2_ Is Matter around us pure

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At the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
1.Recall the Matter and its classification.
2.Understand the difference between pure
substance and mixture.
3.Appreciates the properties of different types of
4.Explains the different techniques for the
separation of mixtures.
5.Apply the knowledge of various separation
techniques in daily life situations.
6. Demonstrate physical and chemical changes
with examples
7.Differentiate between mixtures and compounds
Students have the knowledge of:
• Identification of matter in the form of solid,
liquid and gas
• Different types of matter around us.
• Various forces of attraction in matter
• Evaporation and boiling
• Effects of pressure and temperature on
states of matter
• Evaporation causes cooling
Look at the following pictures

Are all of them pure?

• How do we judge whether milk, ghee, butter, salt,
spices, mineral water or juice that we buy from the market
are pure?
• For a common person pure means having no
adulteration. But, for a scientist all these things are
actually mixtures of different substances and hence not
What is a pure substance?
When a scientist says that something is pure, it
means that all the constituent particles of that
substance are the same in their chemical nature.
i.e. A pure substance consists of a single type of
What is mixture?
As we look around, we can see that most of the
matter around us exist as mixtures of two or more
pure components, for example, sea water, minerals,
soil etc. are all mixtures.

Mixtures are constituted by more than one kind of

pure form of matter
Classification of matter :-
i) On the basis of the physical state, matter is classified into three main
types. They are solids, liquids and gases.
ii) On the basis of chemical composition, matter is classified into two
main types. They are pure substances and mixtures.
Pure substances are of two types. The are elements and compounds.
Mixtures are of two types. They are homogeneous mixtures and
heterogeneous mixtures.

Pure substances Mixtures

Elements Compounds Homogeneous Heterogeneous

mixture mixture
2) Pure substances and mixtures :-
i) Pure substance :- is a substance which consists of only one type of components
(element or compound).
Eg:- iron, copper, hydrogen, oxygen, water, sugar, sodium chloride etc.
ii) Mixture :- is a substance which consists of two or more pure
substances. Eg:- sea water, minerals, soil, air, sand and salt, sugar in
water, salt in water etc.
Differences between pure substances and mixtures :-

Sl.No. Pure substance Mixture

1 Pure substance consists of a one type Mixture consists of two or more pure
of substance substances.
2 Pure substance cannot be separated Mixture can be separated into its
into other substances by physical components by physical methods.
3 Pure substance has its own definite Mixture shows the properties of all its
properties. components.
Types of mixture
• Mixtures are of two types. They are
homogeneous mixture and heterogeneous
i) Homogeneous mixture

It is a mixture which has a uniform composition.

- The particles of the mixture are not visible by the naked
- The particles cannot be separated by filtration.
- The mixture is stable (the particles do not settle down).
- The path of a beam of light is not visible in the mixture.
Eg :- mixture of sugar in water, mixture of salt in water,
mixture of copper sulphate in water.

Salt Sugar KMnO4 solution Copper sulphate

solution solution solution
ii) Heterogeneous mixture :-
It is a mixture which has a non -uniform composition.
- The particles may or may not be visible by the naked
- The particles can be separated by ordinary filtration/
fine filtration.
- The mixture is unstable (the particles settle down).
- The path of a beam of light is visible in the mixture.
E.g., mixture of salt and sand, mixture of sulphur
and iron filings, mixture of oil and water etc.
Assignment Questions:
1. What is meant by a pure substance?
2. Identify the pure substance from the following
Ice, milk, iron, hydrochloric acid, Calcium oxide,
Mercury, Brick, Wood, Air
3. List the points of differences between homogeneous
and heterogeneous mixtures.
4. Classify each of the following as a homogeneous or
heterogeneous mixture.
soda water, wood, air, soil, vinegar, filtered tea.
4) Solution :-
A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more
A solution has a solvent and solute as its components.
The component in the larger amount is the solvent and the
component in the lesser amount is the solute.
Eg :- solution of salt in water, solution of sugar in water, iodine in wa
ter (tincture iodine), soda water, Alloy
Properties of true solutions :-
i) True solution is a homogeneous mixture.
ii) The particles cannot be seen by the naked eye.
iii) The solute particles cannot be separated by filtration.
iv) The solute particles do not settle down and the solution
is stable.
v ) The particles do not scatter a beam of light passing
through it and the path of light is not visible in the
5) Colloids:-
A colloid is a heterogeneous mixture of two or more substances.
Eg :- mixture of starch in water, mixture of egg albumin in water, milk, air
containing dust and smoke etc.
Properties of colloidal solution :-
i) Colloidal solution is a heterogeneous mixture.
ii) The particles cannot be seen by the naked eye.
iii) The colloidal particles cannot be separated by filtration.
iv) The colloidal particles do not settle down and it is stable.
v) The particles scatter a beam of light passing through it
and the path of light is visible.

