IRC SP 110-2017

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Urbanization is central to
achieving faster and more
inclusive growth because
agglomerations and
densification of economic
activities in urban
conglomerates, stimulates
economic efficiencies and
employment opportunities.
Transportation Issues
Congestion and insufficient parking
spots are the foremost transport issues
in large urban agglomerations,
significantly connected with
motorization and the dispersion of the
automobile that has expanded the
demand for transport infrastructure.
experiencing congestion, people are
spending an increasing amount of time to
travel between their residence and
workplace. A vital element behind this
pattern is the thought with the trend related
to residential affordability, as housing
located far away from central areas is less
expensive. Along these lines, workers are
exchanging time for housing affordability.
Many transit systems or parts of them, are
either over or under used. Uneasiness for
users created by crowdedness in peak hours
shaped low ridership that makes several
services financially unsustainable,
significantly in urban areas. Disregarding
essential endowments and cross financing
(e.g. tolls) virtually, not every transit system
can prove adequate to cover its operational
of the intense traffic, the flexibility of
walkers, bikes and vehicles is impaired. An
absence of consideration for walkers and
bikes while undertaking the physical design
of road infrastructure in urban areas is
leading to traffic management challenges.
deficit is being faced for ageing transport
infrastructure, for both maintenance and up
CONSUMPTION:- Pollution, as well as noise,
generated by traffic circulation is becoming a
major impediment to the quality of life and even
the health of urban populations.
ACCIDENTS AND SAFETY:- Growing traffic in
urban areas is leading to growing range of
accidents and fatalities.
Pollution, as well as noise, generated
by traffic circulation is becoming a
major impediment to the quality of
life and even the health of urban
Growing traffic in urban areas is
leading to growing range of
Intelligent Transportation
System (ITS) is the
application of computer,
electronics, and
technologies and
management strategies in
an integrated manner to
provide traveler
knowledge to extend the
An ITS architecture
Architecture is the framework
inside which a system of ITS projects
is designed. It defines the
components of the system and
therefore it allows interconnections
and information flow between the
elements. The first parts of ITS
architecture are subsystems and
information flows.
Subsystems: Subsystems are individual items of the general ITS
that perform specific functions like managing traffic, providing
traveller’s information, corresponding to emergencies.
Subsystems can be related to explicit organizations like public
safety agencies, transportation services, emergency management
agencies, or transit providers.
Information Flows: Information flows of the data is
changed/processed between subsystems like traffic information,
or surveillance and sensor control data. They depict ITS
integration by illustrating the information links between
subsystems. In ITS, this integration is technical as well as
Logical Architecture
The sub process is
further broken down
into next level of
sub process that are
known as process
specifications (P-
specs) lowest level.
These p-specs are
needed to be
performed to meet
the necessities of
user services.
The functions from
Architecture logical
design that serve a similar
need are classified into
sub systems. With these
subsystems, a physical
entity is developed to
deliver functions. The info
flow of logical architecture
is combined to define
interface between
The physical architecture of ITS, defines
the physical subsystems and
architectural flows based on the logical
architecture. The subsystems are
generally classified in four groups as
●Fixed point to fixed point
●Wide area wireless
●Vehicle - vehicle communication
●Field - vehicle communications, field,
User Services Bundles and
User Services
Traffic Control provides the capability to
efficiently manage the movement of
traffic on streets and highways. Four
functions are provided. These are:-
● Traffic flow optimization
● Traffic surveillance
● Control
● Provide information
There are eight users associated with ITS
architecture as indicated below:
(i) Travel and Traffic Management (User Services
Bundle) User Services:
● Pre-trip Travel Information
● En-route Driver Information
● Route Guidance
● Ride Matching and Reservation
● Traveller Services Information
● Traffic Control
● Incident Management
● Travel Demand Management
● Emissions Testing and Mitigation
● Highway Rail Intersection
(ii) Public Transportation
Management (User Services Bundle)
User Services:
● Public Transportation
● En-route Transit Information
● Personalized Public Transit
● Public Travel Security
(iii) Electronic Payment (User
(iv) Commercial Vehicle Operations (User
Services Bundle) User Services:
● Commercial Vehicle Electronic Clearance
● Automated Roadside Safety Inspection
● On-board Safety and Security Monitoring
● Commercial Vehicle Administrative Processes
● Hazardous Materials Security and Incident Response
● Freight Mobility
(v) Emergency Management (User Services
Bundle) User Services:
● Emergency Notification and Personal Security
● Emergency Vehicle Management
● Disaster Response and Evacuation
(vi) Advanced Vehicle Safety Systems
(User Services Bundle) User Services:
● Longitudinal Collision Avoidance
● Lateral Collision Avoidance
● Intersection Collision Avoidance
● Vision Enhancement for Crash
● Safety Readiness
● Pre-crash Restraint Deployment
● Automated Vehicle Operation
(vii) Information Management (User
Services Bundle) User Services:
● Archived Data

(viii) Maintenance and Construction

Management (User Services Bundle)
User Services:
● Maintenance and Construction
Automatic Pedestrian Detection
Method In this method, sensors
detect the presence of
pedestrians and take pre-
defined actions for traffic signal
control. In this method, the
pedestrian does not have to
press any button as the system
takes care of signal timing
automatically and works on the
principle of infrared red wave
Data Collection Methods
Sensing Technologies: Sensing
systems for Intelligent
Transportation System are
vehicle and infrastructure based
networked systems, e.g.,
intelligent vehicle technologies.
