Derived from Greek word Bios (life) and metrikos (measure). It is an Authentication Technology. It is the process of identifying an individual by his/her physiological or behavioral characteristics.
Biometric Characteristics
Every individual should have it. No two should be the same. It should be permanent or should vary very slowly with time.
Additional requirements in real life applications
Accuracy, Speed, Robustness. Public acceptance. Should be robust enough to various fraudulent methods. ease of acquisition for measurement
Physiological characteristics
Fingerprint Hand geometry Iris Face Palmprint Infrared Thermogram Retina DNA Ear shape Skin Reflection
Behavioral characteristics
Signature Voice Key Stroke Gait Lip Motion
Who am I? Identification is one-to-many matching. Identity is different from individual Comparison is done with a large database.
Am I whom I claim to be? One-to-one matching. User gives his identity and biometric data.
It is a pattern of ridges and furrows on the tip of the each finger. Patterns are created by the inked impression on the paper or through digital images captured from the compact sensor. Matching is a process of comparing the minutiae patterns.
Only once during the existence of our solar system will two human beings be born with two similar finger makings Harpers Headline 1910.
Two like fingerprints would be found only once every 1048 years Scientific American 1911.
Feature Extraction
1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 3.
Fake fingerprints can easily be created. Liveness detection is a great problem. Most devices are not able to enroll small percentage of users due to cuts and bruises on finger.
Analyzes features found in the colored ring of tissue that surrounds the pupil. Features identified are textures with striations, contraction furrows, pits, rings and freckles.
IRIS samples
1. 2. 3.
Very high levels of accuracy. Each iris is a unique structure. Capable of reliable identification as well as verification.
1. 2. 3.
Some users dont accept eye-based technology. High cost capture devices. Any unusual lighting situations may effect the ability of the camera to acquire its subject.
Features identified are size of the eye, distance from eye to mouth, middle of mouth to chin, side of eye to cheek, size of mouth, and feature points.
Advantages: 1. Can search against static images such as drivers license photographs. 2. Cheap hardware components and easy to be added to the existing computer systems. 3. Operate without user cooperation. Disadvantages: 1. The accuracy is not satisfied. 2. Cannot handle identical twins. 3. Changes in acquisition environment and physiological characteristics reduce matching accuracy.
3D Hand Geometry
Simple biometric. Features that can be identified are shape and characteristics of finger/hand like size of the palm, finger length, width, area, thick, and their relationship between fingers etc.
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3.
Limited accuracy because of the simple features. Features are invariant over life span Human hand shape is not unique to each individual.
Utilizes the distinctive aspects of the voice to verify the identity of an individual. Features are frequency, pitch and tone of individuals voice. Least invasive of the biometric recognition technology is speech recognition.
Advantages 1. Capable of leveraging telephony infrastructure. 2. Requires no new hardware--- most PCs already contain a microphone. Disadvantages 1. Large size of the templates limits the number of potential applications. 2. Require long training time. 3. Cannot use in noise environment. 4. Can be mislead by mimicry
Infrared Thermogram
Captures the pattern of heat radiated by the human body with an infrared camera. Like face recognition it must deal with extra issues of 3D space and orientation of the face, hand or hand vein.
Advantages: 1. Pattern is unique for each person. 2. Technology can be used for covert recognition. Disadvantages: 1. Image acquisition is difficult when there are other heat emanating surfaces near the body. 2. Cost is high due to infrared sensors
Features are principal lines, ridges, wrinkles, datum points. New Technology. Automated palmprint authentication technology has been developed since 1996.
Recognition Techniques
Edge Detection and line detection techniques Gabor Filters, Fast Fourier Transforms Wavelets Genetic algorithms Neural Networks and Fuzzy methods
Advantages 1. Provides a larger surface area compared with the fingerprint, so that more features can be extracted. 2. High accuracy. 3. High user acceptance. Disadvantages 1. Since it is new biometric technology, there is not confidence from the public to use it. 2. Size of the device is bulky.
1. 2.
1. 2. 3.
Contamination and it is easy to steal a piece of DNA from an individual and use it for ulterior purpose. Real time application is not possible. Privacy issues since DNA sample taken from an individual is likely to show susceptibility of a person to some diseases.
