Motivation Is The Driving: Force Within Individuals

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Motivation is the driving

force within individuals

that impels them
to action.
How is this driving force produced?

Model of the Motivation Process

Learning Needs wants, and desires Goal or need fulfillment




Cognitive processes

Tension reduction

Types of Needs
Innate Needs
Physiological (or biogenic) needs that are considered primary needs or motives

Acquired needs
Generally psychological (or psychogenic) needs that are considered secondary needs or motives

Generic Goals
the general categories of goals that consumers see as a way to fulfill their needs e.g., I want to get a postgraduate qualification.

Product-Specific Goals
the specifically branded products or services that consumers select as their goals e.g., I want to get an PGDBM in Marketing from IIM Ahmedabad.

The Selection of Goals

The goals selected by an individual depend on their:
Personal experiences Physical capacity Prevailing cultural norms and values Goals accessibility in the physical and social environment

Motivations and Goals

Positive Motivation Negative Motivation A driving force A driving force toward some away from some object or condition object or condition Approach Goal Avoidance Goal
A positive goal toward which behavior is directed A negative goal from which behavior is directed away

Rational Versus Emotional Motives

Rationality implies that consumers select goals based on totally objective criteria such as size, weight, price, or miles per gallon Emotional motives imply the selection of goals according to personal or subjective criteria

The Dynamic Nature of Motivation

Needs are never fully satisfied New needs emerge as old needs are satisfied People who achieve their goals set new and higher goals for themselves


Failure to achieve a goal may result in frustration. Some adapt; others adopt defense mechanisms to protect their ego.

Defense Mechanism

Methods by which people mentally redefine frustrating situations to protect their self-images and their self-esteem.

Table 4.2 Defense Mechanisms

Aggression Rationalization Regression Withdrawal Projection Autism Identification Repression

Arousal of Motives
Caused by stimuli found in either an internal environment or an external environment
Physiological arousal Most of these cues are involuntary :cold, warmth and are triggered by bodily changes Emotional arousal Imagination, daydreaming resulting in stimulation of latent needs/ craving for desirable situations. Cognitive arousal Triggered by random thoughts/ out of the blue ! Environmental arousal Activated by specific cues in the environment

Philosophies Concerned With Arousal of Motives

Behaviourist School
Behaviour is response to stimulus Elements of conscious thoughts are ignored Consumer does not act, but reacts

Cognitive School
Behaviour is directed at goal achievement Need to consider needs, attitudes, beliefs, etc. in understanding consumer behaviour Predispositions determine actions

Murrays List of Psychogenic Needs

Needs Associated with Inanimate Objects Acquisition, Conservancy, Order, Retention, Construction Needs Reflecting Ambition, Power, Accomplishment, and Prestige Superiority, Achievement, Recognition, Exhibition, Inavoidance Needs Connected with Human Power Dominance, Deference, Similance, Autonomy, Contrariance Sado-Masochistic Needs Aggression, Abasement Needs Concerned with Affection between People Affiliation, Rejection, Nurturance, Succorance, Play Needs Concerned with Social Intercourse Cognizance, Exposition

A Trio of Needs
individuals desire to control environment

need for friendship, acceptance, and belonging

need for personal accomplishment closely related to egoistic and self-actualization needs

The Measurement of Motives

How are motives identified? How are they measured? How do we know which motives are responsible for certain kinds of behaviour? These are difficult questions to answer because motives are

hypothetical constructs
Researchers rely on a combination of various qualitative research techniques to try to establish the presence and/or strength of various motives.

Validity??? Reliability???

Motivational Research

Qualitative research designed to uncover consumers subconscious or hidden motivations. Consumers are not always aware of, or may not wish to recognize, the basic reasons underlying their actions.

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