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Opening titles

Click to edit Master subtitle style


The film starts off with the production companies name accompanied by nondiagetic music from an electric guitar. It is important to have your production companies name in opening credits so that the production company can be credited for their input towards the production and distribution of your film. Also it acts as advertising for the production company itself. The non diagetic music from an electric guitar is not typical of a film from a teen horror genre so this can throw an audiences expectations of a teen horror off task and allow their imaginations of what the film could possible be about to flow more freely. The blacked out screen and non diagetic music also force the audience to imagine how the film could possibly start as there is no actual image on screen yet. The centered white title stands out amongst the black background and 3/28/12 causes this to be the audiences main focal point.

After this next title to the left, nondiagetic sounds of the ocean is merged into the non-diagetic music of an electric guitar. This catches the audience off guard and leaves them wondering if the film is something to do with the sea. Next the non-diagetic sounds from the ocean becomes diagetic. This connotes to the audience that whatever is going to happen in the film could start with the ocean.


This main title appears centre screen whilst the audience is shown a birds eve view of the sea at the same time the camera is panning over the mise en scene of the sea depicting to the audience this idea of flying. The title fits in with the shot as it appears on screen at the same pace the camera is panning and stays on screen for the majority of the time the camera is panning connotating to the audience that they are the title flying over the sea. Also because of the way the title appears on screen and the fact that it is white makes it stand out on


Actors names in credits are important so that the audience can recognize who acted in the film and also so actors can be credited for their part in the film. Again these particular credits depict the idea of flying because of the pace the titles appear on screen. During all of this diagetic sounds from the ocean can be heard which effectively soothes the audience and causes them to be completely vulnerable to what could happen next, as it is a horror this is the perfect setting for something horrific to happen. The mise en scene of the sun in the far right of the screen grap adds to the soothing effect and connotes this idea of everything being clm. Not having the title in the centre allows the audience to focus more on the mise en scene which effectively causes them to feel more comfortable and soothed by the calming mise en scene and soothing sounds of the sea.


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