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Givenz Information

High-volume electronic product family, manufactured in Asia, sold

through major retail chains in NA

Currently, finished goods supplied by air directly to retailer DCs

Each retail chain is sourced separately

Prime question: Should the firm switch from air shipments to ocean
Givenz Data

Mean Weekly Review

Product Cost Weekly STD
Demand Period 1
$1000 $1400
$5800 Week

Ocean Lead Ocean Air Shipping

Air Lead Time
Time Shipping Cost Cost
1 Weeks
7 Weeks $6.55/box $24.50/box

Service Level Cost of capital

95% 13.3%
Safety Stock
z Cycle Stock

 The formula for safety stock is:

• The formula for safety stock is:
SS=Z×σ× ,
Where: SS= ,
• Z=1.645 (95% service level) Where:
• σ=1400 (weekly standard deviation) • D=5800 (mean weekly demand)
• L: Lead time
• T=1 week (review period)
 Air Shipments (L=1):
• Air & Ocean
CS = = 2900 units
 Ocean Shipments (L=7):

SSOcean=1.645×1400× 7≈6093
Totalz Inventory:

 The formula for safety stock is:

• TI: Total inventory
• SS: Safety stock
• CS: Cycle Stock
 Air Shipments
TIAir=2303+2900=5203 units
 Ocean Shipments :
TIOcean=6093+2900=8993 units
z Cost Shipment Cost

• The formula for shipping cost is:
The formula for holding cost is:
 HC=I×C×H , SC=D×Cship ,

Where: Where:
 I: Total Inventory • D=5800 (mean weekly demand)
• C=1000 (product cost) • Cship :Shipping cost per box
• h=0.133 (cost of capital)
• Air (Cship=24.50)
 Air Shipments :
SC = 5800×24.5=142,100
HCAir=5203×1000×0.133= 691,999
• Ocean (Cship=6.55)
 Ocean Shipments :
SC = 5800×6.55=37,990
HCOcean=8993×1000× 0.133= 1,196,069
Totalz Cost:

 The total cost is the sum of holding costs and shipping costs:
 Air Shipments:

TCAir=HCAir+SCAir= $691,999+$142,100=$834,099
 Ocean Shipments:

TCOcean=HCOcean+SCOcean= $1,196,069+$37,990=$1,234,059

Based on the total cost analysis:

Stick with Air Shipments.

Reason: Air shipments are significantly
more cost-effective, saving close to $400,000

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