Python Basic 1

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Python Basics

Basics of Python for Data

 Open Source – free to install
 Very easy to learn
 Can become a common language for data
science and production of web based
analytics products.
 Itis an interpreted language and
compiled language
Python Properties
1.Strongly typed. It enforces data types so you can’t
concatenate a string and a integer, for example.

2.Dynamically, implicitly typed. So, you don’t have to

explicitly declare variable data types. Data types are
enforced at runtime.

3.Case sensitive. For example, token and TOKEN are two

different variables.

Python inventor

 Guido Van Rossum inventor of Python

 General Purpose programming language
 Build anything
 Can build packages for data science
Python Framework

 Anaconda Framework
 Jupyter Notebook
 Python 3.x
Operating system version
 Mac:
 Linux:
 Windows:
Python script

 Python Files -.ipynb

 List of Python commands

 Executing the script

Python basic syntax

 >>> 3+4
 7
 >>> 4*4
 16
 >>> 5-2
 3
 >>> 8/2
 4.0
 >>> a=9
 >>> b=2
 >>> c=a+b
 >>> print(c)
 11
python calculator

 >>> print(8+2)
 print(5 + 5)
 print(5 - 5)
 # Multiplication, division, modulo, and exponentiation
 print(3 * 5)
 print(10 / 2)
 print(18 % 7)
 print(4 ** 2)
Print -String
 >>> print ('hello world')
 hello world

 Print(“hello world”)
 Hello world

 Variables are containers for data.

 The syntax to declare them is:
variable_name = variable_value.
Variables example…

 number1 = 50
 number2=100
 Result=number1 +number2

 First=45
 Second=5
 Third=First+Second
 >>> var1=89
 >>> print(var1)
 89
 >>> var2='Hello'
 >>> print(var2)
 Hello
 >>> addvar=8+5
 >>> print(addvar)
 13
Built-in Data Types
 Python has a number of built-in data types such as
numbers (integers, floats, complex numbers), strings,
lists, tuples, and dictionaries.
 Each of these can be manipulated using:

 Operators
 Functions

Numbers can be integers, floating points, Booleans, or complex

numbers. The former three are the most important:

•Integers are whole numbers - 1, 2, 22, 476, -99999

•Floats have decimal points - 1.0, 2.22, 22.098, 476.1, -99999.9

•Booleans represent either True or False (or 1 or 0). They represent

data that can only be one thing or another.

>>> 2 + 3 # Addition

>>> num1 = 10
>>> num2 = 9.99
>>> num3 = num1 + num2
>>> num3

>>> 8 - 5 # Subtraction
 3

>>> 2 * 6 # Multiplication
 12

>>> 12 / 3 # Division
 4.0

>>> 7 % 3 # Modulus (returns the remainder from division)
 1

>>> 3 ** 2 # Raise to the power 9

 >>> savings=100
 >>> factor=1.10
 >>> result=savings*factor**6
 >>> print(result)
 177.1561000000001

>>> 2 <5
 True

>>> 4 > 10
 False

>>> 3 >= 3
 True >>>

>>> 5 == 6
 False >>>

6 != 9 True
Variable ---specific
 Calculating Body Mass Index-BMI

 height=1.79
 weight=68.7
 bmi=weight/height**2
 print(bmi)

 Python provides you with a number of built-in functions for

manipulating integers. These are always available to you
 >>> float(9)
 9.0

 >>>int(5.7)
 5

 >>>int(3.45)
 3

>>> simple_string = "hey!"

>>> simple_string
 'hey!'
 >>> "hello world!"
 'hello world!'

>>> escaped = 'can\'t‘

>>> escaped
 "can't"
Manipulating strings

 Operators
 Like numbers, you can concatenate strings (string

 >>> “happy”+” “ +”birthday”

 ‘happy birthday’

 >>> “Jonas” + “Brother”

 JonasBrother

 len() - given a string, this function returns the length of it.

 >>> city =“London”

 >>> len(city)
 slice() - given a start and stop value, you can access a set of, or single,
>>> ("Hello"[2])
>>> ("Hello"[3])
>>> ("Hello"[0])
>>> ("Hello"[0:2])

 Easily format values into strings

>>> name=“ Maria Joe”
>>>greeting =“My name is {} “.format(name)
>>> greeting
Guess the type-- gives the data
 >>> a=10
 >>> type(a)
 <class 'int'>
 >>> str="hello"
 >>> type(str)
 <class 'str'>
 >>> d=4.45
 >>> type(d)
 <class 'float'>
 >>>
 height=1.79
 weight=68.7

 bmi=weight/height**2

 print(bmi)
Python types

 >>>type(bmi)

 float

 day=5

 type(day)

 >>> print ('loop')

 loop
 >>>
 >>> ctr=1
 >>> while condition < 10:
 ... print(condition)
 File "<stdin>", line 2
 print(condition)
 ^
 IndentationError: expected an indented block

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