Session 6 Bhakti
Session 6 Bhakti
Session 6 Bhakti
Devotion Session 6
Trilochan Sastry
IIM Bangalore
• The Upanishads largely point to the Jnana Marga or Way of
Knowledge. Not appealing to most people
• The Bhakti Marga or the path of devotion points to way of Love.
Prevalent in nearly all religions
• Devotion for what or whom?
• Devotion for what purpose?
Worship of What?
• Formless God with attributes. God is Love, merciful, kind, protects us,
is full of power and energy, full of peace, joy. – some aspects of
Sufism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism
• God with form and attributes – the innumerable Gods and Goddesses
of Hinduism. Different humans beings are attracted to Rama Krishna,
Mother Goddess (Kali, Saraswati, Parvati, Lakshmi,… )
• Worship of sages, saints, Prophets and Incarnations – practically all
religions including some aspects of Buddhism and Jainism
Purpose of Devotion
• “Worldly benefits” – health, wealth, protection, realization of various
desires and ambitions, for one’s family, friends,…
• For other benefits – heaven, gaining punya (religious merit)
• For gaining so called occult powers – read minds, influence events, do
some kind of ‘miracles’…
• For spiritual enlightenment.
• Beyond that – Love of God for its own sake, seeking nothing (called
bhava, prema, raga bhakti…). E.g., Prahlada, Hanuman, Narada,
Chaitanya, Meera, Tulsidas,…
• For the welfare of mankind?
Bhakti or Devotion from the
He is the Soul of the Universe; He is immortal ;
His is the Rulership; He is the All-knowing,
The All-pervading the Protector of the Universe, the Eternal Ruler.
None else is there efficient to govern the world eternally.
He who at the beginning of creation projected Brahma
and who delivered the Vedas unto him—
seeking liberation I go for refuge unto that Effulgent One,
whose light turns the understanding towards the Âtman.” —Shwetâshwatara-
Upanishad, VI 17, 18.
Two types the books refer to
• Vaidhi bhakti. For an aspirant – lays down rules to follow in daily life,
rituals, worship, singing sacred songs, serving others
• Raganuraga Bhakti – those who have gone beyond the rules, the
advanced devotees or the enlightened Ones
The End Goal of Devotion
• Depends on what the seeker wants. God is the wish fulfilling tree and
gives what you seek if it is good for you
• Higher goal: Immersion in the Love of God. Gives joy and peace.
• Comment: they say the Jnani who follows the path of knowledge
wants to know the Impersonal Brahman and become liberated
• The devotee or Bhakta wants to enjoy bliss (of God) and does not
bother about liberation
• It is said, that through devotion, the aspirant can even gain the
ultimate knowledge of Brahman and become liberated or free.
Bhakti from the Puranas
• Brahma, Vayu, Brahmavaivarta, Brahmanda, Padma, Agni,Bhavishya,
• The Vashinavaite Puranas: Vishnu, Naradiya, Bhagavata (popularly
called Bhagvat Puran in North India), Varaha, Kurma, Matsya,
Vamana, Garuda. They worship Vishnu, the Immanent aspect of
Brahman – He who resides in everything
• The Saivaite Puranas: Markandeya, Skanda, Linga. They worship Siva,
the Transcendent aspect of Brahman – That is formless, attribute-less
• Other important ones are Devibhagavat, about worship of the Divine
Mother, who personifies the Shakti or (Spiritual) Energy of the
Narada Bhakti Sutras
• Narada was a great Sage who was a devotee of Vishnu
• “Bhakti,” says Nârada in his explanation of the Bhakti-aphorisms, “is
intense love to God.”
• “When a man gets it, he loves all, hates none; he becomes satisfied
for ever.”
• “This love cannot be reduced to any earthly benefit,” because so long
as worldly desires last, that kind of love does not come.
Narada Bhakti Sutras
1. Atha tho Bhakthim vyakyasyama- Now I will explain in detail what is
meant by devotion to God(Bhakthi).
2. Saa tasmin Parama prema roopa - Devotion to God is personification
of intense(highest) love towards Him.
3. Amrutha swaroopa cha - It also is deathless or as sweet as nectar
4. Yallabhathva puman siddho bhavathi, amrutho bhavathi, truptho
bhavathi One who gets it becomes perfect, immortal and contended.
