though some lines from varied
to depict one- views with all lines projected and not well projected, views and lines are not
point projected and converging converging at nor converging at projected and not
perspective neatly at vanishing point vanishing point on vanishing point on converging at vanishing
on the horizon the horizon the horizon. point on the horizon.
Displaying Displays neat work and Displays neat work Displays neat work Displayed work not
and confidently explains and confidently but not able to well drawn and explains
explaining to using the correct explains all the explain some of the with difficulty the
classmates technical terms all the processes involved processes involved in processes involved in
the final processes involved in in creating the final creating the final creating the final
product. creating the final drawing drawing. drawing
•2 Holistic Rubric