2 Ecdis Basics
2 Ecdis Basics
2 Ecdis Basics
Progress of the vessel may be seen on the chart wrt shore features & traffic lanes without
the OOD having to plot the ship’s position at that frequent an interval.
OOD does not waste time in going to & coming from chart room, every now & then, nor does
he have to wait to get used to the light conditions.
3. Navigator may have guard ring working as efficient lookout & depth contour alarm acting as
echo sounder giving shallow water warning.
Various alarms ensure more safety, more efficiency & less fatigue.
4. OOD is able to view the ship on large scale chart or different presentation almost instantly.
Advantages of ECDIS 3 / 6
6. Navigators although provided with whole lot of information available almost at the touch of
fingers, it should not make them lethargic.
On the contrary they will be on their toes, alert at all the time because the voyage is recorded
and reproduction will reveal any negligence exercised by any of the parties.
Advantages of ECDIS 4 / 6
7. Study has shown that Integrated Navigation System, using electronic charts can prevent
majority of groundings, collision, though not all.
In most cases of collisions, groundings etc. an audio visual warning will be given by INS. An
avoiding action can be taken in time.
All the accidents however may not be avoidable especially those complicated due to steering
& engine failures.
This may eventually add to the shipowner’s profits by cutting down on expenses due to
litigation, liabilities, laid up phases, repairs, workshop deployments & additional drydockings.
Advantages of ECDIS 5/6
8. Vessel traffic services will be tremendously benefited with ECDIS used in conjunction with
digital reporting. In harbour monitoring, traffic control in harbour & overall safety of
navigation can be better achieved using ECDIS.
Coastguards, harbour patrols, port control stations, pilot stations, VTMS stations will
positively benefit from it.
Advantages of ECDIS 6 /6
9. An ECDIS using positional information from DGPS can be extremely beneficial in restricted
waters, even in restricted visibility.
The precession & efficient navigation has resulted from real time charted positions &
computer assisted intelligent information contributing to better decision
ECDIS - Advantages 1 / 2
Advantages of ECDIS over paper charts
1. All information is processed and displayed in real time
9. With the facility to zoom in and out, features can be examined as per necessity