Distribution in HUL
Distribution in HUL
Distribution in HUL
Ankur Mathur
Ankur Mathur
Ankur Mathur
U1 & U2
The stockists are classified as U1 and U2 stockist on the basis of the products that they stock. E.g. U1 stockist generally stocks products like surf and ponds whereas the U2 stockist deals with high profile products of HUL like Lakme and Dove. The stockiest in HUL system is commonly referred to as Re Stockist (RS). In Kolkata there are approximately 7 U1 Stockists and 5 U2 Stockists. These are appointed for a particular region of the city. Each Stockist is then responsible for distributing the goods to the retail counters in his region. On an average Each Stockiest caters to 700-900 retail outlets of the city. The retailers then provide the goods to consumers.
7 Ankur Mathur
U1 & U2
Then depending upon the type of products, sales, turnover and the number of retail counters a stockist is dealing with, the company has classified the stores into: Super Value Stores Smart / FLO Unicare Vijeta The stockist is also responsible for dealing with Modern retail outlets like shopper stop and pantaloon. The stockist also supplies the goods to CSD Canteens and bills them for the same and the difference in the amount is reimbursed by the company.
8 Ankur Mathur
Direct-to-Consumer Distribution
Project Sangam Direct- a non-store home delivery retail business - was conceptualized (2001) and test marketed by HLL in Mumbai. Sangam operates a dedicated call centre with trained personnel in Mumbai. The centre after procuring orders from customers passes them on for execution to a network of re-distribution agents. This model, which does not call for owning a physical warehousing or selling facility, offers the twin benefits of convenience and value to its customers. HLL, after understanding and analyzing consumer response, wanted to take the idea across the country.
9 Ankur Mathur
Ankur Mathur
Ankur Mathur
Ankur Mathur
Ankur Mathur
Thank You
Ankur Mathur