Colloidal particles scatter light

and the path of light is visible.
6) Suspension :-
A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture of two
or more substances.
Eg :- Suspension of soil in water, Suspension of
chalk powder in water, muddy water, etc.
Properties of suspension :-
i) Suspension is a heterogeneous mixture.
ii) The particles can be seen by the naked eye.
iii) The particles can be separated by filtration.
iv) The particles settle down under gravitational
particles can be particles settle down and the
separated by filtration. mixture is unstable.
7) Tyndall effect :-
When a beam of light is passed through a colloidal
solution, the colloid particles scatter the beam of
light and the path of light becomes visible. This
effect is called Tyndall effect. Tyndall effect can be seen
when light enters a room through a small hole due to
scattering of light by the dust and smoke particles. Tyndall
effect can also be seen in a dense forest due to scattering
of light by water droplets in the mist.
8) Saturated solution :-
It is a solution which cannot dissolve any more solute at a given
Solubility :- of a substance is the amount of solute present
in a saturated solution at a given temperature.
Unsaturated solution :- is a solution which can dissolve
some more solute at a given temperature.
Preparation of a saturated solution :-
Take 50ml of water in two beakers. Add salt in one beaker with
continuous stirring till no more salt dissolves in it. Similarly add sugar
in the other beaker with continuous
stirring till no more sugar dissolves in it. We get saturated
solutions of salt and sugar.
If the mixtures are heated it dissolves some more solute.

The solubility of different substances are different.

The solubility of substances varies with temperature.

9) Concentration of a
solution :-

The concentration of a solution is the amount of solute

present in a given amount of the solvent or solution.
Assignment questions
10) Separating the components of a mixture :-
The components of a heterogeneous mixture can be
separated by simple methods like hand picking, sieving,
filtration etc.
Sometimes special techniques are used to separate the
components of mixtures like :-
i) Evaporation
ii) Centrifugation
iii) Using separating funnel
iv) Sublimation
v) Chromatography
vi) Simple distillation and fractional distillation
i) Evaporation :-
This method is used for separating a volatile component from a
non volatile component by heating the mixture.
Eg :- Ink is a mixture of a dye and water. If some ink is heated in a
dish, the water evaporates and the dye is left in the dish. Similarly
we can separate a mixture of salt and water or sugar and water by

Mixture of salt and water dish

wire gauze


ii) Centrifugation :-
The method of separating denser particles and lighter particles
from a mixture by using a centrifuging machine
is called centrifugation.
Eg :- If we take some milk in a centrifuging machine and spin it
rapidly, the cream separates from the milk because cream is less
dense than milk.
iii) Using separating funnel :-
This method is used for separating a mixture of immiscible
liquids. Liquids separate into different layers depending on their
Eg :- If we take a mixture of kerosene oil and water in a
separating funnel, it forms separate layers of oil and water. The
water can be separated by opening the stop cock. After the water
flows out the stop clock can be closed.



iv) Sublimation :-
This method is used to separate a mixture of a
sublimable component from a non sublimable component
by heating the mixture.
E.g., If a mixture of ammonium chloride and common
salt is heated, ammonium chloride sublimes and salt is
left behind. Cotton

Inverted funnel
Ammonium chloride
solidified Ammonium chloride

China dish Mixture of

Ammonium chloride
and salt

v) Chromatography :-
This method is used for separating coloured components from a
liquid by using a filter paper or blotting paper.
Eg :- Put a drop of ink near one end of a strip of filter paper and dip
the end of the paper in a test tube containing water. Ink is a mixture
of two or more coloured components. The component which is more
soluble in water rises faster and get separated.
vi) Distillation :-
This method is used for separating a mixture of miscible liquids by boiling the
mixture and cooling and condensing the vapours.
Simple distillation :- is used for separating a mixture of two miscible liquids
having sufficient difference in their boiling points.
Eg :- If a mixture of acetone and water is heated in a distillation apparatus, the
acetone which has a lower boiling point than water first boils and cools and
condenses and is separated from the water.

