QUESTIONS curriculum
QUESTIONS curriculum
QUESTIONS curriculum
Critique MacDonald’s, Johnson’s and Zais’ eclectic models of curriculum
1.With examples differentiate assessment, measurement and
2.Explain how evaluation can take place before, during and
after instruction. Use clear examples
EES :Explain the reasons why a curriculum change and
innovation is important
EEK( GR 1)
• Task: Based on the broader meaning
of the concept of curriculum, critically
analyze one of the subject you teach
at your respective school . The
analysis should mainly focus on the
components of curriculum and its
development process.
• Length: at least 2 pages and at most 5
• Format: computer types, font type: Times
New Roman, font size: 12, line space: 1.5,
Examples of subjects:Economics ,
EEK( GR 2)
• Task: Based on the broader meaning
of the concept of curriculum, critically
analyze one of the subject you teach
at your respective school . The
analysis should mainly focus on the
components of curriculum and its
development process.
• Length: at least 2 pages and at most 5
• Format: computer types, font type: Times
New Roman, font size: 12, line space: 1.5,
Examples of subjects: English
EEF( GR 1)
• Task: Based on the broader meaning
of the concept of curriculum, critically
analyze one of the subject you teach
at your respective school . The
analysis should mainly focus on the
components of curriculum and its
development process.
• Length: at least 2 pages and at most 5
• Format: computer types, font type: Times
New Roman, font size: 12, line space: 1.5,
Examples of subjects: French
1.Why is curriculum change needed
2. What problems can arise as a result of the introduction of
innovations and curriculum change?
3. What is meant by term ‘’curriculum patterns’’
4.Explain why evaluation is important?
Assignment 2
• 1. What is your interpretation of the
complexity of the meanings attached to
an “international curriculum”?
• 2. How can you apply the nature of the
international curriculum within higher
education learning?
• 3. Does the difficulty of forming a clear
view on the ‘international curriculum’
suggest to you that we need to search
for new and alternative form of
curriculum that would address the
genuine requirements of the changing
higher education landscape in the 21st
Discuss Summerhill theory in context of Existentialism as
philosophical foundation of education(2pages)
Group assignment
• With reference to Rwandan context and
using concrete examples, discuss how the
following factors affect the development of
curriculum at all levels of education
(primary, secondary, and higher
• A) Political factors
• B) Economic factors
• C) Social and environmental factors
• D) Technological factors and globalization
Activity 2
• Strategy: Think-pair-share
• Discuss factors that explain differences
between intended curriculum and enacted
True /False
Indicate ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False regarding the concept of
Curriculum for the given statement.
a) Curriculum is the totality of all educational experiences.
b) b) Curriculum is constructed on the basis of philosophical,
sociological and psychological foundations.
c) c) The term curriculum is derived from the English word
d) d) A Curriculum is a narrow term but syllabus is a broader
• Strategy: Donut discussion
• Discussion the following questions:
• 1. How is assessment different from
• 2. Why do we assess and evaluate in
Course work: /10pts
1. As you are future teachers, what can be the factors influencing
curriculum change and innovation?/3pts
2. Find out at least 3 global contemporary issues in education that can
push countries to change their curricula./3pts
3. Justify the current benefits of CBC in Rwanda. /4pts
1. As professional teachers, differentiate correctly these 3 terms:
assessment, measurement and evaluation
2. Briefly describe CIPP model as one of the models of curriculum
3. With convincing examples, differentiate formative evaluation with
summative evaluation