• Introduction CNS tumors
• Primary CNS tumors
- Incidence
- Etiology
- classification
- Clinical presentation
- Investigation
- Management
• Overview on
- metastatic tumor
- Spinal cord tumors
• Tumors of the CNS are tumors affect the brain and
• Brain tumors encompass
– 1ry brain tumors -originate in the brain itself
– 2ndry brain tumor- Involve the brain as a metastatic site
• Primary tumors (benign or malignant)
• In adults ~ one-third (33 %)of tumors were malignant
• In children 65% were malignant
• Histogenesis
– Glial Vs Non-glial
• Histologic grading
– Benign Vs Malignant
• Anatomic location
– Intra axial Vs Extra axial
– Supratentorial Vs infratentorial
– Pituitary, Pineal region, Posterior fossa,…
1.Based on cell of origin
A. primary tumors of the brain are divided into
1. Intra-axial
Arising from neuroepithelial cells of brain parenchyma (Glial Tumors, Neural
Tumors and Mixed Tumors ) –50%
Astrocytomas , most common glial tumors (90%)
Oligodendroglioma accounts about 10% of gliomas
Primitive neuroectodermal tumors arise from bipotential cells,
capable of differentiating into neurons or glial cells, most
common medulloblastomas
Arising from outside the brain parenchyma, meninges or crianal and spinal
Include meningiomas (15-18%), pituitary
adenoma(8%) ,neurinomas /schwannomas (6%)
B. Metastatic - ( mainly from lung, breast, GI, kidney, melanoma) 15%
Plain x-rays
Skull X-rays are rarely used in neurosurgery, with advent of CT
• the presence of calcified brain lesions( oligoderoglioma)
• hyperostosis of adjacent bone in mengioma, or tumors involving
the skull, and
• abnormalities in the size and shape of sella turcica, which suggest
large pituitary tumors.
• chronically Increased ICP , accompanied by thinning of the
dorsum sellae
Computed tomography
CT has largely been replaced by cranial MRI as the imaging
modality of choice for brain tumors
However, CT retains utility in selected situations:
To detect metastases to the skull base or vascular
the first investigation for cerebral trauma and
suspected intracranial bleeding and detection and
localization intracranial mass lesion To unstable patient
(to screen )
Superior in demonstrating calcification and bone
Those unable to undergo MRI (implanted pacemaker,
metal fragment, paramagnetic surgical clips) or
Unwilling (b/c claustrophobia)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
• Disadvantage
– poor for demonstrating fractures in dense cortical bone, and intra-
lessional calcification emit no signal on MRI image
– very sick
T2 WI are most sensitive for tumor and edema extent
Positron emission tomography (PET Scan)
• Principle
– Tests metabolism by indicating
uptake of radio labeled glucose.
– During specific actions, certain parts
of the brain show increased activity
on PET
-A standard curvilinear
frontotemporal skin incision is
made behind the hairline
-The frontal bur hole on eternal
orbital process
• complete • partial
• Meningiomas • Gliomas in the
• pituitary tumours frontal, occipital and
• acoustic neuromas temporal poles
• some solitary
Radiation Therapy
• An integral role in the treatment of most malignant and
many benign primary CNS tumors.
– As definitive treatment in more radiosensitive diseases
such as embryonal tumors, PNET and germ cell tumors,
– As adjuvant treatment to halt further tumor growth in
schwannomas, meningiomas, pituitary tumors, and
• Decrease local failure
• Delay recurrence
– Radiation therapy is also the primary modality in
palliating brain metastases, Prolong survival in gliomas
Radiation Therapy
• Methods
conventional /conformal radiotherapy- repeated
administration of small doses of radiation to a relatively large
target, as in whole brain or focal RT
Stereotactic radiotherapy- multiple converging beams from a
linear accelerator focused on selected target
Interstitial technique / brachytherapy– treated by
implantation of multiple radio-active seeds
Proton therapy – deliver of high dose of radiation to very
localized region
• As a primary treatment is questionable because of toxicity
and drug access BBB
• But reserve to
– Tumor recurrence after radiation or surgery
– useful as primary treatment for lymphoma and medulloblastoma
– as adjunctive therapy for oligodendroglioma and some high-grade
• Effectiveness increased
– Intra-arterial injection of glioblastomas
– BBB may be iatrogenically disrupted by giving mannitol before
chemotherapeutic delivery has been shown to affect malignant
tumor response.