Creates an eye signature from the vascular configuration of the retina which is supposed to be a characteristic of each individual and each eye, respectively.
1. 2. 1. 2.
Most secure biometric because it is protected in an eye itself. Equipment is costly. Retinal scan reveals some medical conditions and as such public acceptance is questionable. Not suitable for real time applications.
A simple, concrete expression of the unique variations in human hand geometry. The way a person signs his or her name is known to be characteristic of that individual.
1. 2. 3.
Easy to collect samples. Less cost. Easily suitable for real time applications. Behavioral biometric that change over a period of time. Influenced by physical and emotional conditions of the subject.
1. 2.
Keystroke dynamics is a behavioral characteristic of an individual. Advantage is that keystrokes of a person using a system could be monitored unobtrusively as that person is the keying information. Disadvantage is that it is not very distinctive.
Newer technology and is yet to be researched. It is a peculiar way one walks and it is a complex spatio-temporal biometrics. Advantage is easy acceptance and easy acquisition. It is suitable for low security applications. Disadvantage is that it may not remain the same over a long period of time due to change in body weight or serious brain damage.
Multimodal biometrics
Limitations of unimodal biometric systems can be overcome by using multimodal biometrics. Allows integration of two or more biometrics.
Biometrics in Banking
Current Authentication systems Online authentication
Bank Authentication
Securing client transactions and protect their privacy either remotely or onsite. Security of the banks infrastructure, controls what activities specific individuals or job functions have access to Protecting the physical security of facilities (vaults, safety deposit boxes) Protect against internal fraud and illegal transactions with applicant background checks.
Network Security
Access control
Background Checks
Bank of Central Asia (BCA) in Indonesia has around 8 million customers throughout the country Incorporated Identix fingerprint systems to secure the processing of high-value electronic fund transactions
Deutche bank is a European financial service provider with ~65,000 employees Installed AC Controls security to establish biometric access to their building
readers determine who can enter their offices and also restricts what areas each person can access
ING Direct installed live-scan fingerprint readers that channel electronic submissions to the FBI IAFIS database (Identix)
Voice biometric
Main advantage over fingerprints:
Works remotely (by phone), without special readers Used for transaction security Verifying the customer is the rightful owner Can be affected by outside noise
Banco Bradesco, South Americas largest private bank Incorporated Nuance technology to deploy a speech-enabled bill payment system
Can handle more than 300 simultaneous callers Enroll: (account number) Verify: Speak their account number Read the 48 digit bar code on the bill Then the system, extracts the payee, customer name, due date, and the payment amount Able to recognize accents and dialects of all Portuguese speakers in Brazil
Bill Payment
One of the most ancient forms of identification. Non-invasive, universal, and highly unique to all users Fast and easy to enroll and verify users no need to learn new skills
Fujitsu Technology
Three snapshots of the palm are taken in near infrared light. In the image produced the veins show up as dark patterns. This data forms the basis for security system. This data can be loaded onto a smart cash card and used at cash machines to identify the user of the card. Suruga Bank has already installed the system and it has been in operation since June 2005. The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi plans to deploy the system.
North and South America, Europe, and Asia Fingerprints Signature Vein Pattern Hand Geometry
These systems can be applied to virtually every aspect of the banking industry:
Transaction Security Employee attendance Network and Database Security Access facilities.
Setting level
Number of minutiae
The recommended minimum number of minutiae required for enrollment is 16 and for verification is 12. The maximum number of minutiae to be sent to a card is implementation dependent and related to:
Transmission time Memory resources Execution time Security aspects
Scalability Security Interoperability
Interoperability test
S. No. Vendor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Geodesic Scanner Suprema SFM33 Biomin Scanner Type Resolution Optical Optical Capacitive Spectral Capacitive Spectral Spectral Optical Optical 500 500 548 500 500 500 500 500
Track RF Link Footonics FS80 Linkewell Integra Analogics FINO Smart Chip Upek ICON 710 Lumidigm Upek Lumidigm venus series Lumidigm venus series Secugen Hamster 4