Travel and tourism Unit 1.1 and 1.2 (1)

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Travel and

Unit 1.1
01 Understand
of tourism.
and define the different types

02 Understand and define the main

reasons why people travel.
Travel and tourism
in context
For as long as humans have been on eart, they
have traveled.
in early times it was for food, trade etc.
Today, it is now easier and cheaper than ever to
travel to other countries.
Developments in technology has made us more
aware of other countries and destinations which
gives us the DESIRE to experiences these places.
Travel and tourism
in context
There is NO DOUBT that travel and tourism is a
global phenomenon.
It is the worlds LARGEST and FASTEST growing
industries which generates a lot of money and
This industry is RESILIENT: it has experienced
continued growth which is expected to keep
going long into the future.
Think about this
• Where did you last go on holiday?
• Was it in your country or abroad?
• How did you travel?
• What type of accommodation did you stay
• What did you eat and drink?
• What activities did you do on holiday?
• How was the holiday organised/ booked?
From the answers to the questions on the right, you will have examples
and illustrations of the following aspects of the University of Cambridge
International Examination’s Travel and Tourism Syllabus content:

• If the holiday was in your home country you were a domestic

tourist; if abroad you were an outgoing tourist.
• The destination, if abroad may have been long haul or short
haul; at home it may have been a short break or with
regards to Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR).
• Different methods of transportation by land, sea and air may
have made up a part of the holiday.
• You may have travelled using principals owned by large
private sector companies.
• The accommodation used may have been serviced or
self-catering, such as a four star hotel or a camp site,
and you may have had a half board or an all-inclusive
meal plan.
• While on holiday, you may have visited natural and built
tourist attractions and used the services of a local Tourist
Information Centre (TIC) or guide.
• The holiday may have been booked through a travel
agency or directly with a tour operator.
Main types
of tourism
Tourism is the short term movement of people to
destinations outside of places where they normally
live and work.
Tourists are people that travel to a country other
than the one they live in,outside of their normal
environment for atleast 1 night, not more than 1
year with the purpose of visiting and exploring.
Main types
of tourism
Inbound tourism Outbound tourism

is when a tourist from one

is when a tourist leaves the
country travels to another
country where they
that is not their normal
NORMALLY live to travel
country of residence.
another country.
for example: if a tourist
For example, a tourist who
travelled from China to
travels from China to
Malaysia, they would be an
Malaysia would be
INBOUND tourist to Malaysia
considered an OUTBOUND
Main types
of tourism
01 International tourists

• Tourists travelling internationally, inbound or outbound,

• International Tourism takes more planning, such as:
• currency exchange, transport, passports, visas,
preparing for different language and culture.
Main types
of tourism
02 Domestic tourists

. • This is when a tourist travels IN their OWN

• advantages if domestic tourism:
• no language barriers, currency is the same, culture
is similar,tourists may be able to use their own
Main types
of tourism
03 Day Trip

.A day trip is a form of tourism where the tourist returns home

Reasons people take day trips: pleasure(eg. the beach), work or
visiting friends.
Often people don't realize they are a tourist when taking a day
Main types
of tourism
04 Short Break

• This is when a tourist stays away from their home for 4 nights or
. • This could be a weekend or mid-week trip.

• Short breaks ate popular as 2nd holidays for people who can't stay
away from home for long periods of time.
• Short breaks have become popular because:
• easier access to different transport methods, more wealth in some
countries, more demand for tourism.
Lets Discuss
Main reason
why people
01 Leisure
• Is when tourists travel for enjoyment or recreation, known as

. • most common type of holidays: sun, sea and sand.


• other types: shopping, sightseeing and pilgrimages.

• Leisure tourists can only travel when available.
• length or Leisure Travel varies from short breaks- 1/2 weeks.
• distance has an influence; few leisure tourists will travel far
because it can take their time
Main reason
why people
02Business travel

• is when tourists travel for work, they travel alone or with work
• Business travel is PAID FOR BY THE COMPANY
• Most cases: the company will choose and organise the transport
and a place for the tourist. but sometimes the company will give a
BUDGET for the tourist to work with.
• Business tourists travel throughout the year, their travel is not
influenced by many factors.
Main reason
why people
02Business travel

. also need to return when the work is complete.

• Business tourists have to travel when their company chooses. They

• they dont get to go sightseeing and enjoy the place they are
• Different types of business travel are known by the acronym
• each have their own characteristics
Main reason
why people
02 Business travel - MICE

Main reason
why people
02 Business travel - MICE

Main reason
why people
02 Business travel - MICE

Main reason
why people
02 Business travel - MICE

Main reason
why people
03 Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR)

■ If tourists travel with their MAIN PURPOSE of
visiting and spending time with FRIENDS and
FAMILY (Including funerals and weddings) they are
known as VFR tourists.
■ Most VFR tourists will stay with their friends/fam
Main reason
why people
04 Special interest

■ Tourists may travel for a special purpose or

. interest which is not business/VFR.
■ It may also not be simply for enjoyment like
■ Medical reasons like a procedure
■ Religious
■ Adventure
■ cultural

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