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2 Movement

Essential idea: The roles of the musculoskeletal

system are movement, support and protection.

The rigid nature of bone both supports and

protects organs within the body. It also gives a
structure for muscles to pull, by their contraction,
to create movement.

By Chris Paine

Statement Guidance
Bones and exoskeletons provide anchorage
for muscles and act as levers.
Synovial joints allow certain movements but
not others.
Movement of the body requires muscles to
work in antagonistic pairs.
Skeletal muscle fibres are multinucleate and
contain specialized endoplasmic reticulum.
11.2.U5 Muscle fibres contain many myofibrils.
Each myofibril is made up of contractile
The contraction of the skeletal muscle is
11.2.U7 achieved by the sliding of actin and myosin
ATP hydrolysis and cross bridge formation are
necessary for the filaments to slide.
11.2.U9 Calcium ions and the proteins tropomyosin
and troponin control muscle contractions.
Applications and Skills
Statement Guidance
11.2.A1 Antagonistic pairs of muscles in an insect leg.
Elbow diagram should include cartilage,
11.2.S1 Annotation of a diagram of the human elbow. synovial fluid, joint capsule, named bones and
named antagonistic muscles.
Drawing labelled diagrams of the structure of a
Drawing labelled diagrams of the structure of a sarcomere should include Z lines, actin
sarcomere. filaments, myosin filaments with heads, and
the resultant light and dark bands.
Measurement of the length of sarcomeres will
Analysis of electron micrographs to find the
11.2.S3 require calibration of the eyepiece scale of the
state of contraction of muscle fibres.
11.2.U1 Bones and exoskeletons provide anchorage for muscles and act as levers.
11.2.A1 Antagonistic pairs of muscles in an insect leg.

Grasshoppers (Acrididae) are insects, and insects have a skeleton on the

outside of the body called an exoskeleton. The muscles are inside the hard shell.

The back leg is much longer than the others to aid jumping. Long legs
increase the distance over which the jumper can push on the ground.

The two main muscles inside are the extensor tibiae

muscle which contracts to extends the leg, and the flexor
tibiae muscle which contracts to flex the leg. These
muscles pull on tendons which are attached to the tibia on
either side of the joint pivot.

Skeletal muscles, such as the extensor and flexor that

occur in pairs are often antagonistic: when one contracts
andrews.ac.uk/~wjh/jumping/legwrk.htm the other relaxes to produce controlled movement in
opposite directions.
11.2.U3 Movement of the body requires muscles to work in antagonistic pairs.

The triceps and

https://youtu.be/SOMFX_83sqk biceps are working in
opposite directions
and hence are
examples of
antagonistic muscles.

11.2.S1 Annotation of a diagram of the human elbow.

Can you annotate the structures? Remember structure dictates function

Structure Function
Radius / Ulna
Synovial fluid
Joint capsule
11.2.S1 Annotation of a diagram of the human elbow.

Can you annotate the structures? Remember structure dictates function

Structure Function
Biceps Bends the arm (flexor)
Triceps Straightens the arm (extensor)
Humerus Anchors the muscle (muscle origin)
Radius / Ulna Acts as forearm levers (muscle insertion) – radius for the biceps, ulna for the triceps
Cartilage Smooth surface to allow easy movement, absorbs shock and distributes load
Synovial fluid Provides lubrication, reduces friction in the joint.
Joint capsule Seals the joint, contains the synovial fluid.
Tendons non-elastic tissue connecting muscle to bone
Ligaments non-elastic tissue connecting bone to bone
11.2.U2 Synovial joints allow certain movements but not others.

11.2.U2 Synovial joints allow certain movements but not others.

11.2.U2 Synovial joints allow certain movements but not others.

More about synovial joints:



11.2.U4 Skeletal muscle fibres are multinucleate and contain specialized endoplasmic reticulum. AND 11.2.U5
Muscle fibres contain many myofibrils.

Muscle fibre cells are held together by the plasma

membrane referred to as the sarcolemma.

A single skeletal muscle cell is

multinucleated, with nuclei
positioned along the edges

Many mitochondria are

present due to the high
demand for ATP

edited from: http://www.slideshare.net/gurustip/muscles-and-movement

11.2.U4 Skeletal muscle fibres are multinucleate and contain specialized endoplasmic reticulum. AND 11.2.U5
Muscle fibres contain many myofibrils.

Muscle fibre cells are held together by the plasma

membrane referred to as the sarcolemma.

Muscle cells contain sarcoplasmic

reticulum, a specialised type of
endoplasmic reticulum*, that
stores calcium ions and
pumps them out into the
sarcoplasm when the
muscle fiber is stimulated.

* Remember (from 1.2

Ultrastructure of cells) that normal
endoplasmic reticulum
synthesizes molecules.

edited from: http://www.slideshare.net/gurustip/muscles-and-movement

11.2.U4 Skeletal muscle fibres are multinucleate and contain specialized endoplasmic reticulum. AND 11.2.U5
Muscle fibres contain many myofibrils.

Myofibrils are the basic rod-like

contractile units with a muscle
cells. Myofibrils are grouped
together inside muscle cells,
which are known as muscle

edited from: http://www.slideshare.net/gurustip/muscles-and-movement

11.2.U6 Each myofibril is made up of contractile sarcomeres.


edited from: http://www.slideshare.net/gurustip/muscles-and-movement
11.2.S2 Drawing labelled diagrams of the structure of a sarcomere.
11.2.U7 The contraction of the skeletal muscle is achieved by the sliding of actin and myosin filaments.

edited from: http://www.slideshare.net/gurustip/muscles-and-movement
11.2.U8 ATP hydrolysis and cross bridge formation are necessary for the filaments to slide. AND 11.2.U9 Calcium
ions and the proteins tropomyosin and troponin control muscle contractions.

edited from: http://www.slideshare.net/gurustip/muscles-and-movement
11.2.S3 Analysis of electron micrographs to find the state of contraction of muscle fibres.
11.2.S3 Analysis of electron micrographs to find the state of contraction of muscle fibres.

Electron micrograph of human skeletal muscle

Analyse the micrograph and use it
to answer the following:
1. Deduce whether the myofibrils are
contracted or relaxed
2. Calculate the magnification of the
electron micrograph
3. Measuring an individual sarcomere
accurately is difficult due to their
small size. Commonly scientists
use the formula below:
sarcomere = total length of n sacromeres
length n

a. Measure the total length of

five sarcomere from z-line to
b. Calculate the mean length of a

Nature of science: Developments in scientific research follow improvements in apparatus - fluorescent calcium
ions have been used to study the cyclic interactions in muscle contraction. (1.8)

Ashley and Ridgway (1968) were the first to study the role that
Calcium ions (Ca2+) plays in the coupling of nerve impulses and
muscle contraction. Their work was made possibly by the use of
aequorin, a Ca2+ binding bioluminescent protein. Upon Ca2+-
binding aequorin emits light. The timing of light emission peaks
between the arrival of an electrical impulse at the muscle fibre and
the contraction of the muscle fibre. This is consistent with theory of
release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Deduce the structure of
The light emissions are detected and recorded using
aequorin from the molecular
specially adapted microscopes and cameras. visualization.

A number of researchers have used fluorescent dyes to

visualise and measure the movement of myosin and actin.

aequorin and the fluorescent dyes used in research only emit

for a few short nano-seconds making them ideal to measure
the rapid movements found in muscle cells.

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aequorin_1EJ3.png nofMuscleContraction/RegulationofMuscleContraction.html
Bibliography / Acknowledgments

Bob Smullen

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