Pavement loops are used to
sense the presence of vehicle
demand at intersections and
parking lot entrances. Pressure
pads are used to sense the
presence of pedestrians waiting
Inductive Loop Detection: One or more loops
of wire are embedded under the road and
connected to a control box. It is an
established technology and not impacted by
environmental conditions. Accurate in
detecting vehicle presence and also performs
well in both high and low volume traffic.
Automated Number Plate Recognition
(ANPR): The use of ANPR technology has
grown rapidly, seeing widespread adoption
worldwide as a means to providing more
accurate and timely information in making
critical business and enforcement decisions.
The major benefits of
this are low power,
most accurate
technology for
detecting speed, traffic
count accuracy and
easy installation.
Detection is possible
for plates (reflective
plates) even at high
speeds of 120-150
Video Vehicle Detection:-
Video Vehicle Detection (VVD)
is one of the most widely used
methods . Video detection is
an image processor. It consists
of a microprocessor based CPU
and software that analyzes
video images. Using a mouse
and interactive graphics, the
user places virtual “detectors”
on the video image displayed
on a monitor Information/ data
can be progressively
transmitted to a server for
Bluetooth Detection:-
Bluetooth is an accurate and inexpensive
way to measure the travel time and
undertake analysis of origin and
destination pattern of trips.
● Accurate measurement points with
absolute confirmation to provide to the
second travel times.
● Is non-intrusive, which can lead to
lower-cost installations for both
● Is limited to how many Bluetooth
devices are broadcasting in a vehicle ,
therefore the counting and other
applications are limited.
● Systems are generally quick to set
up with little to no calibration needed.
Identification (RFID):-
Radio-Frequency Identification
(RFID) is the wireless use of
electromagnetic fields to transfer
data, for the purposes of
automatically identifying and
tracking tags attached to objects.
The tags contain electronically
stored information.
Issues in Traffic Management System
The major issues of Traffic Management System (TMS)
are optimizing capacity, minimize journey time by
ensuring safety.
Rapid increase in number of vehicles on the
● Narrow roads, close intersections, encroachment
on roads and haphazard on-street parking.
● High density area not according to master plan.
● Chronic congestion on major roads especially in
the Central Business and the old city area.
● Heterogeneous traffic, old (poorly maintained)
● Non-availability of proper maps and
network inventory
● Non-availability of traffic data, inadequate
power supply to traffic signals – manual
management of traffic at corridor, area level
● Lack of coordination among related
●Poor intersection geometry, roadside
● Lack of proper signage, information
display system
● Lack of public awareness, driver
● Lack of facilities for pedestrian,
pedestrian crossing, poor maintenance
of foot over bridge, and footpaths
● Poorly designed road-side
infrastructure that is unable to handle
weather events such as heavy rains.
● Lack of interoperability in systems /
no data standardisation for TMS.