– Intrathecal adminstration of agent via LP ventricular acess
Metastatic Tumors
Intra spinal tumours
relationship to the Dura a. Extradural
b. Intradural
Intradural by relationship to the spinal cord
b-1. Intramedullary
b-2. Extramedullary
Extradural tumors are largely metastatic
Account for approximately 55% of spinal tumors .
Arise from verteberal bodies or epidermal tissue or metastatic
(most commonly) particularly from
– Prostate- 90% - Breast – 74 %
- Lung – 45%
Metastasis to - Thoracic – 50 %
- Lumbosacral – 30 %
- Cervical – 20 %
Primary Tumors –rare Hemangiomas, Osteoblastic lesions include osteoid
osteoma and osteoblastoma, Ewing's sarcoma, osteosarcoma,
chondrosarcoma, and plasmacytoma
45 % of of spinal tumors
Most are primary SC
Approximately 29 percent of intradural tumors are
intramedullary, and approximately 71 percent are
These tumors are located within the dura, but outside the substance of the spinal cord
Typically seen as well circumscribed lesions , rarely invade the
neural axis
Benign in over 90 %
Approximately 70 percent are either neurilemmomas or
o Nerve sheath tumours (schwannomas and neurofibromas)
o Meningiomas
o Metastatic tumors may also seed this area through subarachnoid
spreading (lymphoma, ependymoma, medulloblastoma)
– 29 % of intradural tumors
– Originate from the substance of the spinal cord
– Approximately 59 percent are either ependymomas (28
percent) or astrocytomas (31 percent)
– Majority
• Ependymoma
• Astrocytoma
• Metastasis from primary brain tumor via CSF , drop
metastasis. e.g. PNET and MEDULLOBLASTOMA, ependyoma,
germ cell tumours...
Intradural spinal cord tumors
Ependymomas 8
Astrocytomas 9
Others (each less than 2 12
Total 29
Neurilemmoma 27
Meningioma 23
Sarcoma 10
Others 11
Total 71
The effects of spinal tumors
Destruction of bones or ligaments can cause spinal
instability, leading to deformities such as kyphosis,
subluxation, or possible subsequent neural compression
Tumor growth can cause direct compression of the spinal
cord , causing myelopathy, or the nerve roots, causing
Factors that determine the clinical picture include
The position of the tumor with respect to the transverse
plane of the spinal cord (dorsal, ventral, lateral, or
The position of the tumor with respect to the
longitudinal plane (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, or sacral)
Tumor effects on the blood supply of the spinal cord
the histologic nature of the lesion
- Plain X- ray - collapse
- loss of pedicle
- sclerosis
- widening of foramina
- soft tissue shadow
- Myelography - not extent of invasion
- relation to cord or dura
- CT – scan – for doing biopsy in extradural tumours
- MRI – investigation of choice
- provide excellent delineating of SC & surrounding structure
- enhance almost all intrinsic SC tumours & metastases
- same may spread through out the CSF –Whole neuraxis
– Progressive neurologic loss constitutes a surgical emergency
– Surgical removal Followed by Postoperative Radiation Therapy
– Surgery is likely to improve quality of life for patients with life
expectancy of 6 months or more
– The surgical approach is directed toward the tumor area
• Laminectomy posteriorly tumors
• vertebrectomy a posterolateral thoracotomy
• Thoracoabdominal approach
– For high grade lesion pos-op RTX(+/-chemotherapy)
Hand book of Neurosurgery-seventh
Text book of clinical neurology third
European Society for Medical Oncology
Handbook of Advanced Cancer Care
Shwartz principles of surgery-9th ed.
Sabiston text book of surgery -16th ed.