S.A. Basit
Classification of Cestodes
Order Pseudophyllidea. Scolex spatulate with bothria
Diphyllobothrium latum
Order Cyclophyllidea. Scolex globular with four cuplike suckers 1. Species which require vertebtrate IH
Taenia solium
Tanenia saginata
Diphyllidium caninum Hymenolepis diminuta
Hymenolepis nana
Echinococcus granulosus Echinococcus multilocularis
General Characteristics
adults are ribbon-like or tape-like in appearance
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mature segments
gravid segments
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spatulate with bothria uterine pore: present
globular scolex w/4 -
ova embryo: coracidium (ciliated) 2 IH 2 larvae 1. procercoid larva 2. plerocercoid larvae S.A. Basit
cup like suckers uterine pore: absent genital pore: side undergoes apolysis mature non operculated ova 1 IH 1 larva which could be: Cysticercus Cysticercoid Hydatid cyst
Diphyllobothrium latum
Broad Fish tapeworm (Lumbricus latus, 1656)
Sparganosis unarmed scolex provided w/ bothria adult worm is ivory white measures 3-10 m or
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Ova - operculated
shelled, golden yellow, measures 58-76 by 40-51 um. coracidium-ciliated procercoid-measures 550 um in length w/ 3 pairs of hooklets plerocercoid-measures 6 mm in length, no scolex
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Adult D. latum
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brain, orbit Sparganosis: 1. ingestion of infected cyclops containing procercoid stage 2. ingestion of raw infected flesh of amphibians,reptiles,birds or mammals with sparganum 3. local application of the flesh of infected vertebrates to the skin 4. ingestion of raw pork
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recovery of the eggs in stool sparganosis- surgical removal Niclosamide and praziquantel against adult D. latum Prevention includes thorough cooking of freshwater fish and freezing of fish at 10 deg C for 24-48 hours. Sparganosis can be prevented by boiling or filtering of water.
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Taenia solium
Pork tapeworm (verme solitario) Taeniasis solium Cysticercosis adult worm measurtes 2-3 m in length head/scolex is globular in shape w/ 4 cup-shaped
suckers scolex-rostellum armed with ac double row of hooklets egg is spherical, brown and measures 31-56 um in diameter it has 2 radially-striated shells, inside the embryo are 6 hooklets. S.A. Basit the larval stage is called cysticercus cellulosae
T. Solium scolex
Cysticercus cellulosae: the larva and infective stage isolated from measly pork
insuffeciently cooked pork containing cysticercus celluloseae. - not so serious condition as compared to cysticercosis
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with the larval stage caused by ingestion of eggs of T. solium or through regurgitation of eggs and gravid segments of the parasite into the stomach *Cysticercosis develops in the pigs tissue and the meat is termed MEASLY PORK The pathology produced however by the larval stage ( cysticercus cellulosae) is quite serious because it may lodge in the vital organs like S.A. Basit brain, spinal cord, heart liver, eyes, etc.) giving rise to pressure symptoms.
Brain cysticercosis
Lab Dx
demonstration of Taenia eggs in stool
branches as compared w/ T. saginata- more than 15 scolex: T. solium- w/ rostellum armed w/ spines T. saginata- neither rostellum nor spines cysticercosis: tissue biopsy (biopsy of nodules)
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Praziquantel, Paromomycin
Prevention:avoid eating insufficiently cooked pork
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Taenia species
T. solium
armed scolex w/
T. saginata
unarmed scolex no
rostellum <13 uterine branches IH: pig larva: cysticercus cellulosae cysticercosis pork tapeworm
rostellum >15 uterine branches IH: cattle larva: cysticercus bovis no cysticercosis beef tapeworm
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Taenia saginata
Common name: beef tapeworm producing
taeniasis saginata or beef tapeworm infection Adult is whitish, opaque in color, and measures on the average of 5-10 min. in length---15m. The worm is attached to the mucosa of the intestines by means of the scolex IH: cattle, carabao, goats
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more dangerous to be infected by T. solium than
with T. saginata because there seems to be no cysticercosis in man due to T. saginata. pathology caused by this parasite is mainly due to its large size which is responsible in the disturbance in the normal functions of digestive tract.
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Lab Dx
stool exam using concentration technique
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Dipylidium caninum
Common name: dog tapeworm or double-
pored tapeworm producing dipylidiasis primarily a parasite of dogs but man is ocassionally infected by accidental ingestion of dog fleas containing the larvae proglottids have double set of reproductive organs and a genital pore on each lateral margin
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Actual size
degree of pathogenicity depends on intensity of
infection consists of slight intestinal disturbances Common tapeworm of dog and cat but man is ocassionally infected by ingestion of dog fleas containing the larvae. infection more common among children suggesting their greater exposure
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prolottids passed in the feces eggs in egg capsule are seldom seen in feces Quinacrine, niclosamide cats and dogs should be dewormed periodically insecticide dusting of dogs and cats to kill fleas
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Hymenolepis diminuta
Common name: rat tapeworm scolex small, club-shaped with 4-cup-shaped
suckers mature segments of H nana and H diminuta are hard to distinguish pathology: similar to other tapeworm infection recovery of characteristic eggs from patients stool adult worms at times maybe expelled spontaneously man is ocassionally infected through accidental infection of invertebrae host. common parasite of rat, mouse and dog
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Cysticeroid larva
Immature segment
Mature segment
Gravid segment
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Hymenolepis nana
dwarf tapeworm
suckers and a short rostellum armed with a ring of 20 to 30 spines strobila: short, narrow proglottids gravid: completely filled with eggs eggs: spherical or subspherical hyaline measures 30 to 47 um
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Actual appearance
Mature segment
Echinococcus granulosus
Common name: hydatid worm producing
unilocular echinococcus or hydatid disease smallest tapeworm parasitizing man consisting only of a scolex, neck, and 3 segments very rare infection in the Phil. common parasite of dogs, wolves, jackals, coyotes, and other canines
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Immature segment
Gravid segment
growing cyst lodged in vital organs like liver,
lungs, brain, and heart interfere with the function of the organ. uniocular cyst found in the bone is called osseous hydatid cyst
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Hydatid cyst
Lab Dx
unilocular cysts are diagnosed later in life only
after they have grown to a tremendous size. hydatid disease can be diagnosed by:
1. roentgenogram 2. exploratory cyst puncture 3. immunologic tests
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Radiographic Examination
surgical removal of hydatid cyst
dogs dogs should be prevented from eating carcasses of sheep, cattle, and hogs in endemic areas dogs should be dewormed periodically
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