Mixture of acetone
and water

Fractional distillation :- is used for separating a mixture of two or more
miscible liquids whose difference in boiling points is less.
The apparatus used for fractional distillation is similar to that used for simple distillation
except that a fractionating column is fitted between the distillation flask and condenser. The
fractionating column has glass beads which increase the surface for the vapours to cool and
Fractional distillation is used for separating the components of petroleum, separating
different gases from air etc.

11) Separation of components of air :-
Air is a mixture of gases. The components of air can be separated by fractional
Air is compressed by increasing the pressure and cooled by decreasing the
temperature to get liquid air. The liquid air is then allowed to warm up slowly in a
fractional distillation column. Then the different components separate at different
heights depending on their different boiling points.

Compress and cool by increasing

pressure and decreasing temperature

Liquid air

Allow to warm up slowly

In fractional distillation column

Gases get separated at different heights

Boiling points (OC) Oxygen – 183, Argon – 186 , Nitrogen – 196

Fractional distillation of air
12) Purification of solids by crystallisation :-
Crystallisation is the process of obtaining a pure solid in the form
of crystals from its solution.
Eg :- By crystallisation we can obtain pure copper sulphate from
its solution.
Dissolve about 5g of copper sulphate in minimum amount of
water. Filter the solution to remove the impurities. Evaporate the
solution in a china dish to get a saturated solution. Cover the
solution with a filter paper and alllow it to cool. Pure copper
sulphate crystals are formed.

Impure copper sulphate Pure copper sulphate crystals

Assignment Questions
Physical and Chemical Changes
In the previous chapter, we have learnt about a few
physical properties of matter. The properties that can be
observed and specified like colour, hardness, rigidity,
fluidity, density, melting point, boiling point etc. are the
physical properites.
The interconversion of states is a physical change
because these changes occur without a change in
composition and no change in the chemical nature of the
substance is called Physical Change.
Chemical change is that change which brings change in
the chemical properties of matter and we get new substances.
A chemical change is also called a chemical reaction.
During burning of a candle, both physical and
chemical changes take place. Can you distinguish these?
Assignment Questions
1. Classify the following as chemical or physical changes:
• cutting of trees
• melting of butter in a pan
• rusting of almirah
• boiling of water to form steam
• passing of electric current through water and the water
breaking down into hydrogen and oxygen gases
• dissolving common salt in water
• making a fruit salad with raw fruits and
• burning of paper and wood.

2. Try segregating the things around you as pure

substances or mixtures.
13) Types of pure substances :-
Pure substances are of two types. They are elements and
i) Element :- is a basic form of matter which cannot be broken down
into simpler substances by chemical reactions. Elements are of
three types. They are metals, non metals and metalloids.
Properties of metals :-
They have lustre. They are malleable and ductile. They are good
conductors of heat and electricity. They are sonorous.
Eg :- iron, aluminium, zinc, mercury, copper, silver, gold etc.
Properties of non metals :-
They do not have lustre. They are not malleable or ductile. They are
poor conductors of heat and electricity. They are not sonorus.
Eg :- hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, iodine, carbon, sulphur,
phosphorus etc.
Properties of metalloids :-
Metalloids are elements which show some properties of metals and
some properties of non metals.
Eg :- boron, silicon, germanium etc.
ii) Compound :-
A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements chemically
combined together in a fixed ratio by mass.
Eg :- water, carbon dioxide, sugar, salt, iron sulphide etc.
Differences between mixtures and compounds :-
Sl.No. Mixture Compound
1 It is composed of two or more It is composed of two or more
elements or compounds mixed elements chemically combined
together. together.
2 The composition of the The composition of the components
components is in any ratio. is in a fixed ratio.

3 It shows the properties of the It shows different properties than the

components. components.

4 The components can be separated The components can be separated

by physical methods. only by chemical methods.

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