Data Management ( 1)
Data Management ( 1)
Data Management ( 1)
• Is a scientific body of
knowledge that deals with:
collection ,
organization ,presentation ,
analysis and interpretation
of the gathered of data.
Descriptive Statistics:
•Deals with the collection , presentation of
data and summarizing values that
describe the groups characteristics.
•Inferential Statistics:
2. Questionnaire method
3. Observation method
4. Test method 5. Registration Method
6. Mechanical devices
Determining the
Slovin’s Size
n= N___ n is the sample size
N is the population size
1 + Ne2
e is the margin of error
2. Systematic sampling
3. Purposive sampling
Is also known as percentage frequency.
RF = f x 100%
Measures of central tendency
The main purpose for obtaining a
measure of central tendency is to find a
single value that will serve as the
representative of the entire distribution
of scores. Usually, this value is the
average of the scores, which could be
the mean, median, or the mode.
Measures of Central Tendency
Calculation of:
Mean = Σ fm / N
f – frequency , m – midpoint/class mark
N – total number of values
Σ fm – sum of all the products of f and x.
Example 1: Calculate the Mean.
> is the midpoint of the data array.
Median : Grouped data
Median = L md + ( n/2 – cf<) i
Lmd – The lower limits of the median class.
Cf< - Cumulative frequency lesser than up to but below the
median class
i - class size
fmd = frequency of the median class
MODE: grouped data
Mode = L mo + ( Δ1 )i
Δ1 + Δ2
Lmo – The lower limits of the modal class.
i - class size
Δ1 = The difference between the frequency of modal class &
above it.
Δ2 = the difference between the frequency of the modal class
& below it.
FRACTILES are used to divide a dataset
into smaller equal parts or groups.
Quartiles, deciles, and percentiles are all
types of fractiles, with quartiles dividing
a dataset into four equal parts, deciles
dividing it into ten equal parts, and
percentiles dividing it into one hundred
equal parts.
Are measures of location or position which
include not only central location but also any
position based on the number of equal divisions
in a given distribution.
1. Quartiles
2. deciles
Ungrouped data: Arrange the data from lowest
to highest.
data #
10 1
12 2
14 3
18 4
20 5
Ungrouped data:
Q : Q1, Q2 , Q3
P10, P20,P30,P40,P50, P60,P70,P80,P90
Grouped Data:
Qk = L Qk + ( kN - < CF )i
f Qk
Dk = L Dk + ( kN - < CF ) i
f Dk
Pk = L Pk + ( kN - < CF ) i
f Pk
Example 1: Find Q, D, P
Class interval frequency
22 – 24 10
19 -21 18
16-18 20
13-15 25
10-12 15
7-9 12
Why do we use mean deviation?
Mean deviation, shows the average
variance between individual data points
and the dataset mean. It gives an idea of
how widely the values deviate from the
central point.
Why do we calculate the quartile
The quartile deviation helps to examine the
spread of a distribution about a measure
of its central tendency, usually the mean
or the average. Hence, it is in use to give
you an idea about the range within which the
central 50% of your sample data lies.
The use of Variance:
Variance is a statistical measurement
used to determine how far each number
is from the mean and from every other
number in the set.
The use of standard Deviation:
A standard deviation (or σ) is a measure of
how dispersed the data is in relation to
the mean. Low, or small,
standard deviation indicates data are
clustered tightly around the mean, and
high, or large, standard deviation indicates
data are more spread out.
Coefficient of variation
What is the function of the coefficient
of variation?
Coefficient of variation is a relative
measure of dispersion that is used to
determine the variability of data. It is
expressed as a ratio of the
standard deviation to the mean multiplied
by 100.