Grade 4 Project
Grade 4 Project
Grade 4 Project
“PROJECTS: the perfect opportunity to recharge,
rejuvenate, and explore."
Dear Students,
Please follow the guidelines enlisted below for the project work. At the same time use your imagination, read, explore,
and think differently to make your project unique and meaningful.
1) In this session (2024-25), students will make an art Integrated Project.
2) The project must be kept in a clear file . It must include 3 to 4 pages per subject (written & pictures).
•It must have a cover page. The title of your project should be on the top. You may use sketches, photographs,
cartoons, etc. to make the cover page attractive. Remember to mention your
Name, class, and section.
•On the given topic, students will cover the main aspects and information about different subjects in the following
•Remember to make your project informative and interesting. Use, pictures, and illustrations
wherever required. Follow the policy of ‘best out of waste’.
• It is essential to understand that plagiarism is not tolerated. All submitted work must be the student's creation.
• The content must be written (wherever applicable) in paragraph form with proper sentence construction and
summer/winter clothing.
1.Gather Materials: Look around your home and collect different types of fabrics.
Choose at least three different ones to test. For example, you might use a LEARNING OUTCOMES:
cotton t-shirt, a polyester jacket, and a woolen scarf. 1. Knowledge Acquisition: Students
2.Experiment: will learn about fabric properties
- Absorbency Test: Drip some water on each fabric and see how quickly it soaks and their suitability for summer
in. clothing. Thinking: They'll design
-Sunlight Test: Place each fabric in the sunlight for a while and feel if it gets hot experiments, analyze data, and
or stays cool. draw conclusions about fabric
-Temperature Test: Hold an ice cube against each fabric and see if you can feel performance.
the cold through it. 3.
cultScientific Temper:
iv at e scient ific Students
will t hr ough hands-on
t hinking enhancin
4.Record Observations: Write down or draw what you notice during each test.
t heir under st anding g
Use simple words like "soaks quickly" or "feels cool" to describe each fabric's
of fabric
properties and clothing choices.
behavior. You can also time your results.
4. Pr oblem-Solv ing:
5.Make a Conclusion: Based on what you observed, decide which fabric would be They'll make fabric
informed decisions about
best for summer clothing. Explain your choice, like saying "I think ____ fabric is choices, considering sustainability
best because ________. and environmental impact.
6.NOTE : Show all these observations in A-4 size sheets . Also stick the pieces of
these materials in the sheet where you will show observations.
S o c i a l S t u d i e s : L e t s ex p l o re
C o aTosmake
Objective: t students aware of coastal
plains of India. They will find out major
seaports and special clothes worn by people in these states.
Q1. On a political map of India, mark the coastal states given in the
table attached.
Also, write the names of seaports and special clothes worn by
people of these states in the table. Special Do all the work in A-4 size
Sr No Coastal States Name of the Seaports
sheets, and paste the map as well.
1. Goa
2. Gujarat
3. Maharashtra
4. Karnataka