Cestodes Summary Finals
Cestodes Summary Finals
Cestodes Summary Finals
granulosus Spirometra
Order Cyclophyllidea Cyclophyllidea Cyclophyllidea Pseudophyllidea Cyclophyllidea Cyclophyllidea Cyclophyllidea Cyclophyllidea Cyclophyllidea Pseudophyllidea
Common Fish or road Dog or double Madagascar
Beef tapeworm Pork tapeworm Dwarf tapeworm Rat tapeworm
name tapeworm pored tapeworm worm
Spatulate /
Small and Minute and Pyriform and
Scolex Cuboidal Spherical spoon-shaped / Subglobular Subglobular
globular Subglobular taeniid
4 cup shaped
4 prominent 4 cup shaped 4 deeply cupped
Acetabula acetabula
4 acetabula No acetabula
4 acetabula 4 acetabula
Segment/ Anapolytic;
Apolytic Apolytic Apolytic Apolytic Apolytic Apolytic Apolytic Apolytic Anapolytic
Proglottid broad; wide
# of Proglottid 1,000 – 4,000 800 – 1,000 300 – 1,000 May have 4,000 175 - 220 175 - 220
Lateral 15 – 20 lateral 7 – 13 lateral 11 – 32 lateral
Branches branches branches branches
Retractable; Protrusible Armed w/ 2
Double crown Prominent
armed w/ single Rudimentary rostellum w/ 1 – alternating rows
Devoid of hooks rostellum (25 rostellum No rostellum and Armed w/ 30 –
Rostellum or rostellum -30 large and devoid of hooklets
row of 20 – 30 unarmed 7 rows of rose of 90 -140
36 hooks
Y-shaped rostellum thorn-shaped hammer-
small hooks) hooklets
hooklets hooklets shaped hooks
Uterine Pore Side Side Side Centrally Located Side Side Side Side Side
30-47 um; 60 – 80 um; bile
spherical or stained;
66 x 44 um;
30 – 35 um; subspherical; oncosphere is Spindle-
Yellowish brown
spherical or colorless, clay- enclosed in shaped;
w/ moderately
subspherical; 30 - 45 um; colored; inner membrane Spherical, thin oncosphere is
thick shell and
brownish w/ Brown striated oncosphere has w/c has bipolar shelled with enclosed in 2
striated embryophore thin outer and thickenings but hexacanth thin
Egg / ova embryophore; surrounding a
thick inner lack bipolar embryo; egg membranes –
oncosphere w/ 3 hexacanth membrane w/ filament; packet (8-15 outer elongated
(small knob-like
pairs of hooklets embryo conspicuous hooklets have eggs) membrane and
(hexacanth bipolar fan-like inner spherical
opposire of
embryo) thickening (4 -8 arrangement membrane
hair-like bipolar (sunny side up
filaments) egg)
1 – 4 eggs in
# of eggs / 97, 000 – 124, 30, 000 – 1,000,000
8 – 15 eggs each 200 – 400
ova 000 50,000 passed everyday
egg capsules
1st : Coracidium
Larva/ Larval Cysticercus Cysticercus Cysticercus
2nd :Procercoid Cysticercoid Cysticercoid Cysticercoid Cysticercoid Hydatid
Stages bovis cellulosae viscerotropica
3rd: Plerocercoid
Pathology Taeniasis Taeniasis Taeniasis Diphyllobothriasi Headache, Slight discomfort, Painful edema,
saginata solium; s dizziness, epigastric pain, periodic giant
Cysticercosis anorexia, diarrhea, anal urticarial,
(larvae lodge in pruritus of the pruritus, allergic erythema with
the brain and nose and anus, reaction, chills, fever and
spinal cord) abdominal pain, moderate high
diarrhea, pallor, eosinophilia eosinophilia
weight loss
Heavy infection -
T. saginata T. solium T. asiatica D. latum H. nana H. diminuta D. caninum R. garrisoni E. granulosus Spirometra
Eggs in feces
IS to 1st IH: IS to DH:
Coracidium Hydatid cyst
Infective Cysticercus Cysticercus IS to 2nd IH: IS to accidental
celluslosae and Cystecercoid Cysticercoid Cysticercoid
Stage bovis viscerotropica Procercoid host:
IS to Human: Embryonated
Plerocercoid egg
Cat flea
s felis)
1st IH: Marine
Intermediate Wild boars and May or may not Human Flea Sheep, goat, pig
Cattle Pig crustacean Insects
Host monkeys
2nd IH: fish
require IH (Pulex irritans) swine
Dog louse
Definitive Humans, dogs,
Man Norway rats
Host cats
Ingestion of Ingestion of
Ingestion of Ingestion of
improperly improperly Ingestion of
contaminated eggs (direct LF)
MOT cooked meat w/ cooked meat w/ improperly
fishes containing Ingestion of fleas
Ingestion of flea Ingestion Ingestion Ingestion Ingestion
cysticercus cysticercus cooked meat
plerocercoid (indirect LF)
bovis cellulosae