Advanced Traffic Management System
Traffic Management Centre
TMC is the hub of transport
administration, where data is
collected, and analyzed and
combined with other operational
and control concepts to manage
the complex transport
management network. It is the
focal point for communicating
information to the media and the
motoring public, a place where
agencies can coordinate their
responses to transportation
Arterial Management:- Arterial management
systems manage traffic along arterial
roadways, employing traffic detectors, traffic
signals, and various means of communicating
information to travellers.
Freeway Management:- Motorists are now able
to receive relevant information on location
specific traffic conditions in a number of ways,
including dynamic message signs, highway
advisory radio, in-vehicle signing, or
specialized information transmitted only to a
Transit Management:- Transit ITS services include surveillance
and communications, such as Automated Vehicle Location
(AVL) systems, Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems, and
remote vehicle and facility surveillance cameras, which enable
transit agencies to improve the operational efficiency, safety,
and security of the nation’s public transportation systems.
Traffic Incident Management:- These systems can reduce the
effects of incident-related congestion by decreasing the time to
detect incidents, the time for responding vehicles to arrive, and
the time required for traffic to return to normal conditions.
Emergency Management:- ITS applications in emergency
management include hazardous materials management, the
deployment of emergency medical services, and large and
small-scale emergency response and evacuation operations.
Electronic Payment for Congestion and Road Pricing:-
These systems employ various communication and electronic
technologies to facilitate monetary transaction between
travellers and transportation agencies, typically for the
purpose of paying tolls and transit fares
The public transport
modes include buses,
trains, rapid transit
unds) etc. The public
transport between cities is
mostly dominated by
intercity rails, airplanes
and coaches.
Such systems increase the efficiency,
safety, reliability and quality of
transport systems.
It has to develop the mechanism for
integrations with various components
of the system the various ITS elements
can work together in a BRTS context
and groups the elements into those for
the customer, operator and vehicle. The
three major implication of ITS in
integration with public transport are
fleet Operation and Management, Fare
Collection and Customer Information.
Traffic Signal Priority
Signal Priority is implemented primarily by
emergency vehicles, but now can be used
by buses and streetcars. A signal priority
system is combined with AVL technology,
which allows the system to provide priority
only when needed (i.e., when a bus is
running behind schedule). The benefits of a
signal priority system are that these keep
transit vehicles on schedule and improves
on-time performance. As a result, fewer
vehicles are necessary for serving a route.
This can mean good savings for a transit
ITS improves transportation safety
and mobility and enhances global
connectivity by means of
productivity improvements achieved
through the integration of advanced
communications technologies into
the transportation infrastructure and
in vehicles.
● Alternate Routes and Travel Times:- Alternate routes and
estimated travel times for user selected with respect to
origins and destinations and modes.
● Congestion and speed maps:- Speed and congestion levels
on various roads.
● Maps for Delay of Vehicular Traffic:- Traffic delays (in
minutes) at various junctions and roads
● Variable Message Signs (VMS):- Snapshot images of
information to be displayed on electronic sign boards about
current traffic conditions, at key locations.
● Live Traffic Camera:- Live traffic images from video cameras
on the ITS platform.
Ramp Metering:-Ramp metering can be defined as a
method by which traffic seeking to gain access to a busy
highway is controlled at the access point via traffic
The objectives of ramp metering include:-
a. Controlling the number of vehicles that are allowed
to enter the expressway.
b. Reducing expressway demand.
c. Breaking up of the platoon of vehicles released from
an upstream traffic signal.
Ramp metering, when properly
applied, is a valuable tool for
efficient traffic management on
Phase- I
Phase -II
Phase- III
There are not many comprehensive, fully developed ITS
applications with traffic management centers. ITS
concepts will be useful in the Indian scenario particularly
in emergency management, enforcement for speed
management and red light violation, electronic toll
pricing, e- challaning, traffic congestion management,
advanced traffic management systems, advanced
traveller information systems, commercial vehicle
operations, advanced vehicle control systems, etc
● Availability of definite guidelines and regulations, standards
and specification in physical implementation
● Integration of the ITS applications and development
introduction of standards/ specifications of equipments
● High cost for ITS safety systems
● Setting up a citywide ITS implementation with fully functional
Traffic Management Centre
● National level Data Centres and Maintenance of Archived data
● Online or offline data modelling methods to handle huge data
● Development of ITS architecture at city, regional and national
level along formulation of ITS policies and programmes.

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