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1 Applets

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Chapter 1 : Java Applet

To define an applets To describe the support for applets by Java To see how applet differ from other application To understand the lifecycle of applet To implement applet

Applet is
Embedded java class in HTML and is downloaded and executed by web browser. Applets are not stand-alone programs, can run either by web browser or applet viewer How does it differ from an application? Executed by web browser Does not using main() method

Applet Security Restriction

Most browser prevent the following
Runtime execution of another program File I/O Call to any native methods Attempts to open a socket to any system except the host that provide the applet

How Java guarantee applet is safe?

Applet Secure Environment

Java provides means of secure environment to run applet at clients site. A remote system checks 2 things
The originating URL and signature of applet it downloads

It checks against a local file containing entries mapping special applets to special protection domain.
This enables special applet coming from particular places to run with special privileges

Applet Types Applet Types

1. Based directly on the Applet class ( using Abstract Window Toolkit - AWT) - It provides the graphic user interface (or use no GUI at all) - This style of applet has been available since Java was first created 2. Based on Swing class (JApplet)

Applet Class Hierarchy


java.awt.Component java.awt.Container






Writing An Applet
import javax.swing.JApplet; Extends to Applet class
public class HelloWorld extends JApplet

Applet class must be public Its name must match the file name
Example : HelloWorld.java.

Embed Java class into .html file using applet tag

<applet code=className width=pixels height=pixels> </applet>

Key Applet Methods

Called when the applet is created or recreated

Called when the applet become visible

paint(Graphics g)
Called when the component is exposed

Called when the applet become invisible
Browser is minimized or link follows to another URL

Called when the browser is closed or exited

Loading An Applet
http://someLocation/file.html 1. The browser loads the URL

<html> <applet code = > </applet>

2. The browser loads the html document

Applet Classes Browser Location:

3. The browser loads the applet classes


4. The browser runs the applet


Applet Life Cycle

Enter web page Create applet

init() after init start() exits destroy() return to page stop() Go to another page


Applet Display
Applets are graphical in nature. The browser environment calls the paint() method.
import java.awt.Graphics; import javax.swing.JApplet; public class HelloWorld extends JApplet { private int paintCount; public void init(){ paintCount = 0; } public void paint (Graphics g) { g.drawString("Hello World", 25,25); ++paintCount; g.drawString("Number of times paint called : " + paintCount, 25, 50); } } 12

Applet Display
HelloWorld.html <HTML> <applet code = "HelloWorld" width = 300 height = 100> </applet> </HTML>

C:\src\Lecture 8> javac HelloWorld.java C:\src\Lecture 8> appletviewer HelloWorld.html


Viewing Applet
Viewing using appletviewer
appletviewer HelloWorld.html

Viewing using web browser

Address : C:\src\Lecture 8\HelloWorld.html


<applet> Tag Structure

<applet [archive = archiveList] code = appletFile.class width = pixels height = pixels [codebase = codeBaseURL] [alt = alternateText] [name = appletInstanceName] [align = alignment] [vspace = pixels] [hspace = pixels] > [<param name = appletAttribute value = value>] </applet>


Passing Parameter to Applet

To passed parameter to an applet
Declare the parameter in the HTML file
Using <param>
<param name = appletAttribute value = value>

Read the parameter during applet initialization

Using getParameter()


DisplayMessage.java Example Code

import javax.swing.JApplet; import java.awt.Graphics; public class DisplayMessage extends JApplet { String text; int x,y; public void init() { text = getParameter("Message"); x = Integer.parseInt(getParameter("x")); y = Integer.parseInt(getParameter("y")); }

public void paint(Graphics g){ g.drawString(text, x,y); }



DisplayMessage.html Example Code

<html> <applet code="DisplayMessage.class" width=200 height=50> <param name = Message value = "Java is fun!"> <param name = x value = 20> <param name = y value = 30> </applet> </html>


Running Applet as Application

Applet can be converted to an application without loss of functionality. Implement main() method to enable the applet run as application.


Example Code
import import import import java.awt.Graphics; java.awt.BorderLayout; javax.swing.JApplet; javax.swing.JFrame; public class HelloWorldApp extends JApplet { private int paintCount; public void init(){ paintCount = 0; }

public void paint (Graphics g) { g.drawString("Hello World", 25,25); ++paintCount; g.drawString("Number of times paint called : + paintCount, 25, 50); }
public static void main (String args[]) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("HelloWorldApp Demo"); HelloWorldApp app = new HelloWorldApp(); frame.add(app,BorderLayout.CENTER); app.init(); app.start(); frame.setSize(300,300); frame.setVisible(true); }


The End

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