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Understanding Verbs

Today you will learn:

• …the difference between Infinitive
& Conjugated Verbs
• … the rules for Infinitive Verbs
• … the parts of verbs
• … the four types of Conjugated
El presente de los verbos -AR
These basic forms that
end in –AR, -ER, -IR are
Verbs arecalled
that express…

What does an infinitive
Ex: to sing, to dance, to play, etc.
It tells what the action is
Spanish verbs can recognized by their endings. All verbs in Spanish end
but not who performed
the action.
HABLAR (to talk)

-ER COMER (to eat)

-IR ESCRIBIR (to write)

Infinitive Verbs are limited in
their use: THEY DO NOT

1. Voy al parque para jugar fútbol
2. En estudiar hay inteligencía
Conjugating Verbs in Spanish

To say who performed the action, or when the action was

perfomed, you must CONJUGATE the verb.

Huh? What is “conjugating”?

Conjugating a verb means changing it into one of its 8 forms

(conjugated in 6 ways) to indicate who performed an action.

Singular Plural
1st Yo Nosotros
2nd Tú Vosotros

2nd Ud Uds.

3rd Él/ Ella Ellos/ Ellas

Identifying stems/roots & endings

All verbs in Spanish have a stem or root and an

ending. To conjugate a verb you must be able to
separate the stem/root from the ending.
Simply remove the AR/ER/IR from the verb and
you have the stem or root.
 Habl/AR (to speak)
 Com/ER (to eat)
 Trabaj/AR (to work)
 V/ER (to see)
 Est/AR (to be)
 Le/ER (to read)
 Dorm/IR (to sleep)
Types of Conjugated Verbs in Spanish

There are four types of conjugated verbs in

 Regular
 Stem Changing **
 Orthographic ***
 Irregular *
Regular Verbs

To conjugate simply remove the ending from

the stem or root and add the appropriate
El presente de los verbos -AR

Let's see how it works!!!

Take the verb HABLAR:

Step 1: Take off the -AR.

Now we're left with the VERB STEM "HABL-"...
Step 2: Add the appropriate VERB ENDING to match the
There are 6 different VERB ENDINGS for -AR verbs in the present:

nosotros/as -amos
yo -o

tú -as vosotros/as -áis

él/ella -a ellos/ellas -an

usted ustedes
El presente de los verbos -AR
After doing Steps 1 & 2, you should end up with all the present
tense forms of HABLAR...
HABLAR – to talk / speak

yo hablo nosotros/as hablamos

I speak we speak

tú hablas vosotros/as habláis

you speak you speak (pl.)

él/ella habla ellos/ellas hablan

usted he/she speaks ustedes they speak
you speak (form) you speak
(pl. form)
Verb Endings (ER & IR)
Verb Endings (ER & IR)
Irregular Conjugated Verbs in

These verbs don’t follow regular conjugation

rules, generally the ending follows the rules
but they typically “march to the beat of their
own drummer”
Irregular Conjugated Verbs in

These verbs don’t follow regular conjugation

rules, generally the ending follows the rules
but they tend to “march to the beat of their
own drummer”.
Stem Changing Verbs**

There is a change in the stem of the word (within

the boot) when conjugating, endings follow the
conjugation pattern
Orthographic Conjugated Verbs

These verbs generally follow all the rules;

however when conjugated phonetics require
a spelling change so that word can be said

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