Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
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Foreign direct i n vestment (FDI) is a key clement in inteniational econom ic
integration because i t creates stable and long-lasti ng li n ks between econom i cs. FDI
is a category of cross-border i n vestment in wh ich an in vestor resident i n
one economy establishes a lasting interest in and a significant degree of influence over
an enterprise resident in another economy. Ownersh i p or 10 percent or more of the
voti ng power i n an enterprise (also known as establishing lasting interest ) in one
economy by an i n vestor i n another economy is evidence of such a relationsh i p. FDI
is an important channel for the transfer of technology between countries. promotes
internat ional trade through access to foreign markets. and can be an important
vehicle for econmnic development.
In simple words, any investment from an individual or firm that is located i n a foreign
country into a country (where the individual or finn gets the right to
For busi nesses. most of t hese benefits arc based on cost-cutt ing and loweri ng risk. For host
countries, the benefits arc mainly economic.
Typical ly, there arc two ma i n types of FDI : horizonta l and ve11ical FDI.
•Horizon lal: a business expands i ts domest ic operations to a foreign country. In th is case. the
business conducts the same activit ies but in a foreign country. For example. McDonald
's open ing restaurants i n Japan wou ld be considered horizonta l FDI.
•Vertical: a bu siness expands into a foreign country by movi ng to a di!Terent level of the
supply chain. I n other words. a finn conducts different act i vit ies abroad but these act
ivities arc still related to the ma i n busi ness. U sing the same example. 1\·lcDonald 's
could purchase a large-sca l e fann in Canada lo produce mea t for their restaurants.
I lowever. two other forms of FDI have also been observed: conglomerate and platform FDI.
•Conglom erate: a busi ness acquires an unrelated busi ness in a forei gn country. This is
uncommon. as it requires overcoming two barriers to entry: entering a foreign country and
enteri ng a new industry or market. An example of th i s would be if Virgin Group. which
is based in the United K ingdom. acqu ired a clothing line i n France.
•Platform: a business expands into a foreign country but the output from the foreign
operations is exported to a thi rd country.This is also rcforred lo as export-platform FDI.
Platfonn FDI common l y happens in low-cost locations inside free-trade areas. For
example, i f Ford purchased manu facturi ng pl anls in Ireland with the pri mary purpose of
export ing cars to other countries i n the EU.
Foreign Direct Investment
Under the goYernment route. the foreign entity should compu l sorily ta ke the approval of
the govcn1mcnt. It should file an application through the Foreign Investment
Facilitation Portal, which facil i tates single-window clearance. This application is then
forwarded to the respective ·ministry or department , wh ich then approves or rejects the
application after cons_u hatio with the DPll T (Department for Promotion of Indu stry
and I nternal Trade).,
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