Anatomy of Nail - Copy
Anatomy of Nail - Copy
Anatomy of Nail - Copy
Due to its slow rate of growth, the epidermis of the digital skin
overlap their sides and proximal part to form nail folds.
Nail plate consists mainly of keratins (filamentous
protein) in a matrix of cysteine rich protein.
Other constituents- water, lipids, (cholesterol) and
trace elements,( iron, zinc ,calcium.)Most of the water
is in the intermediate nail plate.
80-90 % nail keratins are hard or hair type
10-20% are soft keratins
Keratin filaments are oriented transversely to
the nail surface.
Hard keratins are 44k, 46k ( acidic) 56k,60k
Soft keratins are 50k, 58k, 48k, 56k.
Trace elements don’t contribute to the
hardness of nail.
Nail plate grows throughout life.
Finger nails grow faster than toenails at the
rate of 3mm /month. ( toenails 1mm)
Complete replacement of a fingernails…..6
months,and toenail is 12 to 18 months.
Regrowth depends among different digits in a
same individual.
Depends on the turnover rate of the matrix
cells and by various physiologic and
pathologic conditions.