Module 2 - Data Manipulation and Input

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and Input
Module 2

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• Data Input
• String and Number Manipulation
• Placeholders
• String Methods

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• The input() function is a part of the core library of standard Python

• It reads the key strokes as a string object which can be referred to
by a variable having a suitable name

The to edit Master title style

• The input() function takes the user's input from the next line
• The input() will capture it and assign it to a variable if assigned
• The variable will display whatever the user has provided as the
• The input() function always reads the input as a string, even if
comprises of digits

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Simulation Master title style

Click to String
Python edit Master title style

• In Python, string is an immutable sequence data type

• It is the sequence of Unicode characters wrapped inside single,
double, or triple quotes
• It can also be assigned to a variable
• Multi-line strings must be embed in triple quotes

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Python edit Master title style

• If a string literal required to embed double quotes as part of a

string then, it should be put in single quotes
• Likewise, if a string includes a single quote as a part of a string
then, it should be written in double quotes
• You can use the len() function to retrieve the length of a string
• len(“Hello”)
• str1 = “Hello”
• len(str1)

Click toSequence
String edit Master title style

• A sequence is defined as an ordered collection of items

• Hence, a string is an ordered collection of characters
• The sequence uses an index, starting with zero to fetch a certain
item (a character in case of a string) from it
• Python supports negative indexing too, starting with -(length of
string) till -1

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Immutable Masteroftitle style

• The string is an immutable object

• Hence, it is not possible to modify it
• The attempt to assign different characters at a certain index
results in errors

The to Class
edit Master title style

• All strings are objects of the str class in Python

• Use the str() function to convert a number to a string

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Escape edit Master title style

• The escape character is used to invoke an alternative

implementation of the subsequent character in a sequence
• In Python, backslash \ is used as an escape character
• Use a backslash character followed by the character you want to
insert in a string e.g. \' to include a quote, or \" to include a double
quotes in a string

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Click toOperators
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The to edit Master
Methodtitle style

The format() method formats the specified value(s) and insert them
inside the string's placeholder

The placeholder is defined using curly brackets: {}

The format() method returns the formatted string.

The to edit Master title style

The placeholders can be identified using named indexes {price},

numbered indexes {0}, or even empty placeholders {}.

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Click toMethods
String edit Master title style

• str.capitalize() Returns the copy of the string with its first character capitalized and the rest of the letters are

in lowercase
• string.casefold() Returns a lowered case string. It is similar to the lower() method, but the casefold()

method converts more characters into lower case.

• Returns a new centered string of the specified length, which is padded with the specified

character. The default character is space.

• string.count() Searches (case-sensitive) the specified substring in the given string and returns an integer

indicating occurrences of the substring.

• string.endswith() Returns True if a string ends with the specified suffix (case-sensitive), otherwise

returns False.
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• string.find() Returns the index of the first occurence of a substring

in the given string (case-sensitive). If the substring is not found it
returns -1
• string.index() Returns the index of the first occurence of a substring
in the given string.
• string.islower() Checks whether all the characters of a given string
are lowercased or not. It returns True if all characters are lowercased
and False even if one character is uppercase.
• string.istitle() Checks whether each word's first character is upper
case and the rest are in lower case or not. It returns True if a string is
titlecased; otherwise, it returns False. The symbols and numbers are
Click toMethods
String edit Master title style

• string.isupper() Returns True if all characters are uppercase and

False even if one character is not in uppercase.
• string.join() Returns a string, which is the concatenation of the
string (on which it is called) with the string elements of the
specified iterable as an argument.
• string.lower() Returns the copy of the original string wherein all
the characters are converted to lowercase.
• string.upper() Returns a string in the upper case. Symbols and
numbers remain unaffected.
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