5. Yath prapya kinchid vanchadhi , na sochathi, na dweshati, na ramathe
na uthsahi bhavathi - One who gets it desires not, worries not, hates
not, enjoys not, and does not get excited.
• 6.Yat gnathwa matho bhavathi, sthabhdho bhavathi, athmaramo
bhavathi. One who attains it becomes intoxicated (be in stupor), still
and drunk with self(soul)
• 7.Saa na kamaya mana , nirodha roopathwad
• It is not desire generating as it is by nature a form of renunciation.
• 8.Nirodasthu loka veda vyapara nyasa
• Giving away the social and Vedic customs including religious activities
is termed as a form of this renunciation.
Bhakti from various traditions
• The stories of Bhakta Kannappa and Nandanar
• In general, bhakti or devotion is to God with attributes – the kind, merciful
attributes, who cares for His (or Her) devotees
• From the Vedic age down to modern times, the Bhakti tradition has an unbroken
connection of sages and saints
• Narada, Prahlada, Meera, Tulsidas, Surdas, Tukaram, Namdev, Eknath, Tyagaraja,
Shyama Sastri, Ramdas, Chokhamela, Ramanujacharya, Chaitanya, Madhvacharya,
Ramakrishna, Bulle Shah, Nimbarka, Vallabhacharya, Ramananda, Raidas, Narasimha
Mehta, Arunagirinatha, Akka Mahadevi, Andal, Kanakadasa, Purandaradasa,
Ramprasad, Kamalakanta, Kanappa, Nandanar, … all are said to be Bhakti saints
• There were 63 Nayanars or Saivaite saints and 13 Alwars or Vashnavaite saints in
South India
ठाकुर तुम शरणाई आया | Thakur Tum
sharanai aya-Translation
• Thakur, Tum sharanai aya ||
Utara gayo mere mana ka sansa, jab te darshan paya ||
Anabolat meri birtha jani, Apna nam japaya ||
Dukha nathe sukh sahaj samaye, ananda ananda gun gaya ||
Bah pakad kar leene apne griha andha kupa te maya ||
Kahu Nanak, Guru bandhan kate, Bichharat aan milaya ||
• O God, I seek refuge in Thee. On seeing Thee, all my doubts have disappeared.
Without my mentioning it, Thou hast known my trouble. Thou hast made me
remember Thee. My misery is gone and I am all happiness. Joyfully do I sing
Thy praise. Thou hast taken me by the arm and pulled me safe out of the dark
well of maya. Nanak says: The Lord has removed my bondage and brought
me back though I had strayed away. – By MAHATMA GANDHI 6-9-1930
Aspects of Bhakti: Formless God
with attributes
• Music:
• ठाकुर तुम शरणाई आया ॥
उतर गयो मेरे मन का संसा, जब ते दर्शन पाया ॥
अनबोलत मेरी बिरथा जानी, अपना नाम जपाया ॥
दुख नाठे सुख सहज समाए, आनंद आनंद गुण गाया ॥
बाह पकड कर लीने अपने ग्रिह अंध कूप ते माया ॥
कहु नानक, गुरु बंधन काटे, बिछरत आन मिलाया ॥
•The redeemer.
•The door to the infinite.
•Shock-absorber and evolutionary catalyst of the age.
• A new focus.
•The great lover. Above all, the avatar is a great lover of mankind.
Some Aspects of the Avatar
•The redeemer. Swami Vivekananda has defined the avatar as a
kapala-mocana: “One who can alter the doom of people is the Lord.
No sadhu, however advanced, can claim this unique position.” An
ordinary illumined soul may be able to guide a few people or even
awaken their spiritual consciousness, but an ordinary soul cannot
alter the karmaphala of anybody. Only God or an incarnation of God
can wipe off the effects of past karma. This is the meaning of Christ’s
“forgiving the sins” of others. An avatar is the redeemer of the fallen.
•Some great Sages can also do this – story of Ramana Maharshi
and the sinner
Aspects of the Avatar - continued
•The great lover. Above all, the avatar is a great lover of mankind.
Ordinary people can love only a few people sincerely, the rest of
human love is all mere show. But so vast and deep is the love of
the avatar that it cannot be satisfied even by the love of
thousands of people. It is this pure and eternal love of the
incarnation that draws millions of people to him.
• Religion is, after all, realization, and we must make the sharpest
distinction between talk; and intuitive experience. What we
experience in the depths of our souls is realization.
• Purusha