Rule of Mixture
Rule of Mixture
Rule of Mixture
The matrix material 1. bonds to the fiber 2. Surrounds and protects the fiber 3. Causes the fiber to maintain orientation desired 4. Keeps the whole piece in shape The fiber carries most of the load in an efficient way The composite material has properties that are a blend of those of the matrix and the fiber.
Short Fiber. Fibers are short and randomly oriented. These materials are usually among the cheaper ones to manufacture.
These are the highest performance. Not so easy to manufacture. Have built in directionality.
Several properties of composites can be calculated using the rule of mixtures. Lets begin with the density of the composite. Suppose that Vf is the Volume fraction of the fiber, and that Vm is the volume fraction of the matrix material. Please note that Vf + Vm = 1. Next let rf be the density of the fiber, and rm is the density of the matrix material. The density rc of the composite is apparently rc = rf Vf + rm Vm.
s A s f A f s m Am
We assume Hookean Behavior. (Think carefully about this assumption!) We can divide by the constant strain shared by all components. we also multiply by L.
L E A L E f A f L Em Am
E E f V f Em Vm
Lf Lm em ef
d d f dm
e L L f e f Lm e m
L A L f A Lm A E Ef Em
1 V f Vm E E f Em
E f Em Vm E f V f Em
Suppose we had 62% fiber content by volume. We are dealing with a Carbon Fiber epoxy composite.
r V f r f Vm r m 0.62 (1.78 ) 0.38 1.06 1.50
Eiso strain V f E f Vm Em 0.62 40000 0.38 2000 25560 ksi
Eiso stress
E f Em Vm E f V f Em
Composite Modulus will lie somewhere between the two. Clearly Isostrain is the target condition.