chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Frequency Response Analysis

 A frequency response of a system is defined as the steady – state response of
the system to a sinusoidal input signal.
 The sinusoidal is unique input signal, and the resulting input signal for a
linear system, as well as signal thought the system, is sinusoidal in the
steady state; it differs from the input wave from only in amplitude and phase
Various standard test signal used to study the performance of control system
(step, impulses ramp input)
 The frequency response is one of the fundamental test mechanisms in
describing the performance and specifying design criterion.

Frequency response is the steady-state response of a

system to a sinusoidal input.
In frequency-response methods, the frequency of the
input signal is varied over a certain range and the
resulting response is studied.

The Concept of Frequency Response

In the steady state, sinusoidal inputs to a linear

system generate sinusoidal responses of the same

Even though these responses are of the same

frequency as the input, they differ in amplitude and
phase angle from the input.

These differences are functions of frequency.

The Concept of Frequency Response

Sinusoids can be represented as complex numbers called

The magnitude of the complex number is the amplitude
of the sinusoid, and the angle of the complex number is
the phase angle of the sinusoid.
Thus M 1 cos(t   ) can be represented as M 11
where the frequency, ω, is implicit.
The Concept of Frequency Response

A system causes both the amplitude and phase angle of

the input to be changed.

Therefore, the system itself can be represented by a

complex number.

Thus, the product of the input phasor and the system

function yields the phasor representation of the output.
The Concept of Frequency Response

Consider the mechanical system.

If the input force, f(t), is sinusoidal, the steady-state output response,

x(t), of the system is also sinusoidal and at the same frequency as the
The Concept of Frequency Response

In the steady state, sinusoidal inputs to a linear

system generate sinusoidal responses of the same

Even though these responses are of the same

frequency as the input, they differ in amplitude and
phase angle from the input.

These differences are functions of frequency.

The Concept of Frequency Response

M ( ) ( )

Assume that the system is represented by the complex number

M ( ) ( )

The output is found by multiplying the complex number representation

of the input by the complex number representation of the system.
The Concept of Frequency Response

M ( ) ( )

Thus, the steady-state output sinusoid is

M o ( )o ( ) M ( ) M i ( )[ ( )  i ( )]

Mo(ω) is the magnitude response and Φ(ω) is the phase response. The
combination of the magnitude and phase frequency responses is called
the frequency response.

 The frequency response test on a system or a component is normally

performed by keeping the magnitude A fixed and determining B and Ф
for a suitable range of frequencies.
Let a suitable the LT1 system shown below

For s=jw

In linear-time invariant system (LTI), the frequency response is

independent of amplitude and phase of the input signal.
Let this input r(t) = Asin (ωt), and then the output (t) can be given as
y(t) =B sin (ωt+Ф)

 Components of Frequency Response:

•Magnitude Response: Indicates how much the amplitude of the input signal
is amplified or attenuated.
•Phase Response: Indicates the phase shift introduced by the system at
different frequencies.
 Applications:
•Control Systems: Helps in analyzing system stability and performance, and
designing compensators
Frequency domain specification
1.Resonant frequency ():

 It is frequency at which maximum magnitude occurs

 If is large, the time response is fast
2. Resonant peak Mr
 Resonant peak Mr – the max value of M, the magnitude of the closed
loop system frequency response
 A large resonant peak corresponds to a large overshoot in transient
 resonant peak gives the information about the relative stability of the
 A large value of resonant peak implies undesirable transient response .
3. Band width
 it is defined as the range of frequencies in which the magnitude of close
loop does not drop -3db.
 In other words, we can say that the bandwidth is defined as the band of
frequencies lying between -3 db points.
 Such gain is considered adequate to ensure good transmission of signal.
 It is a frequency range where the magnitude of the systems frequency
response remains significant
 It also indicate the frequency range for which the system operate
1. For a second order system with unity feed back
find the frequency response specification
2. A closed loop frequency magnitude versus frequency of a
second order system is shown in fig below. Find %Mp
(maximum overshoot) and peak time
4.2 Frequency response plots
• The frequency response is easily evaluated from the sinusoidal
transfer function which can be obtained simply by replacing S
with jω in the system transfer function G(s).
• the transfer function G(jω), thus obtained, is a complex function
of frequency and has both a magnitude and a phase angle.
• These characteristics are conveniently represented by graphical
plots. The various graphical techniques are
1. Polar plot or Nyquist plot
2. Bode plot or Logarithmic plot
3. Log – magnitude versus phase plot.
4.2.1 Polar plot (also called Nyquist plot)
• The polar plot of a sinusoidal transfer function G(jω) is a plot
of the magnitude of G(jω) versus the phase angle of G(jω) on
polar coordinator as ω is varied from zero to infinity.
• Thus, the polar plot is the locus of vector magnitude of G(jω))
and phese of (G(jω)) as ω varies from zero to infinity.
• Note: in polar plots a positive (negative) phase angle is
measured counter-clockwise (clockwise) from the positive
real axis.
• Each point on the polar plots of G(jω) represents the terminal
point of a vector at particular value of ω.
1,Draw the polar plot of for the transfer function of an RC-
filter where G(s) =
2. Consider the transfer function G(s) = G(s) =
Sinusoidal transfer function G(jω) =

