inclisive ch7
inclisive ch7
inclisive ch7
Dire Dawa University
Chapter 7
Management for
7.1. Resources for inclusion
• The resource should be considered for people with
disabilities in workplaces, social gatherings, recreational
and in schools that help them to feel comfortable, secure
and work at their independent and team activities.
• This is needed due to the reason that the occurrence of
impairment requires opportunistic cost in order to enable
PWDs use their potential and capacity by mitigating the
impact of activity limitation they may face caused by their
• All concerned bodies should be inclusive in their planning,
budgeting and taking action for the education and other
services needed for persons with disabilities.
• For instance, in the school settings resource rooms
are very important.
• The resource room is a classroom where a special
education program can be delivered to a student
with a disability and learning difficulty.
• It is for those students who belong to a regular class
but need some special instructions in an
individualized or small group setting for a portion of
the day.
• This program includes remedial, compensatory and
developmental instruction, which is provided in
small groups for usually for certain hours per week.
• When additional support is appropriate to meet the
student’s needs, the student can receive the pull-
out program.
• Methods and materials are adapted to students'
learning styles and characteristics using
multisensory and other specialized approaches.
• The specialized series needed for students with
disabilities in the school requires both material and
human resources.
• Human resource includes:
Sign language interpreter;
Braille specialist;
Mobility and orientation expert;
Special needs educators;
Speech and language therapist;
Behavioral therapist etc.
• Likewise, the availability of the following material
resources is highly important for school-based
1.Adaptive educational materials and devices
such as slate and stylus, brail paper, type
writer, screen reader software, and adaptive
accessories of computers, large print materials,
embossers, hard copy readers, digital recorders,
Talking Books, materials prepared in visual and
tactile formats including braille text books and
learning aids prepared in tactile format etc.
2. Assistive appliances such as wheelchair, crutch and
other prosthetic and orthopedic devices, hearing aid,
white cane, magnifiers including CCTV etc.