Errors in Measurements
ε = the error in the
y = the measured value
μ = the true value
Characteristics of Measurements
Some examples:
- mechanical friction - displaced scale
- backlash - non-uniform division of
- pointer drag the scale
- constructional faults - bent or distorted pointer
- poor maintenance
Environmental errors
- errors due to conditions external to the
measuring device
Some examples:
effects of temperature
external magnetic or
electrostatics fields
Environmental errors can be eliminated or reduced
by taking the following measures:
using the instrument in controlled conditions of
pressure, temperature, humidity in which it was
originally assembled and calibrated
measure deviations in the local conditions from
the calibrated ones and then apply a suitable
corrections to the instrument readings
make a complete new calibration under the
local conditions
in case it is suspected that external magnetic or
electrostatic fields can effect the reading of the
instruments, magnetic shield may be provided
apply computed corrections when needed and
are necessary
Observational errors
These errors occurs due to carelessness of the operators.
Even when an instrument has been properly selected,
carefully installed and faithfully calibrated, shortcoming
in the measurement occurs due to certain failings on the
part of the observer.
Some reasons of occurrence:
parallax (an object appears to change its position
because the person or instrument observing
it has change their position)
wrong scale reading and wrong recording of data
inaccurate estimates of average reading
incorrect conversion of units in between consecutive
3. Random errors
are accidental, small and independent
they vary in an unpredictable manner
the magnitude and direction of these errors
cannot be predicted from a knowledge of
measurement system
Environment effects
Other sources of errors
o noise – any signal that does not convey useful
o response time – the time taken by the instrument
to show 63.2% change in a reading
o design limitations – in the design of instrument,
certain inevitable factors such
friction lead to uncertainty of
o energy exchanged by interaction
o transmission
o deterioration of measuring system
o ambient influences on measuring systems
o errors of observation and interpretation
Measurement Errors
True Measured
Value Value
Sensing Conditioning Processing Presentation
Element Element Element Element
K1 K2 K3 K4
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