Step 1: Determine the transfer function G(s) of the system.

Step 2: Put S = jω in the transfer function to obtained G(jω)
Step 3: At ω = 0 and ω = ∞ calculate |G(jω)|, by and |.
Step 4: Calculate the phase angle of G(jω) at ω = 0 and ω = ∞
by and
Step 5: Rational the function G(jω) and separate the real and
imaginary parts
Step 6: Equate the imaginary part |G(jω)| to zero and determine
the frequencies at which plots intersects the real axis and calculate
the value G(jω) at the point of intersection by substituting the
determined value of frequency in the expression of G(jω).
Step 7: Equate the real part Re |G(jω)| to zero and determine the
frequencies at which plots intersects the imaginary axis and
calculate the value G(jω) at the point of intersection by
substituting the determined value of frequency in the rationalized
expression of G(jω).
Step 8: Sketch the polar plot with the help of above information.

1. The open loop transfer function of unity feedback control system

is given by
A. G(s) =
B. G(s) =
C. G(s) =
D. G(s) = sketch the polar plot of this
transfer function
Gain margin and phase margin
 they give insights into how much gain or phase can change
before the system becomes unstable
 Gain Margin:
 Gain margin refers to the amount by which the system's gain can
be increased before it becomes unstable.
 Phase margin refers to the amount by which the phase of the
system can be decreased before it becomes unstable.
 To calculate Gain Margin (GM) and Phase Margin (PM)
from polar plot

Gain Margin (GM):
 The polar plot crosses the negative real axis at ω = ωp which is
called phase CROSS OVER FREQUENCY and the
corresponding magnitude |G(jωp)H(jωp)| = M is less than 1.
 If the gain k of the system is increased so that the plot crosses
the point (-1+j0) the system start moving towards instability.
 The magnitude of M is equal to 1 at this point.
 Gain Margin is defined as the reciprocal of the magnitude
of the open loop transfer function [G(S) H(S)] at the
phase crossover frequency
 GM = at ω = ωp

 To calculate ωp (phase crossover frequency) we take the

phase of the transfer function equal to 180⁰
 Ф = |G(jωp) H(jωp)| = 180⁰ = π radians.
 If the polar plot intersects the negative real axis between
the origin and (-1+j0) then M < 1, GM is +ve. System is
stable. More +ve the GM, more stable is the system.
|G(jωp) H(jωp)| < 1
GM (dB) +ve.
 If the polar plot enclosed the point (-1+j0) then M.> 1, GM is -
ve. System is unstable.
 If the plot plot intersects the regatile real axis at (-1+j0) then
M.= 1, GM = 0
System is Marginally stable. |G(jωp) H(jωp)| at ω = ωp = 1
GM(dB) = 0
 If the plot does not intersect the -ve real axis, then M = 0 and
GM = ∞.
Phase Margine:
 is defined as the “additional phase lag that can be introduced
before the system becomes unstable”
 If an additional phase lag of Фpm is introduced at this
frequency then the phase angle |G(jωp) H(jωp)| = 180 ⁰
 And the point A coincides with (-1+j0) driving the system to
the verge of instability.
 This additional phase lag is known as PHASE MARGIN
 Фpm = 180⁰ + G(jωg) H(jωg)
 Since Фg is measured in clockwise direction it is taken as -
 It means Фpm is the angle between the -ve real axis and the
radius vector joining the origin and the ωg.
 For stable system pm is +ve.

1, Sketch polar plot for a system with G(S) H(S) = , Calculate

its gain margin in dB, phase margin and comment stability?
2. The open loop transfer function a unity feed back system is
given by G(s) = sketch the polar plot and determine gain
margin and phase margin
Stability Analysis in Frequency Domain


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