• Culture can differ sharply, even between neighboring countries. Managers not only need to develop empathy
and tolerance toward cultural differences but also must acquire a sufficient degree of factual knowledge about
the beliefs and values of foreign counterparts. Cross-cultural proficiency is paramount in many managerial
tasks, including:
Managing employees.
Power distance describes how a society deals with the inequalities in power that
exist among people. In societies with low power distance, the gaps between the
powerful and weak are small. Societies characterized by high power distance do
not care very much about inequalities and allow them to grow over time. In high
power-distance firms, autocratic management styles focus power at the top and
grant little self-rule to lower-level employees. In low power-distance firms,
managers and subordinates are relatively equal and cooperate to achieve
organizational goals.
Societies with a smaller power distance:
• Parents commonly treat children as equals
• Older people aren't outright respected or disrespected for their
• Income distribution is meant to be even